720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f62-subject=Charity organization.);f62-subject%3DCharity%20organization. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f62-subject=Charity organization. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Foundation Records. Cleveland Foundation The Cleveland Foundation was the first community trust in the United States. It was organized in Cleveland, Ohio in 1914 by Frederick J. Goff and the Board of Directors of the Cleveland Trust Company. It has provided funds for educational and artistic development and for humanitarian purposes such as housing and aid to children and the handicapped. The collection consists of annual reports, pamphlets and minutes of the Foundation, and grant files of recipient organizations, containing correspondence, surveys, photographs, grant proposals, pamphlets and booklets. Also included are files on individuals who had contact with the Foundation. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT John A. Greene Papers. Greene, John A. John A. Greene (b. 1893) was a Cleveland, Ohio, business executive who was heavily involved in social service and philanthropic activities. He was a Trustee of the Cleveland Community Fund and President of the Welfare Federation of Cleveland and of the United Community Funds and Councils of America. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, letter copies, correspondence, minutes of meetings, proposals, speeches, pamphlets, and brochures pertaining to a variety of organizations. Also included are some personal and family correspondence, insurance policies, and related material. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT United Torch Services Records. United Torch Services United Torch Services was organized in 1957, as the United Appeal, to coordinate fund-raising for Cleveland, Ohio, social service agencies and charities. It was the successor to the Cleveland Community Fund (est. 1919). In 1971 it changed its name to United Torch Services. It became United Way Services in 1978. The collection consists of legal documents, minutes, annual reports, financial records, personnel rosters and service records, correspondence, studies, surveys, clippings, brochures, pamphlets, yearbooks, scrapbooks, posters, and radio scripts. Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Federation for Community Planning Records. Federation for Community Planning The Federation for Community Planning was founded in 1913 as the Federation for Charity and Philanthropy, to coordinate funding for the numerous charities in Cleveland, Ohio. It merged with the Welfare Council of Cleveland in 1917 to form the Cleveland Welfare Federation. In 1972 it became the Federation for Community Planning. By 1919 it had given up solicitation of funds and by 1966 their allocation also, evolving into a specialized community planning agency. Today, the organization is known as the Center for Community Solutions. The collection consists of minutes, correspondence, reports, clippings and publications of the Federation for Community Planning, the Welfare Federation, the Federation for Charity and Philanthropy and various bodies allied to these organizations, files of the executive directors Edward D. Lynde and William T. McCullough, speech texts, television and radio scripts, personnel files and news releases. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT