720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f44-subject=Cleveland Orchestra.);f44-subject%3DCleveland%20Orchestra. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f44-subject=Cleveland Orchestra. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Orchestra. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Cleveland Orchestra. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Ignatius M. Jarzynski Papers. Jarzynski, Ignatius M. Ignatius M. Jarzynski (1888-1942) was a physician prominent in the Polish-American community of Cleveland, Ohio. He was a founding member of the Medical and Dental Arts Club, president of the League of Polish Organizations, and a trustee of the Musical Arts Association. His wife, Helen Conrad Jarzynski, was also active in Polish organizations, as well as serving on the Women's Committee of the Cleveland Orchestra. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, publications, and certificates relating to Dr. Jarzynski's career, and, in part, to that of his wife. The correspondence, 1917-1942, includes letters from Ohio Attorney General John W. Bricker regarding draft board examinations during World War I, and an acknowledgment of condolences from Ignace Jan Paderewski. In addition, the collection contains the minutes, 1916-1922, of the Medical and Dental Arts Club, handwritten in Polish, mimeographed minutes, 1934-1939, of the annual meetings of the Musical Arts Association, and miscellaneou... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Laszlo and Susan Krausz Papers. Krausz, Laszlo and Susan Laszlo Krausz (1903-1979) and Susan Krausz (1914-2008) were a Jewish couple from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, who were accomplished musicians. Laszlo Krausz was born in Pecs, Hungary in 1903. From an early age he studied violin, travelling to Budapest, Vienna, and Paris to continue his education, until settling in Switzerland in 1929 to study viola. Susan Strauss Krausz was born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1914. She completed piano studies at the Musikhochschule of Stuttgart and then moved to Switzerland in 1933. Following their 1935 marriage, Laszlo and Susan performed a series of viola-piano sonatas for Radio Geneva before immigrating to the United States in 1947. The Krausz family initially settled in New York where Laszlo accepted a position at the New York College of Music and played with the Carnegie Hall Pops Orchestra. Laszlo was then offered a position with the Cleveland Orchestra under George Szell and moved to Cleveland, Ohio, in the fall of 1947. While a member of the Cleveland Orchestra, Laszlo also fou... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Odette V. and Paul Wurzburger Family Papers. Wurzburger, Odette V. and Paul Family Odette Valabregue Wurzburger was a French resistance fighter during World War II, a lawyer and teacher, and an active community leader, especially in the arts. She was born in Avignon, France, in 1909, and she died in Cleveland in 2006. Her husband, Paul Wurzburger was an entrepreneur, inventor, patron of the arts, and honorary consul of France. He was born in 1904 in Lyon, France, and died in 1974 in Cleveland. He entered the United States in 1941 and became a citizen in 1946. He became honorary consul of France in Cleveland in 1962. Paul's father, Hugo Wurzburger, was born in 1887 in Heilbronn, Germany, and died in Cleveland in 1952. Paul's mother, Marguerite Bacharach Wurzburger, was born in Lyon, France, in 1882 and died in Cleveland in 1967. The couple escaped Nazi-occupied France in 1941 and went first to Cuba, arriving in the United States in August 1942. Hugo Wurzburger was a successful industrialist and inventor. He invented several synthetic fabrics and also manufactured pipe fittings, the patents f... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT