720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f55-subject=Real property -- Ohio -- Western Reserve.);f55-subject%3DReal%20property%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Western%20Reserve. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f55-subject=Real property -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT John Morgan Papers. Morgan, John John Morgan was a Hartford, Connecticut resident who, along with John Caldwell and Jonathan Brace, was one of the original trustees of the Connecticut Land Company. The deed of trust to them from the 35 company proprietors was the original title source to most of the property in the Connecticut Western Reserve, the area in what is now northeastern Ohio consisting of over 3 million acres which was bought by the company on credit in 1795 for $1.2 million. The collection consists of contracts, agreements, and quitclaim deeds pertaining to land in the Western Reserve. Parties involved in the transactions include John Morgan, Daniel L. Coit, Samuel Hinckley, Joseph Howland, Elias Morgan and Ephraim Root. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Mastick and Tomlinson Family Papers. Mastick and Tomlinson Family The families of Benjamin Mastick, of Windham, Vermont, and Levi Tomlinson, of Derby, Connecticut, intermarried after relocating in Burton, Ohio, and Rockport (now Rocky River), Ohio. The collection consists of correspondence, account books, land deeds, agreements, estate papers, legal documents, and financial records of the Mastick and Tomlinson families. Includes correspondence relating to Levi Tomlinson's activities as land agent for shareholders in the Connecticut Land Company and material on the development of Rockport, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Also includes account books of Levi Tomlinson and Benjamin Mastick; land deeds, agreements, estate papers, legal documents, and financial records concerning Joseph, Benjamin, Benjamin, Jr., Cynthia, Elliot, Asahel, and Edwin B. Mastick and Levi and Lewis Tomlinson; petitions by citizens of Rockport, Ohio, addressed to the commissioners of Cuyahoga County, and other documents relating to the growth and development of that township; and a letterbook of Edwing B. Masti... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Lemuel Punderson Papers. Punderson, Lemuel Lemuel Punderson was an attorney and land agent in Burton, Ohio, for William Ely, of Hartford, Connecticut, Henry Thorndike, of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, and John Wyles, of Brimfield, Massachusetts. The collection consists of correspondence, contracts and deeds to land in the Western Reserve, powers of attorney, and receipts. Also includes some correspondence from Amzi Atwater, Benjamin Dwight, Asa Gilbert, Silas Hotchkiss, Andrew Hull, Jared Kirtland, Turhand Kirtland, William Lattimore, Charles Parker, Robert B. Parkman, and Simon Perkins. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Daniel Lathrop Coit Papers. Coit, Daniel Lathrop Daniel Lathrop Coit (1754-1833) was a resident of Norwich, Connecticut, and original shareholder in the Connecticut Land Company that developed the Western Reserve and Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of land agreements and associated papers concerning sales by Coit to residents of Medina and Portage Counties, Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Samuel Mather Record Book. Mather, Samuel Samuel Mather, Jr. (b. 1745) was a descendant of Cotton and Increase Mather. He owned land in York and Lafayette townships, Medina County, and in Sheffield, Ashtabula County. His heirs included his sons, Thomas, Samuel and James Mather, and his daughters, Anna Lord, Mehitable and Margaret Sill, Fanny Chapman and Lydia Hubbard. The collection consists of a bound volume detailing the distribution of Mather's estate, entitled "Division of lands in the Western Reserve state of Ohio belonging to Samuel Mather Junior Esq. deceased among his heirs." Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Connecticut Land Company Miscellaneous Records. Connecticut Land Company The Connecticut Land Company (1795-1809) was a syndicate of 35 groups representing 58 individuals who purchased on credit the majority of Connecticut's Western Reserve land as a speculative venture. Proceeds from the sale of the Reserve were used to establish the Connecticut School Fund. The Western Reserve was that area of northeastern Ohio which Connecticut reserved for her citizens in 1786 in exchange for ceding the remainder of her western land claims to the newly-formed United States government. Settlers were slow to purchase Reserve lands, and many of the original proprietors did not make any profits due to company mismanagement. The collection consists of correspondence of Elias Perkins, Joseph Perkins, Oliver Phelps and various other interested people as well as an historical sketch of the Western Reserve lands, land records of New Lisbon, Ohio, and will and estate records. This collection pertains primarily to the efforts of company members to sell the land and settle the frontier known as Connect... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Elijah Wadsworth Family Papers. Wadsworth, Elijah Elijah Wadsworth (1747-1817) was a Western Reserve pioneer who came from Litchfield, Connecticut, to Canfield, Ohio, in 1802. He was sheriff of Trumbull County and Major-General of the 4th Division, Ohio Militia during the War of 1812. His son, Frederick Wadsworth, was sheriff of Portage County, Ohio. Wedworth Wadsworth, a cousin, lived in Durham, Connecticut. the collection consists of correspondence, letter copies, autograph envelopes with biographical data on prominent Western Reserve residents, land lists, surveys, indentures, accounts, receipts, summonses, depositions, and Ohio Militia election returns, military receipts, provision returns, and morning papers, belonging to Elijah, Frederick, and Wedworth Wadsworth. Included are a number of letters from Samuel Huntington, 1765-1817. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Bernard Rich Hollander Papers. Hollander, Bernard Rich Bernard R. Hollander (1927-1975) was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, attorney who was a leader in many legal, civic, Jewish and educational organizations, including Anshe Chesed Congregation, the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods and Expo Israel '70. The collection consists of correspondence, notes, writings, appointment calendars, clippings, memorabilia, papers relating to Hollander's activities in various Jewish organizations, and business or legal papers of Sidney and Helen Rich Hollander, Hollander Drug Company and Louis Rich. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT John Breck Family Papers, Joint Manuscript and Microfilm Edition. Breck, John Family The John Breck family, natives of Massachusetts, purchased land in the Western Reserve from the Connecticut Land Company. By 1803, John Breck was sole owner of the family's land in what is now Brecksville, Ohio. He married Clarissa Allen and they had six children. Seth Paine and Alfred Wolcott surveyed the Breck family land in 1811. Paine and his family became Brecksville's first settlers. The first family member to live in Brecksville was John Breck's nephew, the Reverend Joseph Hunt Breck, who later settled in Newburgh, Ohio. John Breck's sons John Adams, Theodore, and Edward, came to Brecksville in 1830. Theodore Breck was a merchant in Brecksville, served as a Cuyahoga County commissioner, and represented the Brecksville area in the Ohio state legislature. Edward M. Breck setled in Huntsburg, Geauga County, Ohio, and in later years returned to Brecksville. His son, Edward King Breck, married Mary Louisa Oakes of Brecksville, and they had two children. Their son, Theodore Breck attended Oberlin College and... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Elijah Wadsworth Family Papers, Series II. Wadsworth, Elijah family General Elijah Wadsworth (1747-1817) was a prominent figure in the early history of Ohio's Western Reserve who served in both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. He was a captain in the 2nd continental light dragoons in the Revolutionary War and was the commander, major-general, of the 4th division of the Ohio Militia during the War of 1812. Wadsworth was also the largest land owner in Canfield during its early years, and its first postmaster, and its tax collector during the early years. Elijah Wadsworth's two descendants who are most frequently encountered in the collection are Maria C. Wadsworth and Henry Wadsworth. Maria C. Wadsworth was the daughter, and only child, of Elijah Wadsworth's son George. She lived in Canfield and married William B. Dawson. Henry Wadsworth (1784-1830) was a son of Elijah Wadsworth. He stayed behind in Litchfield, Connecticut, when Gen. Wadsworth moved to Canfield, and stayed in the general area all his life. Frederick, (1786-1869) George (1793-1832), and Rhoda Wadsworth... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Manuscripts Relating to the Early History of the Connecticut Western Reserve. Western Reserve Historical Society The Connecticut Western Reserve was the area of northeast Ohio that Connecticut had reserved for her citizens in 1786 in exchange for ceding all western land claims to the U.S. government. The area comprised all land south of Lake Erie to 41' latitude and within 120 miles of Pennsylvania's western border. The Connecticut Land Company (1795-1809) was authorized by Connecticut to purchase and resell most of the Western Reserve, and received title to all Reserve land except for the 500,000-acre Firelands on the extreme west which was reserved for Connecticut victims whose lands were burned by the British in the Revolution. Gen. Moses Cleaveland, a company director and its general agent, led the first company survey party to the Reserve in 1796 and founded the settlement of Cleveland at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. The collection consists of records of the Connecticut Land Company, including articles of association, proceedings, reports, minutes, accounts, records of drafts, and other papers, 1795-1827; la... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Harmon Family Papers. Harmon Family The Harmon family moved to Mantua, Portage County, Ohio from Suffield Connecticut, in 1799. Elias Harmon held several public offices and was land agent for many Connecticut residents. His son, Orrin, was active in the land business and was surveyor for Portage County and the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Julian Harmon was the son of Orrin. The collection contains the papers of Elias, Orrin, Julian and Martin Harmon. Includes correspondence, diaries, financial accounts and receipts, land deeds and memoranda of sales, legal documents, estate papers, powers of attorney, tax records, notebooks, surveys, and other papers, documenting their note collection and land agency business. Also, includes material on the Protection Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, the Franklin and Warren Railroad, the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal, the Independent Knights of Temperance, and the fur trade and anti-slavery movement, with references to state and national politics, banking policies, and anti-masonic movements. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Zalmon Fitch Papers. Fitch, Zalmon Zalmon Fitch (1785-1860) was an early Ohio attorney and land agent, and a leader in the financial circles of Cleveland and Warren, Ohio. Born in Norwalk, Connecticut, Fitch established the second general store in the Western Reserve in Canfield, Ohio, in 1810. He moved to Warren in 1813 and served as the land agent for several of the original stockholders of the Connecticut Land Company. Fitch was cashier of the Western Reserve Bank when it was established in 1816 and served in that capacity for 23 years until he became president. Fitch was the trustee appointed by the receivers of the Bank of Cleveland to settle its affairs after its collapse in the Panic of 1837. Fitch also served on the board of directors of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad in 1859. The ollection consists of correspondence, contracts, surveys, financial calculations, tax records, receipts, promissory notes, sight drafts, insurance policies, powers of attorney, and miscellaneous legal papers, relating to Fitch's activities as a land age... Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Calvin Pease Papers. Pease, Calvin Calvin Pease (1776-1839) was a lawyer, legislator and judge, of Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio, in the Connecticut Western Reserve. Pease came to the Western Reserve from Connecticut in 1800. He was admitted to the bar and was appointed the first clerk of the court of quarter sessions, a position he held until 1803. He served as judge of the Third Circuit, Court of Common Pleas (1803-1810), and justice of the Ohio Supreme Court (1816-1830). Pease also served as a tax collector, primarily in Trumbull County, from 1801-1819. He served in the Ohio state legislature from Trumbull County, and also was the official agent for the U.S. postmaster-general in northeastern Ohio. He was a delegate to the canal convention meeting in Warren in 1833. Pease continued the private practice of law until his death at Warren in 1839. The collection consists of correspondence; personal papers including land records, tax records, bank notes and accounts; business papers including bills, receipts, agreements, and deeds; field notes ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Western Reserve Manuscripts (Western Reserve Historical Society Manuscript Vertical File). Various The Western Reserve Manuscripts is a collection of small manuscript accessions that have been donated to the Western Reserve Historical Society since its founding in 1867. These manuscripts often consist of one document but can include multiple items contained in one folder. This collection of material documents numerous subjects and themes in the history of Cleveland, Ohio, and the region of northeast Ohio known as the Western Reserve. The collection consists of advertisements, agreements, applications, articles, autobiographies, autograph books and autographs, biographical sketches, certificates, correspondence, deeds, diaries, drawings, envelopes, genealogies, histories, indentures, invoices, letters, lists, manuscripts, memoranda, newspaper clippings, notes, papers, photographs, poems, receipts, reports, scripts, speech transcripts, telegrams, and other material. Western Reserve Historical Society library staff began to describe these manuscripts in this finding aid in 2015. This is an ongoing p... Sun, 01 Jan 2017 12:00:00 GMT Perkins Family Papers. Perkins Family Joseph and Jacob Perkins were sons of Simon Perkins, general land agent in the Western Reserve. They came from Warren, Ohio, to Cleveland in the 1850s to engage in banking, railroad building, real estate and various businesses. Together they organized and operated the Cleveland & Mahoning Railroad. Joseph was president of the Bank of Commerce (1852-1872), a leading benefactor of Cleveland charities, the first president of Cleveland City Hospital, and a trustee for Western Reserve College (1846-1885). Jacob, also a businessman and president of the Cleveland & Mahoning Railroad, was a prominent Ohio politician as well, serving as a member of the Ohio Constitutional Convention in 1850. His son, Jacob Bishop Perkins, was a large real estate owner and builder in Cleveland. Joseph Perkins' papers include business correspondence, building construction contracts, land, tenement, and office leases, financial statements and business records, maps and surveys, cancelled land contracts and cancelled checks. Jacob Perk... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT