720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f300-subject=TRW Inc.);f300-subject%3DTRW%20Inc. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f300-subject=TRW Inc. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT TRW Inc. Records. TRW Inc. TRW, Inc. was established in 1900, in Cleveland, Ohio, as the Cleveland Cap Screw Company. It began producing automotive parts and underwent several reorganizations, becoming the Electric Welding Products Company (1908), the Steel Products Company (1915), and Thompson Products Inc. (1926). It expanded to include branch plants and the production of aircraft parts, and fostered a company union, the Automotive and Aircraft Workers Alliance (later the Aircraft Workers Alliance). It grew during World War II due to defense contracts. After the war it entered the jet and aerospace industries. It merged in 1958 with Ramo Wooldridge Corp. to become TRW Inc. Outside activities include the National Air Races and the Crawford Auto-Aviation Collection of the Western Reserve Historical Society. The collection consists of minute books, correspondence, memoranda, financial records, newsletters, histories, and publications, the bulk of which relate to Thompson Products, Inc. and its subsidiaries during the 1930s and 1940s an... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Charles H. Hubbell Papers. Hubbell, Charles H. Charles H. Hubbell was a well-known aviation artist and native of Cleveland, Ohio. During World War I, he served in the Navy and was a draftsman in the design of naval aircraft. He graduated from the Cleveland School of Art in 1922, and became a commercial artist. Hubbell received his private pilots license in 1927 by exchanging aviation art with flight instructors for flying lessons. He was commissioned by Thompson Products of Cleveland to paint the winning aircraft of each year's Thompson Trophy Race. In 1937, the first Thompson Products aviation art calendar by Charles Hubbell was produced. He painted for the yearly calendar until 1969. In 1949, the Military Air Transport Service (MATS) invited Hubbell on an around the world tour. The result was the 1951 calendar featuring the aircraft and operations of MATS. Hubbell was also a consultant to the Thompson Auto-Album and Aviation Museum, and later the Crawford Auto-Aviation Collection of the Western Reserve Historical Society. The collection consists of not... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Stanley Carter Pace Papers. Pace, Stanley Carter Stanley Carter Pace was a business executive who headed TRW Automotive Worldwide until 1985, and General Dynamics Corporation from 1985 to 1990. He served in the United States Air Force during World War II--spending ten months in a German prison camp--and continued his military career until 1954. He has been an active supporter of many charitable and civic activities in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. The collection consists of announcements, awards, biographies, brochures, certificates, correspondence, forms, legal documents, memoirs, military orders, minutes, newspaper and magazine clippings, programs, publications, receipts, reports, rosters, scrapbooks, and other documents pertaining to Pace's military and business careers. Also includes some family information. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Frederick C. Crawford Family Papers. Crawford, Frederick C. Family Frederick C. Crawford (1891-1994) was a Cleveland, Ohio, industrialist and philanthropist. Crawford headed Thompson Products, Inc. (later TRW Inc.) as it moved from an automotive and aircraft parts manufacturer into the aviation and aerospace industries. A leader of Cleveland's philanthropic community, Crawford served on the boards of many cultural institutions. He was appointed to the Western Reserve Historical Society Board of Trustees in 1944 and later served as it's president. He was instrumental in the transfer of the Thompson Auto Album and Aviation Museum collection to WRHS in the 1960s, which became the nucleus of the Frederick C. Crawford Auto-Aviation Collection of WRHS. Crawford was married twice; to Audrey Cecelia Bowles in 1932, and to Kathleen M. Saxon in 1975. The collection consists of genealogies, biographical sketches, correspondence, appointment diaries and calendars, ledgers, annual financial summaries, bank statements, trust deeds, tax assessments, returns and other financial documents,... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT