720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f27-subject=Real property tax -- Ohio -- Western Reserve.);f27-subject%3DReal%20property%20tax%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Western%20Reserve. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f27-subject=Real property tax -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Zalmon Fitch Papers. Fitch, Zalmon Zalmon Fitch (1785-1860) was an early Ohio attorney and land agent, and a leader in the financial circles of Cleveland and Warren, Ohio. Born in Norwalk, Connecticut, Fitch established the second general store in the Western Reserve in Canfield, Ohio, in 1810. He moved to Warren in 1813 and served as the land agent for several of the original stockholders of the Connecticut Land Company. Fitch was cashier of the Western Reserve Bank when it was established in 1816 and served in that capacity for 23 years until he became president. Fitch was the trustee appointed by the receivers of the Bank of Cleveland to settle its affairs after its collapse in the Panic of 1837. Fitch also served on the board of directors of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad in 1859. The ollection consists of correspondence, contracts, surveys, financial calculations, tax records, receipts, promissory notes, sight drafts, insurance policies, powers of attorney, and miscellaneous legal papers, relating to Fitch's activities as a land age... Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Perkins Family Papers. Perkins Family Joseph and Jacob Perkins were sons of Simon Perkins, general land agent in the Western Reserve. They came from Warren, Ohio, to Cleveland in the 1850s to engage in banking, railroad building, real estate and various businesses. Together they organized and operated the Cleveland & Mahoning Railroad. Joseph was president of the Bank of Commerce (1852-1872), a leading benefactor of Cleveland charities, the first president of Cleveland City Hospital, and a trustee for Western Reserve College (1846-1885). Jacob, also a businessman and president of the Cleveland & Mahoning Railroad, was a prominent Ohio politician as well, serving as a member of the Ohio Constitutional Convention in 1850. His son, Jacob Bishop Perkins, was a large real estate owner and builder in Cleveland. Joseph Perkins' papers include business correspondence, building construction contracts, land, tenement, and office leases, financial statements and business records, maps and surveys, cancelled land contracts and cancelled checks. Jacob Perk... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT