720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f285-subject=Jewish publishers -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f285-subject%3DJewish%20publishers%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f285-subject=Jewish publishers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Jewish Publication Company Records. Cleveland Jewish Publication Company The Cleveland Jewish Publication Company of Cleveland, Ohio, was organized in 1964 to merge two existing Anglo-Jewish weekly newspapers, the Jewish Independent and the Jewish Review and Observer. The first issue of the merged newspaper, the Cleveland Jewish News, was published on October 30, 1964. Original trustees included Lawrence Williams, M.E. Glass, and Irving Kane. The collection consists of correspondence, legal documents, trustees' minutes, and financial statements. Includes legal documents involving Shomre Shaboth Congregation and the right of filial succession to the pulpit by a rabbi's son. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Samuel Rocker Papers. Rocker, Samuel Samuel Rocker founded and served as editor and publisher of a Yiddish newspaper, The Jewish World (Die Yiddishe Velt), in Cleveland, Ohio. Born in Galicia, he studied for the rabbinate and immigrated to the United States in 1891. In 1898, he established the first Jewish print shop in Cleveland. In 1908 he founded The Jewish Daily Press (Die Yiddishe Tegliche Presse) with partners Adolph Hass and Jonas Gross. After disagreement with his business partners a few years later, he founded The Jewish World. In 1914, the two newspapers merged with Rocker as editor and eventually, sole owner. In 1938, the first English edition was published. Rocker remained editor and publisher of The Jewish World until his death in 1936. He was also active in the Cleveland Jewish community, particularly with the Cleveland Hebrew Schools, the Hebrew Free Loan Association, the Council Educational Alliance, Mt. Sinai Hospital, and the Zionist movement. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper articles, and memoirs. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT