720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f59-subject=Cleveland International Program.);f59-subject%3DCleveland%20International%20Program. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f59-subject=Cleveland International Program. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Henry B. Ollendorff Papers. Ollendorff, Henry B. Henry B. Ollendorff (1906-1979) was a German-born and -trained lawyer who took up social work after coming to the United States to escape Nazi Germany. Head social worker at the Friendly Inn Social Settlement in 1943 and executive director of the Neighborhood Settlement Association from 1948-1963, Ollendorff founded the Cleveland International Program, which grew into the Council of International Programs, formally established in 1956 as a social worker exchange program designed to promote international understanding. In the next 22 years, the program brought to the U.S. representatives from 105 countries. In 1978, trustees of the Council established a foundation in Ollendorff's name to continue his efforts toward world peace and friendship. The collection consists of biographical materials, speeches, drafts of speeches, correspondence, clippings, and a 1982 annual report of the Council of International Programs. The collection is useful for understanding Ollendorff's work with the council and his politica... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Seth and Frances Taft Papers. Taft, Seth and Frances Seth Chase Taft (December 31, 1922-April 14, 2013) was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Charles P. and Eleanor Chase Taft. He is the grandson of American president William Howard Taft. He married Frances Prindle (December 12, 1921-May 14, 2017) on June 19, 1943 and they had four children: Frederick I. (Rick) (b. June 26, 1945), Thomas P. (b. July 19, 1948), Cynthia B. (b. May 24, 1950), and Seth Tucker (Tucker) (b. March 4, 1953). They were active members of the greater Cleveland, Ohio, cultural, civic, and political community. The collection consists of 31 scrapbooks which include agendas, birth announcements, birthday cards, brochures, building permits, campaign literature, certificates, children's artwork and letters, Christmas cards and newsletters, contracts, correspondence, currency, flyers, greeting cards, interviews, invitations, itineraries, journal articles, lecture paperwork, legal briefs, licenses, lists, magazine articles, maps, memoranda, menus, newsletters, newspaper articles, newspaper clippings... Sun, 01 Jan 2017 12:00:00 GMT