720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f39-subject=Women volunteers in social service -- Ohio.);f39-subject%3DWomen%20volunteers%20in%20social%20service%20--%20Ohio. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f39-subject=Women volunteers in social service -- Ohio. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Consumers League of Ohio Records. Consumers League of Ohio The Consumers League of Ohio is a political action organization concerned with the welfare of the laboring class. It lobbies for legislation in their interests. It was founded in 1900 in Cleveland, Ohio as a women's group to insure female laborers decent wages, hours and working conditions. Men were admitted in 1921. The collection consists of correspondence, newsletters, reports, speeches, legislative bills and acts, financial and membership records, articles, clippings, and printed material. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Marie Remington Wing Papers. Wiing, Marie Remington Marie Remington Wing (1885-1982) was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer who served on city council (1923-1927), as Solicitor for the Village of Mentor (1929-1936), and as Regional Attorney for the Social Security Board (1936-1953). She was also involved in numerous professional, civic, and health organizations in Cleveland and in Mentor. The collection consists of writings, correspondence, family history materials, memorabilia, financial accounts, city council campaign materials, and papers from Wing's professional, civic, and health organizations. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Marie Remington Wing Family Papers. Wing, Marie Remington Family Marie Remington Wing was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer who served on the Cleveland City Council (1923-1927), as Solicitor for the Village of Mentor, Ohio (1929-1936), and as Regional Attorney for the Social Security Board (1936-1953). She was also involved in numerous professional, civic, and health organizations in Cleveland and in Mentor. Wing came from a distinguished Cleveland family, which included her uncle, George Clary Wing, an author and attorney who served in several United States government departments. Marie's father, Francis Joseph Wing, was a judge in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas and in the United States District Court for Northern Ohio. Her older sister, Virginia Remington Wing, was, like Marie, a social activist, working for the Red Cross, the Cleveland Anti-Tuberculosis League, and the Cleveland Health Council's Health Education Department. She was also the secretary of both the Brush Foundation and the Sight Saving Council. Marie's longtime companion, Dorothy Smith, worked with the ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT