720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f292-subject=Discrimination in employment -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f292-subject%3DDiscrimination%20in%20employment%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f292-subject=Discrimination in employment -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Clifford E. Minton Papers. Minton, Clifford E. Clifford E. Minton was the director of the Industrial Relations Department of the Urban League of Cleveland, Ohio, following World War II. Minton helped to integrate the white collar work force at such companies as Ohio Bell Telephone and the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, as well as department stores, bakeries and delivery services. Minton left Cleveland in 1949 and became executive director of the Urban League of Gary, Indiana. The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, reports, and news clippings. The collection pertains primarily to Minton's work with the Urban League of Cleveland and its efforts to eliminate job discrimination and promote black employment after World War II. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Urban League of Cleveland Records, Series II. Urban League of Cleveland The Urban League of Cleveland was organized in 1917, in Cleveland, Ohio, as the Negro Welfare Association of Cleveland to aid the adjustment of black workers coming to Cleveland during the Great Migration following World War I. Led by Wm. R. Conners for the first 25 years, it joined the National Urban League in 1930 and changed its name to the Urban League of Cleveland in 1940. Formed initially to confront barriers to economic opportunities and find jobs for black workers, by the 1930s the primary goal of the League was the issue of improved housing. Its purpose is interracial planning to help the community devise solutions to social and economic problems. The collection consists of minutes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports, contracts, memoranda and other papers relating to the organization's operation, especially Operation Equality, a subdivision of the organization concerned with fair housing issues. This collection is essential for those interested in the issues of race relations and open ho... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Records (Restricted). Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland The Jewish Community Federation is a central policy making and fundraising agency for the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio, which traces its origin to the Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland (founded 1903). The Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland changed its name to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland in 1926, and in 1930, added a fundraising arm, the Jewish Welfare Fund of Cleveland. In 1951 the Jewish Welfare Federation merged with the Jewish Community Council to become the Jewish Community Federation. The collection consists of correspondence, reports, memoranda, and published literature removed from MS 4563 Jewish Community Federation Records because of sensitive or confidential subject matter. It includes records of the Jewish Community Council's Community Relations Committee and its Conciliation and Arbitration Board, as well as case histories from various Jewish social service agencies. The Community Relations Committee investigated allegations of discriminatio... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Women Working Records. Cleveland Women Working Cleveland Women Working (f. 1975), founded largely by Helen Williams, was an organization of working women concerned about equal opportunity rights for office workers in the United States and especially in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. They addressed problems faced by working women by using documented research and active strategy. They counseled and educated women about legal rights and job problems, publicized unfair working situations, monitored government agencies which enforced anti-discrimination laws; monitored specific employers for compliance with the law; advocated for women with discrimination problems; and published special reports and a bi-monthly newsletter. In 1977 Cleveland Women Working merged with a group formed out of the Boston, Massachusetts, organization 9to5 News that became the Working Women Organizing Project. After another name change it became 9to5, National Association of Working Women in 1983 and maintained its national headquarters in Cleveland until 1993 when the national organizati... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Women's Equity Action League Records. Women's Equity Action League The Women's Equity Action League (WEAL) (1968-ca. 1989) was a national organization founded in Cleveland, Ohio, committed to combating sex discrimination and advocating for economic equality for women through education and litigation. WEAL was an offshoot of the National Organization for Women and took a more conservative stance on issues such as abortion rights and the Equal Rights Amendment. The organization's membership remained small throughout its duration but benefitted from the prestige of the high-profile women in academia, business, and government who joined WEAL. Growing out of WEAL was the Women's Law Fund, a non-profit organization co-founded in 1972 by attorneys Jane M. Picker and Lizbeth A. Moody, both professors at Cleveland State University's Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. The Women's Law Fund evolved out of divisions within WEAL concerning the mission, structure, and funding of the organization. The collection consists of administrative records, articles of incorporation, by-laws, corre... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT