720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f291-subject=Land titles -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County.);f291-subject%3DLand%20titles%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cuyahoga%20County. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f291-subject=Land titles -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Asahel Porter and Leverett Johnson Papers. Porter, Asahel and Johnson, Levert In 1810, Asahel Porter and his nephew, Leverett Johnson, settled in Westlake, Cuyahoga County, Ohio (a suburb of Cleveland), where Johnson became a justice of the peace. The collection consists of land deeds and contracts, financial accounts, and miscellaneous notes of Asahel Porter and Leverett Johnson, including inventories and accounts of Porter's estate (1820s), subpoenas and other legal documents of Johnson, and Cuyahoga County tax receipts of members of the Foot(e) family (1813-1865). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Asher Miller Coe Family Papers. Coe, Asher Miller Family Asher Miller Coe (1789-1867) was a resident of North Olmsted, Ohio beginning in the 1820s. The collection consists primarily land deeds of Asher M. Coe. Includes a biography of Wait Cornell of Long Mill, Conn., financial accounts, a biography of Asher M. Coe by Asher M. Coe II, a "Genealogy of the Coes," and notes on the David Lyman family. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Bassett Family Papers. Bassett Family Homer F. Bassett resided in Rockport (now Rocky River), near Cleveland, Ohio. John M. Bassett served in the 1st Connecticut Volunteer Artillery Regiment during the Civil War. The collection consists of correspondence, contracts, and land agreements and deeds to tracts of land in Brooklyn and Rockport, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Includes letters (1861-1863) from John M. Bassett to his family, written while he was stationed in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, giving his personal impressions of the Civil War. Other persons represented include Henry D. Bassett, Homer F. Bassett, Charles R. Jordan and Stephen Jordan. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT George Lord Chapman Papers. Chapman, George Lord George Lord Chapman, a native of East Haddam, Connecticut, moved to Brooklyn Township in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, before 1820. In 1835 he was appointed coroner for Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and in 1836 was elected marshal of Ohio City. The collection consists of correspondence, receipts, inventories, and agreements (1797-1807), relating to the estate of Selden Chapman of East Haddam, Conn.; land deeds and agreements (1820-1850), frequently involving Richard and Samuel Lord and Josiah Barber, realtors in Brooklyn Township, Ohio; record book (1824-1854) of Wayne, Medina & Cuyahoga Turnpike Road Company, of which Chapman was a director; and record book (1835-1840) of the New Harbour Company, a joint-stock company dealing in the sale of land which was organized in Ohio City. Also includes several letters of John Hay (1882), William McKinley (1887 and 1893), and John Sherman (1883). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Odell and Cozad Abstracting Companies Search Books. Odell and Cozad Abstracting Companies The Odell and Cozad Abstracting Companies were two land title search companies owned, respectively, by Jay Odell and Justus L. Cozad, and which operated in Cleveland, Ohio, in the late nineteenth century. Merged for the period 1870-1875, these companies were usually competitors in the business of supplying summaries, or abstracts, of the public records pertaining to land titles in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The collection consists of 269 bound volumes pertaining to the process of abstracting land titles in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. They consist specifically of 163 volumes of Odell search books and 98 volumes of Cozad search books; two indexes; four subdivision books, in which the conveyances of numbered lots in recorded subdivisions are listed; an Odell copy book, which includes a collection of formal abstracts written for clients; and a Cozad foundation book, in which are copied the founding documents of the Connecticut Land Company. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Leonard Case, Sr. Family Papers. Case, Leonard Sr. Leonard Case, Sr. (1786-1864) was a land agent, bank and railroad executive, and politician in Cleveland, Ohio. His sons, Leonard Jr., a noted philanthropist, and William, a politician, were active in local civic and business affairs. His brother Zophar was a lawyer and politician in Clinton County, Illinois. His nephew Eckstein was a lawyer and Secretary-Treasurer of the Case School of Applied Science. The collection consists of maps, plats, surveys, and deeds to land in Cuyahoga County and Cleveland, three account books of the Connecticut School Fund, memoirs of Leonard Case Sr., ca. 200 federal land grants to U.S. veterans (1848-1857), histories of the Western Reserve and Trumbull County, reminiscences of Benjamin Lane, a diary and correspondence of William Case, a field book of Zophar Case, and letters from Cleveland businessmen to Eckstein Case. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT