720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f288-subject=Menorah Park, Jewish Home for Aged (Cleveland, Ohio));f288-subject%3DMenorah%20Park,%20Jewish%20Home%20for%20Aged%20(Cleveland,%20Ohio) Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f288-subject=Menorah Park, Jewish Home for Aged (Cleveland, Ohio) Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Menorah Park, Jewish Home for Aged Records. Menorah Park, Jewish Home for Aged Menorah Park was established in 1906 as the Jewish Orthodox Old Home in Cleveland, Ohio. It became one of the five largest old age homes in the country by 1940. The name was changed to the Jewish Orthodox Home for Aged in 1950. The prefix Menorah Park was added in the 1960s. The collections consists of constitutions, minutes, admission applications, naturalization certificates, correspondence, financial records, reports, legal documents, publications, newspaper clippings, and scrapbooks. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Florence Azoff Wish Papers. Gift of Elliot Azoff 5449.xml Florence Meschan was born January 29, 1918 in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Helen Anna Gordon and Julius Meschan. Florence was valedictorian of Glenville High School in 1936. After graduating from the University of Chicago, she returned to Cleveland in 1941 to marry Martin Azoff. She became a social worker for the local welfare office and for the State Aid to Aged Division. In the 1950s, she co-founded two Hebrew programs that survive as of 2019, Ganon Gil Nursery School and Camp Oneg. She also served as president of the Cleveland Hebrew Schools, Oneg's parent organization. In 1962, she became the first president of the women's association of the Jewish Orthodox Home for the Aged in Cleveland. Widowed in 1964, Azoff returned to work as the first woman professional at the Jewish Community Federation, serving in its women's division. In 1967, she became the Jewish Home's activities director. A year later, she helped launch Menorah Park. She later researched, designed and oversaw its Senior Day... 5449.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT