720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f260-subject=Cleveland (Ohio) -- Ethnic relations.);f260-subject%3DCleveland%20(Ohio)%20--%20Ethnic%20relations. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f260-subject=Cleveland (Ohio) -- Ethnic relations. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation Records. Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation The Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation was founded in 1925 by Leo Weidenthal as the Civic Progress League. In 1926 the name was changed to the Cleveland Cultural Garden League, and in 1952 to the Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation. Weidenthal conceived the idea of a series of gardens, each having a central theme concerning the history of a single nationality group in Cleveland, Ohio. The City of Cleveland and the Work Projects Administration did much of the work on the earlier gardens after a 1927 ordinance set aside areas of Rockefeller Park next to the Shakespeare Garden for the development of similar gardens with ethnic themes. The collection consists of articles of incorporation, constitutions, minutes, correspondence, histories, speeches, financial records, proclamations, publications, clippings, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous material including membership lists, resolutions, press releases, certificates, programs, and invitations. The minutes and correspondence contain information on the role of t... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Council for American Unity Records. Cleveland Council for American Unity The Cleveland Council for American Unity was founded in 1939 by members of the Cleveland Press staff to facilitate the Americanization of second generation immigrants while preserving cultural heritage and fostering understanding between ethnic groups and native Americans in Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of a constitution, Articles of Incorporation, minutes of meetings, membership rosters, financial records, and miscellaneous materials. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Joseph Eszterhas Essay. Eszterhas, Joseph The collection consists of an essay entitled "Journey from futility to hope : the immigrant's road to American assimilation" written by Joseph A. Eszterhas while he was a student at Ohio University in the 1960s who was an editorial intern at radio station WZAK in Cleveland, Ohio. The essay is a typewritten manuscript prepared for his Journalism 370 course at Ohio University and based on his WZAK internship. The paper examines the assimilation process of Cleveland's Hungarian American community of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as an example of the Central European immigrant experience. Includes a discussion of the historical development of assimilation, a nationality calendar, and consulates in Cleveland in 1965. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT David M. Miller Papers, Series II. Miller, David M. David M. Miller (1908-1977) was a Cleveland, Ohio, author who fought with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War. The collection consists of an unpublished memoir of Jewish life in Cleveland; a draft of his novel, The Chain and the link; various drafts of "Letters from Spain"; a reprint of an article on the Abraham Lincoln Brigade; and various other documents relating to the Spanish Civil War and the Brigade, including correspondence, a commemorative booklet, posters, newspapers, and postcards. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT May Hope Francis Papers. Francis, May Hope May Hope Francis was a prominent clubwoman in Cleveland, Ohio, during the 1920s and 1930s. Much of her community work was done through her membership in the Cleveland Federation of Women's Clubs as member and chairman of its American Citizenship Committee. Mrs. Francis also worked with the City of Cleveland during the tenure of City Manager William R. Hopkins to promote ethnic cultural events and to publicize civic events, including the 1927 reception for Charles A. Lindbergh. In 1929, she helped establish the All Nations Hopkins Testimonial Committee. She was also active in the Women's Organization of the National Retail Druggists Association and the Early Settlers Association of Cuyahoga County. The collection consists of scrapbooks, correspondence, a ledger, and newspaper clippings. Most of the collection relates to Francis' work with the Cleveland Federation of Women's Clubs and with the City of Cleveland, particularly the reception for Charles A. Lindbergh in 1927, and ethnic programs sponsored by the C... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jordan C. Band Papers. Band, Jordan C. Jordan C. Band (b. 1923) was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, area lawyer and social activist. Born and raised in the Cleveland area, Band attended Western Reserve University for two years before being drafted into the Army in 1943. Upon his return home from the war in 1946, he married Alice Glickson, with whom he had three children. He finished his schooling in the Law School of Western Reserve University. Band was hired by law firm Ulmer, Berne, Gordon & Glickman (today known as Ulmer & Berne), where he worked until his retirement in 1994. Band concentrated in real estate and property law, and at one point served as the legal counsel for the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland. Band was also involved in numerous organizations, both nationally and in the Cleveland area. Nationally, Band served as chairman of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council from 1967-1970. He was the national vice president of the American Jewish Committee from 1975-1980 and a member of the National Urban Coalition, ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT American Jewish Committee, Cleveland Chapter Records, Series II. American Jewish Committee, Cleveland Chapter The American Jewish Committee was founded in 1906 in New York, New York, as an advocacy organization promoting Jewish rights worldwide. It focuses its attention on the support of Israel and efforts against anti-Semitism. Other areas of focus include promoting pluralism and shared democratic values, supporting Israel's quest for peace and security, advocating for energy independence for the United States, and strengthening Jewish life. The American Jewish Committee currently has thirty-two active chapters throughout the United States. The Cleveland, Ohio, chapter of the Committee was founded in 1944 under the leadership of Max Freedman. It has had a continued presence in local culture throughout its history, establishing dialogues and cooperation with several ethnic and religious communities in Cleveland and throughout the world. The collection consists of briefings, correspondence, fliers, invitations, newsletters, pamphlets, and reports. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Council on Human Relations Records. Council on Human Relations The Council on Human Relations is an interracial relations council organized in 1955, in Cleveland, Ohio, by a splinter group from the local chapter of the National Conference on Christians and Jews. Its goal is to promote interracial understanding and appreciation through education of children and young adults. The collection consists of minutes, correspondence, brochures, interoffice memos, financial records, newspaper clippings, and program files. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Records (Restricted). Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland The Jewish Community Federation is a central policy making and fundraising agency for the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio, which traces its origin to the Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland (founded 1903). The Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland changed its name to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland in 1926, and in 1930, added a fundraising arm, the Jewish Welfare Fund of Cleveland. In 1951 the Jewish Welfare Federation merged with the Jewish Community Council to become the Jewish Community Federation. The collection consists of correspondence, reports, memoranda, and published literature removed from MS 4563 Jewish Community Federation Records because of sensitive or confidential subject matter. It includes records of the Jewish Community Council's Community Relations Committee and its Conciliation and Arbitration Board, as well as case histories from various Jewish social service agencies. The Community Relations Committee investigated allegations of discriminatio... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Morton E. Karp Collection. Karp, Morton E. Morton Karp (d. 1991) was a scrap dealer and Commander of the Cuyahoga County Council of Jewish War Veterans, Cleveland Post #l4. Karp and his wife Mina collected news articles dealing with antisemitism, the Holocaust, the John Demjanjuk trial, Nazism, and neo-Nazi and other "white power" groups in the Cleveland, Ohio area. The collection consists of programs, correspondence, and newspaper clippings, with six blurred photos of Nazi graffiti, Cleveland, Ohio, 1978, and two photos of United White People's Party, Cleveland, Ohio, 1978. The articles are drawn from various local papers and magazines, including the Cleveland Jewish News and the Plain Dealer. The collection is of value to individuals studying antisemitism, neo-Nazi and Klan activities, prosecution of Nazi war criminals, and Holocaust commemoration in the northeast Ohio area. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ralph J. Perk Papers. Perk, Ralph J. Ralph J. Perk was the Cuyahoga County, Ohio auditor, 1963-1971, and mayor of Cleveland, 1972-1977. Perk, the first Republican mayor since 1941, faced big budget deficits which he covered with existing bond funds and general revenue sharing funds, as well as large federal grants from the Nixon administration. Nevertheless, city sewer and public transit systems had to be regionalized to raise operating capital. A Czech-American, Perk was seen as a national leader on ethnic issues. He retired from politics in 1977 after an unsuccessful campaign against John Glenn for the United States Senate in 1974 and a defeat in the 1977 nonpartisan mayoral primary. The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, financial records, reports, speeches, minutes, news releases, campaign materials, newspaper clippings, invitations, certificates, etc., pertaining to Perk's political career and public service. Mayoral records include voluminous correspondence and a subject file, as well as the records of various secretaries a... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Thomas F. Campbell Papers. Campbell, Thomas F. Thomas Campbell was an author, community leader, and professor and university administrator who co-founded the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University and served as its director. Campbell served as president of the City Club of Cleveland, and was instrumental in opening its doors to women. He directed the Cleveland Heritage Program for Cleveland Public Library. He ran for mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1977. He founded the Irish American Archives Society and was deeply involved in the Irish American community of Cleveland, as well as numerous other groups in the Cleveland, Ohio area. The collection consists of agendas, awards, biographical data, correspondence, diaries, a dissertation, examination papers, flyers, invitations, magazine articles, memberships, minutes, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, plays, poems, programs, recipes, reports, resumes, speeches, workshops and writings. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT