720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f268-subject=Clark, Harold T. (Harold Terry), 1882-1965.);f268-subject%3DClark,%20Harold%20T.%20(Harold%20Terry),%201882-1965. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f268-subject=Clark, Harold T. (Harold Terry), 1882-1965. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Harold T. Clark Papers, Series II. Clark, Harold T. Harold T. Clark (1882-1965) was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer and philanthropist. The colllection consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, legal documents, and programs pertaining to Clark's philanthropic interest in tennis, particularly the East End Tennis Club Company, the Davis Cup, and Robert Malaga, a leading Cleveland promoter and ehthusiast of tennis who was a friend of Clark's. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Harold T. Clark Papers. Clark, Harold T. Harold T. Clark was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, attorney and philanthropist. Clark was a partner in the law firm of Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey, 1913-38, before opening his own law office in 1938. He served with the American Committee to Negotiate Peace after World War I. In addition, he was active in numerous civic and cultural organizations, including the Educational Museum of the Cleveland Public Schools, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, the Cleveland Museum of Art, and the Cleveland Metroparks. He received many honorary degrees and civic awards, including the Migel Medal from the American Foundation for the Blind for work on the William Terry Touch Alphabet. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, certificates, scrapbooks, and resolutions concerning Clark, the organizations he was involved in, and the committees he served on. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Russell and Rowena Jelliffe Papers. Jelliffe, Russell and Rowena Russell W. and Rowena Woodham Jelliffe were social workers who in conjunction with the Second Presbyterian Church Men's Club of Cleveland, Ohio, founded the Neighborhood Association, popularly known as the Playhouse Settlement, in 1915. Founded primarily to aid African Americans who had migrated to Cleveland from the rural South, Playhouse Settlement offered the usual social services, but gained note for its dramatic and artistic programs. In 1927 the Jelliffes acquired property which was remodeled as a theater and named the Karamu Theater. In 1941, the Settlement was renamed Karamu House. The Jelliffes shared the directorship of Karamu House until their retirement in 1963, after which they served as trustees of the Karamu Foundation. Russell Jelliffe was also an active member of the Urban League, the Cleveland Community Relations Council on Race Relations, the executive committee of the local branch of the NAACP, and the Board of the Cleveland Council of Human Relations. He was involved with the Group Work C... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT