720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f285-subject=Shaker-Lee Congregation (Shaker Heights, Ohio).);f285-subject%3DShaker-Lee%20Congregation%20(Shaker%20Heights,%20Ohio). Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f285-subject=Shaker-Lee Congregation (Shaker Heights, Ohio). Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Warrensville Center Synagogue Records. Warrensville Center Synagogue The Warrensville Center Synagogue, an Orthodox Jewish congregation in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, was established in 1959 as a result of a merger between three smaller synagogues, the Tetiever Ahavath Achim Anshe Sfard Congregation, the Kinsman Jewish Center, and Congregation Nvai Zedek. In 1970, Sherith Jacob Israel, the Eddy Road Jewish Center-Memorial Synagogue joined Warrensville Center. This congregation was itself a merger of Sherith Jacob and Sherith Israel of Mount Pleasant congregations. In 1972, Shaker-Lee Congregation was absorbed by the Warrensville Center Synagogue. Shaker-Lee Congregation was the result of a previous merger of Ohel Jacob, Ohel Yavne, and Tifereth Israel (not to be confused with The Temple-Tifereth Israel, a Reform congregation) congregations. The collection consists of organizational documents, membership lists, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and program brochures. Included is the card file (1950-1989) of funerals of congregants maintained by Rabbi Jacob Muskin, leader of the K... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT