720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f263-subject=Jewish Community Center of Cleveland.);f263-subject%3DJewish%20Community%20Center%20of%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f263-subject=Jewish Community Center of Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Cleveland Records. Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Cleveland The Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Cleveland was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1935 through the leadership of Abraham Saslaw. It's goals were to promote literary activities and to provide social events and religious services to deaf members of the Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish community. The organization's first officers were Joseph Adelson, Abraham Saslaw, Lillian Saslaw, Max Ellis, Issac Bialosky, Esther Zimmerman, and Abraham Mansky. The organization has been affiliated with the National Congress of Jewish Deaf. Rabbi William Seligman served as the spiritual leader of the organization from the 1950s-1980. Isidor Reisman, a principal and teacher, taught Hebrew to Jewish deaf students. The group has met at the Jewish Community Center since the 1960s. The collection consists of reprints of newspaper clippings and two guides for religious observance by the Jewish deaf written by Isidor Reisman. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ruben Wolfe Papers. Wolfe, Ruben Ruben Wolfe (1904-1990), a prominent figure in amateur athletics in Cleveland, Ohio, was a founder of the Jewish Recreation Council Extension Program, which became part of the Jewish Community Center. He was the program's Executive Director for 45 years. Wolfe was especially active in basketball and slow pitch softball. As a board member of the Jewish Community Center, he took an active role in fundraising for the new building of the Jewish Community Center, opened in Beachwood in 1960. He and his wife Helen lived in Cleveland Heights for 45 years. The collection consists of correspondence, an invitation, newsletters, newspaper clippings by and about Wolfe, an obituary, programs, and a scrapbook. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Center of Cleveland Records. Jewish Community Center of Cleveland The Jewish Community Center of Cleveland, Ohio, was formed in 1948 by the merger of the Council Educational Alliance (est. 1899), Camp Wise (est. 1907), the Jewish Young Adult Bureau (est. 1939), and the Cultural Department of the Jewish Community Council (est. 1945), for the purpose of providing recreational social and cultural programs to Cleveland's Jewish community. By 1959 the center moved from Cleveland to the suburb of Cleveland Heights. The collection consists of minutes, reports, administrative files, financial records, and other records of the Jewish Community Center, the Council Educational Alliance, and the Jewish Young Adult Bureau, and camp applications, historical material and other records of Camp Wise. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Center of Cleveland Records, Series II. Jewish Community Center of Cleveland The Jewish Community Center of Cleveland was formed in 1948 by the merger of the Council Educational Alliance (est. 1899), Camp Wise (est. 1907), the Jewish Young Adult Bureau (est. 1939), and the Cultural Department of the Jewish Community Council (est. 1945), for the purpose of providing recreational social and cultural programs to Cleveland, Ohio's Jewish community. By 1959 the center moved from Cleveland to the suburb of Cleveland Heights. A second building was constructed in Beachwood, Ohio, in 1986. The collection consists of minutes, programs, and reports. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Albert M. Brown Papers. Brown, Albert M. Albert M. Brown was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants. Brown became involved in social work in the Cleveland Jewish community, working at the Kinsman branch of the Council Educational Alliance from 1923-1929. After working at a New York City settlement house from 1930-1938, he returned to Cleveland and worked at the National Youth Administration and Bellefaire. In 1942, he became director of the Toledo Jewish Community Center. After returning to Cleveland in 1955, he served as executive director of the Community Temple (Beth Am) until 1963, when he was appointed the founding director of Council Gardens in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, a senior adult housing community. During his retirement, he worked part-time as the social director of his own residence, the Concord Apartments in Cleveland Heights. Brown wrote and produced many one-act plays. He was also authored The Camp Wise Story: 1907-1988, published in 1989. The collection consists of certificates, correspondence, programs, newspa... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Herman D. Stein Papers. Herman D. Stein Born in New York City, Herman D. Stein (1917-2009) was an educator, scholar, university administrator, and leader in a variety of professional associations. He studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary for four years, and then received a bachelor's degree in social science from the College of the City of New York in 1939. After earning both his master's and doctoral degrees at Columbia University, Stein taught at the Columbia University School of Social Work for fourteen years. He later was a professor at Smith College School of Social Work, Harvard School of Public Health, the University of Hawaii, and several other universities in the United States and around the world. Stein moved to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1964 to become Dean of School of Applied Social Sciences at Western Reserve University. He was named university provost in 1969 and vice president in 1970. Stein published extensively in his field. He was the author of several books and more than a hundred journal articles mainly in the fields of social wo... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT David Bernard Guralnik Papers. Guralnik, David Bernard David B. Guralnik was was an internationally-known lexicographer and the editor of the Webster's New World Dictionary, published by the World Publishing Co. of Cleveland, Ohio. He was also a leader in Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish communal organizations and activities, particularly known for his work preserving and using the Yiddish language. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, speeches, and writings. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Records, Series II. The Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland The Jewish Community Federation is a central policy making and fundraising agency for the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio, which traces its origin to the Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland (founded 1903). The Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland changed its name to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland in 1926, and in 1930, added a fundraising arm, the Jewish Welfare Fund of Cleveland. In 1951 the Jewish Welfare Federation merged with the Jewish Community Council to become the Jewish Community Federation. The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, trustee and committee minutes, reports, proposals, newspaper clippings, wills, and financial records. Records are organized into three series consisting of administrative files, endowment funds, and social planning and research. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Records. Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland The Jewish Community Federation is a central policy making and fundraising agency for the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio, which traces its origin to the Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland (founded 1903). The Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland changed its name to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland in 1926, and in 1930, added a fundraising arm, the Jewish Welfare Fund of Cleveland. In 1951 the Jewish Welfare Federation merged with the Jewish Community Council to become the Jewish Community Federation. The collection consists of correspondence, trustee and committee minutes and reports, annual reports, surveys, membership lists, newspaper clippings, publications, research papers, and scrapbooks. The collection also includes material pertaining to the Federation and its antecedents, as well as to local, national, and international organizations with which the Federation was involved; and subjects of concern to the local Jewish community including the Jewish Welfare Fund. Al... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT