720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f57-subject=Nonprofit organizations -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f57-subject%3DNonprofit%20organizations%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f57-subject=Nonprofit organizations -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT American Heraldric Review, 1973-1974. American Heraldic Association (Cleveland, OH) Miscellaneous materials relating to the American Heraldic Review, including: 1. issues of the American Heraldic Review, published by the American Heraldic Association, Vol. I No. I-Vol. 2 No. 4, and 2. a poster advertising the rules for eligibility of entries and entrants in the new city seal design competition Mon, 01 Jan 1973 12:00:00 GMT Association for the Crippled & Disabled (Cleveland, Ohio), 1918. The Association for the Crippled and Disabled (Cleveland, OH) Miscellaneous materials relating to the Association for the Crippled and Disabled, including: handout from November 1918 providing information about the Association for the Crippled and Disabled including financial statements for the year and a listing of the board of trustees, officers, and committee chairment Tue, 01 Jan 1918 12:00:00 GMT Katherine and Lee Chilcote Foundation Records. Katherine and Lee Chilcote Foundation The Katherine and Lee Chilcote Foundation was established in 1986 by Katherine H. Chilcote (1911-1987), and the four Chilcote children: Ronald Chilcote (b.1935), Lee Chilcote (b.1942), Katherine [Chilcote] Pender (b.1937), and Patricia [Chilcote] Elledge (b.1952) as a funding source for areas of interest to each, including arts and culture, sustainable development, economic and social redevelopment, and for children with special needs and their families. The collection consists of grant files, administrative files, and correspondence. Sun, 01 Jan 2017 12:00:00 GMT College Club of Cleveland Foundation Records. College Club of Cleveland Foundation The College Club of Cleveland Foundation was established in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1988 by the College Club of Cleveland to award and manage scholarships supporting women's education. The collection consists of annual and Board of Trustees meeting minutes and materials, financial records, and scholarship records and information. Sun, 01 Jan 2017 12:00:00 GMT Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives Records. Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives The Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives is a Cleveland, Ohio-based professional organization concerned with professionalism and competency for all its members. The members of the organization are salaried, administrative fundraising executives for non-profit organizations, institutions, and societies. Prior to 1972 the organization was the Northern Ohio chapter of the National Society of Fund Raisers. In 1972, the group disassociated from the national group, and reorganized as a local group, calling itself the Northern Ohio Association of Fund Raisers. The name was modified to the Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives in 1975. The collection consists of correspondence, minutes, programs, membership applications, newsletters, membership rosters, publications, and financial statements. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Frederick C. Crawford Family Papers. Crawford, Frederick C. Family Frederick C. Crawford (1891-1994) was a Cleveland, Ohio, industrialist and philanthropist. Crawford headed Thompson Products, Inc. (later TRW Inc.) as it moved from an automotive and aircraft parts manufacturer into the aviation and aerospace industries. A leader of Cleveland's philanthropic community, Crawford served on the boards of many cultural institutions. He was appointed to the Western Reserve Historical Society Board of Trustees in 1944 and later served as it's president. He was instrumental in the transfer of the Thompson Auto Album and Aviation Museum collection to WRHS in the 1960s, which became the nucleus of the Frederick C. Crawford Auto-Aviation Collection of WRHS. Crawford was married twice; to Audrey Cecelia Bowles in 1932, and to Kathleen M. Saxon in 1975. The collection consists of genealogies, biographical sketches, correspondence, appointment diaries and calendars, ledgers, annual financial summaries, bank statements, trust deeds, tax assessments, returns and other financial documents,... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Joseph Family Papers. Joseph Family The Joseph Family is a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish family. Moritz Joseph arrived in the United States in 1853 from Gauersheim, Rheinpfalz, Germany, during the nineteenth-century German-Jewish immigration period. Settling in Cleveland in 1872, Joseph became successful in the manufacturing ofmen's clothing incorporating that operation as the Joseph and Feiss Company in 1907. The company, formed out of previously operating businesses, was one of the largest manufacturers of men's clothing in the United States. Moritz Joseph married Jette Selig in 1853; the marriage produced four sons. Three of them, Isaac, Fred, and Siegmund, and Siegmund's son Ralph, worked all or part of their careers with the Joseph and Feiss Company. The foruth son, Emil, Emil's son Frank E., and Frank E.'s son William R., became lawyers after graduating from Columbia University Law School. Frank E. Joseph was a promient lawyer and a partner at the Jones, Day, Cockley, & Reavis law firm. The family has been very active in both leader... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT