720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f4-subject=Irish Americans -- Archives);f4-subject%3DIrish%20Americans%20--%20Archives Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f4-subject=Irish Americans -- Archives Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Burke School of Irish Dance Records, Series II. Burke School of Irish Dance The Burke School of Irish Dance (f. 1958) was founded by an Irish American, Theresa Burke, in Cleveland, Ohio. Her father, Thomas Scott, (b.1906) immigrated from County Sligo in the 1920s to the United States, and initially settled in New York. According to Theresa, he was the first person in Cleveland to teach traditional Irish dancing to a competitive standard. Sharing her father's love for Irish dance, Burke followed in his footsteps as the founder and owner of two Irish dance schools in Ohio, one in Cleveland, the other in Youngstown (f. 1965), and one out of state in Pennsylvania, (f.1971). The collection consists of a poem, newsletters, notes on the history of Irish dancing and a journal article. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Thomas P. and Margaret Campbell Family Papers. Campbell, Thomas P. and Margaret, Family The Thomas P. and Margaret Campbell family originated in Doona, County Mayo, Ireland. All members of this family who immigrated the United States had settled in Cleveland, Ohio, by 1928. The first member of this to immigrate to Cleveland was Patrick, who came to this country in the early 1900s. He was soon followed by five siblings, all of which took typical careers such as domestic work, railroad conductor, painter, and the priesthood. The Campbell genealogy dates back to Thomas Campbell (1857-1940) and Bridget Leneghan (1857-1951), who lived in Doona, East Ballcroy, Wesport, County Mayo. The collection consists of the Campbell and Conway battle hymns which describe the history of these two families, correspondence, a crest, an examination paper, genealogies, handwritten notes on eight family members, a land record, map, medals, newspaper clippings, obituaries, pedigree chart, photographs, a poem, and typescripts. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Peggy Patton Family Papers Series II. Patton, Peggy Family Peggy Patton (nee Calvey) (b. 1937) is from Cleveland, Ohio, and is of Irish descent. Her parents Martin Calvey (1901-1980) and Bridget Moran (1894-1987) were both born in Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland, in different villages, located approximately six miles from each other. The Moran family came from the Deserted Village, in Dooagh, and the Calvey family came from Dookinella. One of Patton's uncles, Michael Moran (1896-1921), was a Lieutenant in the Irish Republican Army. After participating in the Easter Rising of 1916 in Ireland, Michael was arrested and imprisoned in Darmunt in England. Patton is the last living child of the Calveys. The collection consists of a draft from a chapter about the Moran family, a map of Achill Island, a newspaper clipping, photographs, a program, and information regarding surnames associated with Achill Island. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Michael Corcoran Papers. Corcoran, Michael Michael Corcoran (1848-1919) was born in County Cork, Ireland, and immigrated to the United States with his family as a young boy. A soldier in the 8th United States Cavalry in the Indian Wars, Corcoran served in 1869 in the Mojave Desert, then part of the Arizona territory. Corcoran was awarded the Medal of Honor for gallantry in an action that took place on August 25, 1869. After leaving the army, Corcoran lived in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and later settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where he worked on the railroad. He married Johanna Culliton, and together they raised four children. All three of his grandsons served in the military. The collection consists of a 2001 Veterans Day Memorial Day Service, biographical information, newspaper clippings, and a photograph (photocopy). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Martin McFadden Papers. McFadden, Martin Martin McFadden (1901-1981) was a Cleveland, Ohio, police officer for thirty-eight years. His family claim ancestry to Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland. His father, also named Martin, immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, in the late 1800s when he was twelve years old. The younger McFadden was a well-respected police officer and the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department requested his help as a bodyguard for four presidential inaugurations. McFadden was the arresting officer in the case of John W. Terry, Richard D. Chilton, and Carl Katz that led to the United States Supreme Court case of Terry v. Ohio (1968). The result of this case gave police officers the authority to stop and search citizens on the street. The collection consists of applications, appointments, assignments, citations, correspondence, drafts, fingerprints, handwritten notes, memoranda, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, police records, programs, reports, a telegram, and transcripts. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Thomas and Anna Gallagher Family Papers. Gallagher, Thomas and Anna, Family The Thomas and Anna Gallagher family originated in County Mayo, Ireland. Members of this family immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, ca. 1870 and settled in the west side of Cleveland, where they and their descendants maintained strong connections with the Irish parishes and communities of St. Malachi on Washington Street and St. Patrick's Church on Bridge Street. Their son, Father Daniel Gallagher, participated in World War I. He traveled to Europe with the Knights of Columbus, offering his services to the troops. Father Gallagher and his mother traveled extensively in Ireland visiting relations and relaying stories in their family in Cleveland. The collection consists of correspondence, an invitation, special orders from the United States Army, newspaper clippings, photographs, postcards, programs, and a telegram. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Emeralds Unlimited, Inc. Records. Emeralds Unlimited, Inc. Emeralds Unlimited, Inc. (1973-1995) was established to provide imported goods from Ireland to promote Irish culture and support Irish American events in the Cleveland, Ohio area. The owners, Joan Dillon Flynn and Dee Keating, who served as vice president, opened the first Irish import store in Ohio on October 13, 1973 on Old River Road in the Flats called Emerald in the Flats. The company was the first import business to participate in the Irish Cultural Festival at the Berea Fairgrounds in Ohio. A second store was opened in Akron by Flynn's son, John Flynn. It ceased operations one year later, when John Flynn moved out of sate. Emeralds Unlimited Inc. imported Irish stone and turf jewelry, sweaters, woolens, crystal, and art work. Bernadette O'Brien, native of Dublin and costume designer for the Cleveland Playhouse handmade "bainin" skirts and purses for the store. Natives of Brooklyn, New York, of Irish parents, Joan Dillon Flynn and her husband Ed moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 1958. The company consisted ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Philip O'Brien Family Papers. O'Brien, Philip Family The O'Brien family originally came from county Galway, Ireland, and members of this family immigrated from Ireland to the United States from 1848 to 1897. Philip O'Brien completed the family genealogy and traced his roots back to 1835. O'Brien's great grandparents, Dennis and Alice Callaghan, were born in Ireland and immigrated during the Great Famine (1845-1850) first to England, and then to the United States in 1848. They settled in the Irish neighborhood known as the Angle, on West 25th Street and Washington Avenue in Cleveland Ohio. Three generations of his family fought in the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. The collection consists of death records, genealogies, baptisms, cemetery records, necrology records, essays, pedigree chart and United States Federal Census records. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT