720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f31-subject=Environmental protection.);f31-subject%3DEnvironmental%20protection. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f31-subject=Environmental protection. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT William Bingham Foundation Records. William Bingham Foundation The William Bingham Foundation was established in 1955 in Cleveland, Ohio, by Elizabeth Bingham Blossom with the proceeds of an inheritance from her brother, William Bingham 2nd. Grants were originally given to institutions of learning, hospitals, and public charities in Ohio. The foundation also contributed to the establishment and development of Blossom Music Center. After the death of Elizabeth Bingham Blossom in 1970, other family members maintained control of the foundation, and the focus of grantmaking changed to include organizations in the fields of the environment, the arts, education, health, and welfare. Projects related to urban revitalization, adult psychological development, and nuclear issues were also undertaken. Environmental issues took center stage in grants funding by the William Bingham Foundation in the 1980s, with several significant grants being made to the Environmental Defense Fund. The collection consists of correspondence, grant proposals, reports, financial, legal, and administra... Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation Records. Robert and Patricita Switzer Foundation The Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1985, by Robert and Patricia Switzer and their children with the proceeds from the sale of the Day-Glo Color Corporation. The foundation was originally established to promote the education of graduate students in the environmental sciences, and soon included environmental improvement projects in its mission. The collection consists of family and program correspondence, legal documents, financial reports, scholarship applications, candidate selection documents, grant proposals and reports, and publications of the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation and other foundations. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT William Bingham Foundation Records, Series II. William Bingham Foundation The William Bingham Foundation was established in 1955 in Cleveland, Ohio, by Elizabeth Bingham Blossom with the proceeds of an inheritance from her brother, William Bingham 2nd. Grants were originally given to institutions of learning, hospitals, and public charities in Ohio. The foundation also contributed to the establishment and development of Blossom Music Center. After the death of Elizabeth Bingham Blossom in 1970, other family members maintained control of the foundation, and the focus of grantmaking changed to include organizations in the fields of the environment, the arts, education, health, and welfare. Projects related to urban revitalization, adult psychological development, and nuclear issues were also undertaken. Environmental issues took center stage in grants funding by the William Bingham Foundation in the 1980s, with several significant grants being made to the Environmental Defense Fund. The collection consists of agendas, agreements, annual reports, articles of incorporation, blank let... Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT