720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f37-subject=Benesch, Alfred A. (Alfred Abraham) 1879-1973.);f37-subject%3DBenesch,%20Alfred%20A.%20(Alfred%20Abraham)%201879-1973. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f37-subject=Benesch, Alfred A. (Alfred Abraham) 1879-1973. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Alfred Abraham Benesch Papers. Benesch, Alfred Abraham Alfred A. Benesch (1879-1973) was a Jewish lawyer and civic leader whose parents immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, from Czechoslovakia. Benesch entered politics as a Cleveland city councilman (1912-1915). His next offices included: Ohio Director of Commerce (1935-1939), Rent Control Director for Cuyahoga, Lake and Geauga Counties (1942-1945), and President of the Cleveland Board of Education. Benesch was also a leader in many civic, professional, religious and charitable organizations. The collection consists of correspondence (1900-1973), the bulk of which dates from 1962 and especially from 1973, when condolences were written to Mrs. Rose upon her uncle's death. Also included are Benesch's transcripts from Harvard, his entry in the 38th edition of Who's Who in America, speeches, addresses, tributes, certificates, and newspaper clippings both by and about Benesch. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Jewish History Sources, Series II. Herman, Shoshana Cleveland Jewish History Sources, Series II includes materials related to the support of a planned volume on the history of Cleveland, Ohio, Jewry. The research for that volume was conducted between 1954 and 1956 and was supported by the American Jewish History Center (AJHC) of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. The planned volume materialized in 1978 with the publication of Lloyd P. Gartner's History of the Jews of Cleveland (Cleveland: Western Reserve Historical Society and Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland, 1978, 1987). MS. 4621, Cleveland Jewish History Sources consists of over 16,000 index cards containing information about Cleveland's Jewish community obtained primarily from newspapers. These cards have been arranged into fourteen broad categories: Arts; Charities; Clubs and Societies, Various; Community Services; Economic Life; Education; Political Affairs; Population; Sermons and Lectures; Social Life; Synagogues; Synagogue Related; Umbrella Organizations, and Zionism. Sources for this... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Harold T. Clark Papers. Clark, Harold T. Harold T. Clark was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, attorney and philanthropist. Clark was a partner in the law firm of Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey, 1913-38, before opening his own law office in 1938. He served with the American Committee to Negotiate Peace after World War I. In addition, he was active in numerous civic and cultural organizations, including the Educational Museum of the Cleveland Public Schools, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Cleveland Museum of Art, and the Cleveland Metroparks. He received many honorary degrees and civic awards, including the Migel Medal from the American Foundation for the Blind for work on the William Terry Touch Alphabet. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, certificates, scrapbooks, and resolutions concerning Clark, the organizations he was involved in, and the committees he served on. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Records. Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland The Jewish Community Federation is a central policy making and fundraising agency for the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio, which traces its origin to the Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland (founded 1903). The Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland changed its name to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland in 1926, and in 1930, added a fundraising arm, the Jewish Welfare Fund of Cleveland. In 1951 the Jewish Welfare Federation merged with the Jewish Community Council to become the Jewish Community Federation. The collection consists of correspondence, trustee and committee minutes and reports, annual reports, surveys, membership lists, newspaper clippings, publications, research papers, and scrapbooks. The collection also includes material pertaining to the Federation and its antecedents, as well as to local, national, and international organizations with which the Federation was involved; and subjects of concern to the local Jewish community including the Jewish Welfare Fund. Al... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT