Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f62-subject=Women -- Services for -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f62-subject%3DWomen%20--%20Services%20for%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland.
Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f62-subject=Women -- Services for -- Ohio -- Cleveland.Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMTYoung Women's Christian Association of Cleveland Records. Young Women's Christian Association of Cleveland
The Young Women's Christian Association of Cleveland (YWCA) is a women's social and service organization founded in 1869 in Cleveland, Ohio, as the Women's Christian Association of Cleveland. In 1893 it became the Young Women's Christian Association. The collection consists of reports, histories, bulletins, broadsides, scrapbooks, and minutes containing rosters, attendance records, correspondence and other materials., 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMTPhillis Wheatley Association Records. Phillis Wheatley Association
The Phillis Wheatley Association is a Cleveland, Ohio, self-help organization designed to help young African American women adjust to city life. It was organized in 1911 by Jane Edna Hunter and originally called the Working Girls Home Association. Services included a boarding house, homemaking classes, and recreational, literary and social activities. The collection consists of financial and committee reports, minutes, financial statements, insurance policies, newspaper clippings, printed brochures, speeches, and correspondence., 01 Jan 2023 12:00:00 GMTTheresa Edwards Summons Papers. Summons, Theresa Edwards
Theresa Edwards Summons moved to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1932 to live and work out of the Phillis Wheatley Association residence. She was employed as a maid, servant, and laborer. In 1934, she married Berton Summons. He worked as a bellman, and later as a real estate broker with an office in the Lee-Harvard community of Cleveland. The collection consists of personal letters, correspondence, telegraphs, a booklet, newspaper clippings, and notes., 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMTPlanned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland, Inc. Records. Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland, Inc.
Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland opened its first clinic on March 20, 1928 in theOsborn Building, located at Huron Road and Prospect Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. Before the organization was recognized for its affiliation with Planned Parenthood Federation of American Inc., it was known as the Maternal Health Center. The center was started by Dorothy Hamilton Brush, Katherine Bingham Fisher and Hortense Oliver Shepard, a group of women who wanted to help families who needed birth control services for social and economic reasons. When the organization first began, services were only available to married women. As the organization grew, however, so did the number of services it offered. By 1965, the organization had added a west side branch, a fertility clinic, and a "mobile unit" that dispersed various maternal health services around the Cleveland area. In 1966, the Maternal Health Association changed its name to Planned Parenthood of Greater Cleveland (PPGC). Today the organization has been expanded to si..., 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT