720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f57-subject=Street-railroads -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f57-subject%3DStreet-railroads%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f57-subject=Street-railroads -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland City Council Records. Cleveland City Council The 1909 Cleveland, Ohio, City Council served during the final tenure of Mayor Tom L. Johnson, and prior to Home Rule. At this time, council was embroiled in the controversy over municipal ownership of Cleveland's street railways and the $.03 fare. The controversy was settled with voter approval in 1910 of the compromise "Tayler Grant" which called for "service at cost," a $.03 fare, and city supervision of the Cleveland Electric Railway Company, reorganized as the Cleveland Railway Company. The collection consists of papers dealing with railways and the Street Railway Ordinance, including minutes of meetings of the Council of the Whole, January 20 to October 14, 1909; addresses of attorney Homer H. McKeehan, July 19 and 20, 1909; transcript of the arbitration proceedings before U.S. federal judge Robert W. Tayler (arbitrator) concerning differences between the Cleveland City Council and the Cleveland Electric Railway Company over the proposed Street Railway Ordinance, including Judge Tayler's decision, Oct... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Tom L. Johnson Papers. Tom L. Johnson Tom L. Johnson (1854-1911) was the reform Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio (1901-1909), and disciple of Henry George. Johnson began his career as an industrialist and traction magnate (he was owner of the Cleveland Electric Railway Company). He was most noted for his progressive administration of Cleveland's municipal government. The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, legal papers, and miscellaneous printed materials. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Peter Witt Papers. Witt, Peter Peter Witt (1869-1948) was the Cleveland, Ohio traction commissioner (1912-1915) under Mayor Newton D. Baker and city councilman (1924-1927) who served as a transit consultant for several major United States cities. He was a close friend and ally of Cleveland mayor Tom L. Johnson. The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, articles, reports, campaign literature, interview notes made by Louis Plost, scrapbooks, and newspaper clippings, relating chiefly to Witt's political activities and especially to his association with Tom L. Johnson, mayor of Cleveland. Some of the papers relate to Witt's work as a transit consultant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Newark, New Jersey, in the 1920s. Correspondents include Eugene V. Debs, Elizabeth J. Hauser, Tom L. Johnson, P.J. Mitten, and Brand Whitlock. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Historic Sites of Cleveland Records. Works Progress Administration The Historic Sites of Cleveland Project was funded through the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which gathered data during the Great Depression (1930s) on historic sites and organizations in and around Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of real estate transfer records (1800-1885) for Cleveland and Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and material relating to boardinghouses, bridges, buildings, canals, cemeteries, churches, civic and social institutions, dwellings, educational institutions, hospitals, hotels, military sites, manufacturing and commercial agents, public buildings, railroads, restaurants and saloons, roads, streets, theaters, and halls. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Donald McBride Family Papers. McBride, Donald Family Donald McBride was a lawyer and businessman and son of John Harris McBride, owner of Root & McBride Company, a leading wholesale dry goods establishment in Cleveland, Ohio. Donald's brothers, Malcolm and Herbert, were officers in Root & McBride Company. His sister Grace was married to Dr. George Crile, and his sister Edith was married to Henry S. Sherman, chairman of Society for Savings, 1903-1936. Donald's wife, Mary Helen Harman McBride, was daughter of industrialist Ralph A. Harman, who ran Cleveland Forge and Iron Company, was a founder of Cleveland Trust Company, and a director of Cleveland Electric Railway Company. Mary Helen's sister Grace was married to Samuel Livingston Mather, and her sister Sue was married to diplomat John Pelenyi. Her great aunt, Grace Harman Wade, was married to Jeptha H. Wade. The collection consists of Harman and McBride family correspondence, genealogies, coats of arms, reminiscences, memorials, school reports, scrapbooks, ledgers, journals, diaries, newspaper clippings, obit... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT