720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f34-subject=Jews -- Music.);f34-subject%3DJews%20--%20Music. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f34-subject=Jews -- Music. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Jack Saul Papers. Saul, Jack Jack Saul (1923-2009) was a significant collector of classical music recordings, memorabilia, and ephemera related to the performing arts. Saul supported musical groups of all kinds throughout the greater Cleveland, Ohio, area, including Jewish music. The collection consists primarily of programs from different musical groups and other documents related to the local music scene in Cleveland, Ohio. The collection includes correspondence, musical scores, newsletters, pamphlets, press releases, programs, and scrapbooks. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Jewish Singing Society Records. Cleveland Jewish Singing Society The Cleveland Jewish Singing Society was organized by a group of Cleveland, Ohio, businessmen in 1904 to promote the culture of Judaism by presenting traditional Jewish vocal music. Early directors were Charles DeHarrack, Julius Chajes, Maurice Goldman, and Reuben Caplin. Prominent soloists included Jan Peerce, Richard Tucker, Regina Resnick, and Eunice Podis. The Society disbanded in 1984. The collection consists of a constitution, by-laws, correspondence, lists, notes, program announcements, concert programs, bulletins, newsletters, and newspaper clippings. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Saul and Ida Ruth Meisels Papers. Meisels, Saul and Ruth Saul Meisels served as cantor of B'nai Jeshurun Congregation (Temple on the Heights), Cleveland Heights, Ohio, from 1942-1979, and was considered one of the foremost interpreters of Yiddish song in the United States. He attended New York University and received formal vocal training at Julliard School of Music. He served as president of the Cantors Assembly, was a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Theological Seminary, and was a founder of the Jewish Liturgical Society and the Israel Music Association. In 1965, in Israel, he headed the first International Conference of Jewish Sacred Music. Through commissions and performances, he encouraged the writing of new compositions for the synagogue. His wife, Ida Ruth Moskowitz Meisels, was a musician and composer of Jewish and Hebrew songs and cantorial recitatives for solo voice, piano, and chorus. She and Saul Meisels were married in 1935. Following their move to Cleveland, Ohio, she studied at the Cleveland Institute of Music and served for more than ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT