720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f35-subject=Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f35-subject%3DBusinessmen%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f35-subject=Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Dudley S. Blossom, III Papers. Blossom, Dudley S. III Dudley S. Blossom, III ("Bun" Blossom) is the grandson of Dudley S. Blossom (1879-1938) and Elizabeth Bingham Blossom (1881-1970). He is a prominent businessman and philanthropist in Cleveland, Ohio. During the 1980s, he was led efforts for the economic revitalization of the Hough neighborhood by leveraging the activities and support of the Institute of Man and Science, the William Bingham Foundation, Glenco Enterprises, the North Coast Village Steering Committee, local churches, and Leland Schubert (1907-1998). The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, minutes, newsletters, newspaper and magazine clippings, notes, proposals, and reports. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Arnold C. Saunders Family Papers. Saunders, Arnold C. Arnold C. Saunders was a Cleveland, Ohio businessman. The collection consists of letters, reports, abstracts, charts, memoranda and copies of legal documents relating to the genealogy of the Saunders family, and miscellaneous business letters and legal documents. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT A. A. McCaslin Papers. McCaslin, A. A. A. A. McCaslin lived in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife, Florence T. McCaslin, a former student of Western Reserve University. The collection consists of financial receipts from Cleveland businesses, and several checks signed by and letters addressed to Mrs. McCaslin. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Philo Scovill Daybook. Scovill, Philo Philo Scovill was a Cleveland, Ohio, sawmill operator, proprietor of the Franklin House Hotel, and Cuyahoga County Commissioner. He came to Cleveland from Buffalo, New York, in 1816. The collection consists of a daybook containing newspaper clippings and lists of expenditures on household items (food, hardware, etc.). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT W. Bingham Company Records. W. Bingham Company The W. Bingham Company was a hardware company, founded by William Bingham in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1841, which supplied Cleveland shipbuilding, mining, and railroad industries. Bingham acquired his original inventory from the Potter, Clark, and Murphey Company. The collection consists of ledgers, journals, and an account book of the W. Bingham Company. Includes a journal (1836-1839) of the Potter, Clark, and Murphey Company. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cyrus S.Eaton Scrapbooks. Eaton, Cyrus S. Cyrus S. Eaton (1883-1979) was a prominent Canadian-American capitalist and financier. He was an outspoken critic of other businessmen, supporter of labor, promoter of better United States-Soviet relations, and organizer of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. The collection consists of scrapbooks that contain invitations, letters, magazine clippings, newspaper clippings, notices, pamphlets, photographs, programs, and telegrams. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Harvey Huntington Brown Papers. Brown, Harvey Huntington Harvey Huntington Brown (1848-1923) was a Cleveland, Ohio, shipper, manufacturer and financier who was involved in the iron ore and lake shipping businesses. He owned Harvey H. Brown & Co. The collection consists of letters to Brown from shippers, bankers and manufacturers throughout the Midwest concerning his lake shipping and iron ore businesses and his civic, charitable and club activities, and letters from Brown, announcements, forms, bills, paid invoices, newspaper clippings and warranty deeds. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Fred McClellan Crosby Papers. Crosby, Fred McClellan Fred McClellan Crosby (b. 1928) was the President of Crosby Furniture Company and active in the Cleveland, Ohio, African American community. Crosby served on various boards such as the Greater Cleveland Growth Association, Minority Economic Development Corporation, Council of Small Enterprises and the Cleveland Business League. He was active in numerous civic groups as well, including the Y.M.C.A., Urban League, Forest City Hospital, Glenville Development Corporation, Goodwill Industries, Boy Scouts and United Torch. The collection consists of photocopies of scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, programs, photographs, and correspondence. This collection pertains primarily to Fred Crosby's business, career and civic activities in Cleveland's African American community. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Curtis Lee Smith Papers, Series II. Smith, Curtis Lee Curtis Lee Smith (b. 1901) was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and civic leader who served on the board of trustees of Western Reserve University and was president of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. He was also involved in the Businessmen's Interracial Committee on Community Affairs and the United Appeal of Greater Cleveland. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, certificates, and speeches relating to his personal life, as well as materials such as minutes, reports, correspondence, and memos pertinent to his many civic activities. Useful for understanding the activities of a civic leader whose positions included the presidency of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and membership on the board of trustees of Case Western Reserve University (and its antecedent, Western Reserve University). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT George S. Dively Papers. Dively, George S. George S. Dively was a prominent business and civic leader and philanthropist in Cleveland, Ohio. Born in Pennsylvania to Michael A. and Martha A. (Dodson) Dively, he attended Lock Haven State College, earned a B.S. in electrical engineering at the University of Pittsburgh in 1925, and a M.B.A. from Harvard University in 1929. During the Great Depression, he worked at North American Refractories and at Republic Steel Corporation. He joined the Harris-Seybold-Potter Company of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1937, becoming director in 1941, vice president and general manager in 1944, and president in 1947. The company became the Harris-Intertype Corporation in 1957, and later the Harris Corporation. He served as president and chairman of the board from 1954-1961, continuing as board chairman from 1961 until his retirement in 1972. In 1971, his book, The Power of Professional Management, was published. He was a co-founder of the Cleveland One Percent Plan, whose mission was to encourage corporate support for higher educati... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Walter K. Bailey Papers. Bailey, Walter K. Walter K. Bailey was a Cleveland, Ohio, businessman. A native of Cleveland and the son of L.A. Bailey, founder of the Bailey Company department store, Walter Bailey was raised in East Cleveland and graduated from Oberlin College in 1919. He went to work for the Warner & Swasey Company, a leading manufacturer of machine tools, especially turret lathes, and telescopes and optical equipment, in 1919. By 1928, the company was the world's leading manufacturer of turret lathes, and during World War II produced half of all the turret lathes made in the U.S. After learning the business on the shop floor, he joined the national sales force of Warner & Swasey in 1921, moving up in management and eventually becoming vice president of sales in 1942. During World War II he was in charge of manufacturing operations, and became vice president of the company in 1949. He was president and chief executive officer from 1955-1962, chairman of the board and chief executive officer from 1962-1964, and chairman of the board until h... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Walter K. Bailey Family Papers. Bailey, Walter K. Family Walter K. Bailey was a Cleveland, Ohio, businessman. A native of Cleveland and the son of L.A. Bailey, founder of the Bailey Company department store, Walter Bailey was raised in East Cleveland and graduated from Oberlin College in 1919. He went to work for the Warner & Swasey Company, a leading manufacturer of machine tools, especially turret lathes, and telescopes and optical equipment, in 1919. By 1928, the company was the world's leading manufacturer of turret lathes, and during World War II produced half of all the turret lathes made in the U.S. After learning the business on the shop floor, he joined the national sales force of Warner & Swasey in 1921, moving up in management and eventually becoming vice president of sales in 1942. During World War II he was in charge of manufacturing operations, and became vice president of the company in 1949. He was president and chief executive officer from 1955-1962, chairman of the board and chief executive officer from 1962-1964, and chairman of the board until h... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Businessmen's Interracial Committee on Community Affairs Records. Businessmen's Interracial Committee on Community Affairs The Businessmen's Interracial Committee on Community Affairs (BICCA) was organized in 1964 in Cleveland, Ohio, at a time of unrest in the community, in order to establish communication and develop understanding between leaders of Cleveland's business and African American communities. The BICCA was a committee of the Greater Cleveland Associated Foundation, which provided funding, services, and facilities. Additional financial support was supplied by local corporations. The collection consists of a report on the beginnings and early activity of the Committee, with copies of relevant articles, correspondence, and subcommittee reports, as well as annual reports. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ervin George Bailey Papers. Bailey, Ervin George Ervin George Bailey was an industrialist and manufacturer. He founded the Bailey Meter Company, a major manufacturer of industrial meters and controls, in 1916. The company was moved from Boston, Massachusetts to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1919. In 1926, Bailey Meter Company was purchased by The Babcock and Wilcox Company, although it continued production under its own name. Ervin Bailey remained with Babcock and Wilcox, serving as president of the Fuller LeHigh Company division 1926-1936, as chairman of Bailey Meter Company 1944-1956, and as a vice president of Babcock and Wilcox 1931-1951. Bailey was awarded 141 United States patents for his inventions in the fields of fluid and combustion control. He was a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; a member of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers; and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England. He was also the author of many articles on metering, controls, fue... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Max Simon Papers. Simon, Max Max Simon, the son of Abraham Simon, was the founder and president of the M & D Simon Company, a Cleveland, Ohio, clothing manufacturer. Simon was also a founder and first president of the Jewish Community Council of Cleveland (f. 1935), which merged into the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland in 1950. From 1956 to 1959 he served as president of the Federation. Throughout his career he was active in the civil rights movements in the United States and the Jewish community in Cleveland. The collection consists of reports and speeches by Max Simon, mostly pertaining to his activities in the Jewish community, and newspaper clippings about his life and accomplishments. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT George S. Dively Papers, Series II. Dively, George S. George S. Dively was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and civic leader, who led the Harris Corporation and founded the George S. Dively Foundation. The collection consists of correspondence, financial records, legal records, memoirs, newsletters, newspaper and magazine clippings, publications, published speech texts, and wills. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Anton Zverina Family Papers. Zverina, Anton Family The Anton Zverina family was established in Cleveland, Ohio, by Antonin Zverina and his wife Kristina Kletecka Zverina, who immigrated to Cleveland from Bohemia in 1874. Their son, Anton Zverina, owned a grocery store in the Broadway area and pioneered the processing of chicory root as an ingredient in coffee blends and as a coffee substitute. He built a chicory factory on Blanche Ave. in Cleveland, and later added a rye flour mill and a Bohemian rye bread bakery. The collection consists of a family history, genealogical data, writings by family members, receipts, and newspaper clippings. Also included is a detailed description of a trip around the world taken by Rosamond Zverina, daughter of Anton. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Dudley S. Blossom Family Papers. Blossom, Dudley S. Dudley S. Blossom was a wealthy Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist who served as city welfare director, 1919-1921 and 1924-1932. He graduated from Yale University in 1901 and became a partner in the Cleveland firm of William Bingham and Company. He was also an officer or director of other businesses, including Perry-Payne Corporation, the Payne-Bingham Company, the Standard Tool Company, the Cleveland Hobbing Machine Company, the Blossom Lock Company, and the Central National Bank. His wife, Elizabeth Bingham Blossom, was the sister of Congresswoman Frances Payne Bolton and a philanthropist in her own right. Their son, Dudley S. Blossom, Jr. was also a prominent businessman and philanthropist, serving on the boards of many Cleveland civic organizations. The collection consists of correspondence, announcements of events, scrapbooks, musical scores, personal cards, a season ticket for Yale University baseball games, and a report card. The collection primarily pertains to Dudley Blossom, Sr.'s year... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Adolph Wunderlich Papers. Wunderlich, Adolph Adolph Wunderlich (ca. 1869-1942) was an inventor, engineer, and businessman who was born in Buffalo, New York, and moved to Cleveland, Ohio, as a child. He held patents for inventions and improvements on electric arc lamps, hoisting and lowering mechanisms, suspension devices for electric arc lamps, winches, lubricating devices, and caulking devices. He lived in England from 1898-1912 where he installed London's first street lights and headed his own electrical firm. He founded the Western Reserve Manufacturing Works in Cleveland in 1914. The collection consists of advertisements, agreements, apprenticeship records, catalogs, certificates, correspondence, extracts, financial documents, instructions, legal documents, memoranda, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, patents, a scorecard, and a will. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Abe M. Luntz Papers. Luntz, Abe M. Abe M. Luntz was a Cleveland and Canton, Ohio, businessman who ran Luntz Iron and Steel Company. Born in Akron, Ohio, of Polish Jewish immigrant parents, he was raised in Canton where he joined his father's scrap-metal business. Over the years the business expanded into a multi-state corporation. He married Fanny Teplansky in 1916, and in 1940 they moved to Cleveland. Luntz served as president of the Temple-Tifereth Israel in Cleveland from 1950-1960, and supported a wide assortment of civic, cultural, medical, religious, and benevolent groups in Canton and in Cleveland. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, and family documents pertaining to Abe M. Luntz and his sons, Robert and William, who were also involved in numerous service organizations. Of particular note are materials pertaining to Abe Luntz's leadership, on the local and regional level, in the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Stanley Carter Pace Papers. Pace, Stanley Carter Stanley Carter Pace was a business executive who headed TRW Automotive Worldwide until 1985, and General Dynamics Corporation from 1985 to 1990. He served in the United States Air Force during World War II--spending ten months in a German prison camp--and continued his military career until 1954. He has been an active supporter of many charitable and civic activities in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. The collection consists of announcements, awards, biographies, brochures, certificates, correspondence, forms, legal documents, memoirs, military orders, minutes, newspaper and magazine clippings, programs, publications, receipts, reports, rosters, scrapbooks, and other documents pertaining to Pace's military and business careers. Also includes some family information. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Kenyon C. Bolton Papers. Bolton, Kenyon C. Kenyon Castle Bolton was a Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist and son of Chester and Frances Payne Bolton. He served in the military, beginning in 1936 as a member of the 107th Cavalry of the Ohio National Guard. He entered active service in 1940, served during World War II and attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He was president of Cleveland Air Taxi, a helicopter taxi service, and had a strong interest in higher education and the arts. Bolton served with the Council of Foreign Ministers in 1947 and 1948, the Austrian Peace Treaty Conference in 1948, and was special assistant of the U.S. ambassador to France. Kenyon C. Bolton was married to Mary Riding Peters, and had five children. The collection consists of family data, personal records, military records, business records, and records of Bolton's organizational involvements, including correspondence, newspaper clippings, genealogical data, summary court papers, air travel cards, contribution lists, articles, brochures, advertisements, co... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Donald McBride Family Papers. McBride, Donald Family Donald McBride was a lawyer and businessman and son of John Harris McBride, owner of Root & McBride Company, a leading wholesale dry goods establishment in Cleveland, Ohio. Donald's brothers, Malcolm and Herbert, were officers in Root & McBride Company. His sister Grace was married to Dr. George Crile, and his sister Edith was married to Henry S. Sherman, chairman of Society for Savings, 1903-1936. Donald's wife, Mary Helen Harman McBride, was daughter of industrialist Ralph A. Harman, who ran Cleveland Forge and Iron Company, was a founder of Cleveland Trust Company, and a director of Cleveland Electric Railway Company. Mary Helen's sister Grace was married to Samuel Livingston Mather, and her sister Sue was married to diplomat John Pelenyi. Her great aunt, Grace Harman Wade, was married to Jeptha H. Wade. The collection consists of Harman and McBride family correspondence, genealogies, coats of arms, reminiscences, memorials, school reports, scrapbooks, ledgers, journals, diaries, newspaper clippings, obit... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Samuel Livingston Mather Family Papers. Mather, Samuel Livingston Family The Samuel Livingston Mather family of Cleveland, Ohio, descends from Samuel Mather (1745-1809), a shareholder and member of the first board of directors of the Connecticut Land Company. His son, also named Samuel Mather (1771-1854), was also a shareholder of the Connecticut Land Company. One of his sons, Samuel Livingston Mather (1817-1890), settled in Cleveland in 1843. In 1847, he was one of the founders of the Cleveland Iron Mining Company (later the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company). His youngest son, William Gwinn Mather (1857-1951) later became president of the company. Samuel Livingston Mather's oldest son, Samuel Mather (1851-1931) helped found a rival iron ore firm, Pickands, Mather, and Company. He married Flora Stone, by whom he had four children, the oldest of which was Samuel Livingston Mather (1882-1960). Named for his grandfather, he graduated from Yale University in 1905, and began working for Cleveland-Cliffs. He also served on the boards of the Otis Steel Company, Cleveland Trust Company, the ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Frederick C. Crawford Family Papers. Crawford, Frederick C. Family Frederick C. Crawford (1891-1994) was a Cleveland, Ohio, industrialist and philanthropist. Crawford headed Thompson Products, Inc. (later TRW Inc.) as it moved from an automotive and aircraft parts manufacturer into the aviation and aerospace industries. A leader of Cleveland's philanthropic community, Crawford served on the boards of many cultural institutions. He was appointed to the Western Reserve Historical Society Board of Trustees in 1944 and later served as it's president. He was instrumental in the transfer of the Thompson Auto Album and Aviation Museum collection to WRHS in the 1960s, which became the nucleus of the Frederick C. Crawford Auto-Aviation Collection of WRHS. Crawford was married twice; to Audrey Cecelia Bowles in 1932, and to Kathleen M. Saxon in 1975. The collection consists of genealogies, biographical sketches, correspondence, appointment diaries and calendars, ledgers, annual financial summaries, bank statements, trust deeds, tax assessments, returns and other financial documents,... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT David K. Ford Family Papers. Ford, David K. Family The Ford family were prominent lawyers, philanthropists, and businessmen of Cleveland, Ohio, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The collection consists of genealogies, biographical sketches, correspondence, diaries, journals, account books, appointment books, ledgers, stock certificates, minutes, leases, articles of incorporation, wills, deeds, corporate inventories, maps, newspaper and magazine clippings, tax assessments and returns, diplomas, certificates, military orders, and discharge papers. Material is included on several banking institutions, including Garfield Savings Bank, The Western Reserve Trust Company, Metropolitan National Savings Bank, and the East End Savings and Trust Company. Material on Ford family involvement in the construction and management of the Williamson Building is included, as is family involvement in other real estate enterprises, including The New Amsterdam Company, One Euclid Company, and the Ford McCaslin Company. Involvement in various legal firms by H. Clark, H... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT