720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f36-subject=National Council of Jewish Women. Cleveland Section.);f36-subject%3DNational%20Council%20of%20Jewish%20Women.%20Cleveland%20Section. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f36-subject=National Council of Jewish Women. Cleveland Section. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section Records. National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section The National council of Jewish Women's Cleveland Section is a service organization founded in 1894, in Cleveland, Ohio, as a local chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women. Its services to Cleveland's Jewish and general communities include hot meals delivered to the elderly, homes for the elderly and working girls, scholarships, day nurseries and thrift shops. The collection consists of correspondence, minutes, annual reports, newsletters, financial records, scrapbooks, clippings, and materials on community service projects. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section Records, Series II. National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section The National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section, is a women's service organization in Cleveland, Ohio, concerned with local, national, and international issues and projects. The collection consists of correspondence, minutes of Board of Trustees and committees, annual reports, newsletters, financial records, materials on community service projects, and scrapbooks. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Educational League Records. Educational League The Educational League was initiated by members of B'nai B'rith, Baron de Hirsch Lodge of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1897, as an independent organization whose mission was to provide Jewish orphans with financial aid for higher education. Based in Cleveland and chartered in the State of Ohio, the League's operation covered twenty states in the central United States. Presidents of the League included Martin A. Marks, Dr. Samuel Wolfenstein, Rabbi Moses Gries, and Albert A. Benesch. It's original mission soon expanded to include any Jewish student in need. Money advanced was to be a repayable loan, rather than a grant. Beginning in the late 1920s, the League concentrated exclusively on assisting students from the Cleveland area, or out-ot-town students attending Cleveland area schools. Around the same time, the League joined with the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland and the Cleveland Section, National Council of Jewish Women to coordinate the review and approval of loans. This alliance was known as the Joint Con... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section Records, Series II. National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section The National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland Section, is a women's service organization in Cleveland, Ohio, concerned with local, national, and international issues and projects. The collection consists of correspondence, lists, minutes, reports, newsletters, and speeches. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ronald and Isabelle Brown Papers. Brown, Ronald and Isabelle Ronald Brown was born in Chicago, Illinois, and raised and educated in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1928, he founded, along with William C. Treuhaft and Elmer C. Hann, the Tremco Manufacturing Company in Cleveland. Brown was a vice president of Tremco. After retirement from the company in 1960, he became a management consultant. Brown was the author of From Selling to Managing: Guidelines for the First-Time Sales Manager. His volunteer and philanthropic activities included work for the Jewish Big Brothers Association of Cleveland, the Citizen's Advisory Board to the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court, the Ohio Department on Aging, and the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Board of Education. He married Isabelle Gup in 1934. She was a graduate of Case Western Reserve University. Active in the Cleveland Section, National Council of Jewish Women, she served as president of that organization and was active on the national and international level. She also was first chair of the Women's Organization of the Jewish Community ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Jewish History Sources. Cleveland Jewish History Sources The Cleveland Jewish History Sources Collection is a card file assembled between 1954-1956 by the American Jewish History Center of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, to support a planned volume on the history of Cleveland, Ohio, Jewry. This intention was realized with the publication of History of the Jews of Cleveland by Lloyd P. Gartner in 1978. Source material for this card file, which covers the span from the early nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth, includes both the national Anglo-Jewish press and local Cleveland sources, including the general press, the Anglo-Jewish press, and Jewish communal records. Rabbi Jack J. Herman and Judah Rubinstein were the local Cleveland researchers for the project. The collection consists of 16,000 index cards containing information about Cleveland's Jewish community that was obtained primarily from newspapers. These cards have been arranged into fourteen broad categories: Arts; Charities; Clubs and Societies, Various; Community Services; Economi... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ruth Wiener Einstein Family Papers. Einstein, Ruth Wiener Family Ruth Wiener Einstein and her family were involved in numerous Jewish organizations and projects in Cleveland, Ohio. Educated in Cleveland at Central High School and Flora Stone Mather College of Western Reserve University, Ruth Wiener married Jacob L. Einstein in 1903. His father, Leopold Einstein, along with several cousins, had founded the Ullman Brothers (later the Ullman, Einstein) Company, one of the largest liquor distilleries in the United States. Ruth Wiener Einstein's grandfather, Abraham Aub, was a founder and first president of the Jewish Orphan Asylum (later, Bellefaire). Her father, Abraham Wiener, also served as a president of that organization and was the Director of Charities and Corrections (1889-1901) under Cleveland mayor John Farley. Her mother, Bella Aub Wiener, was one of the founders of the Cleveland Section, National Council of Jewish Women, and the Council Educational Alliance (later the Jewish Community Center). Ruth Wiener Einstein founded Cleveland's Jewish Big Sisters in 1920. She... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT