720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f48-subject=Iron industry and trade -- United States -- Photographs.);f48-subject%3DIron%20industry%20and%20trade%20--%20United%20States%20--%20Photographs. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f48-subject=Iron industry and trade -- United States -- Photographs. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT George Magoffin Humphrey Photographs. Humphrey, George Magoffin George Magoffin Humphrey was the President of the M.A. Hanna Company, and United States Secretary of the Treasury (1953-1957). The collection consists of two albums, loose photographs, a notebook, and a booklet containing photographs related to the career of George M. Humphrey of Cleveland, Ohio. Included are portraits of Humphrey as a child, with President Dwight Eisenhower and various members of the Eisenhower administration, and with his wife, Pamela Stark Humphrey. Group photographs contain views of Eisenhower's second inauguration that include Vice President Richard M. Nixon; business associates of Humphrey; various ceremonies, receptions, and dinners attended by Humphrey and his wife; photographs of Humphrey receiving various honorary academic degrees at a number of institutions; Humphrey with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain; and travel photographs, including several trips with President Eisenhower and other cabinet members. A booklet contains photographs and maps relating to the operation of the I... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT