720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f26-subject=Gem photographs.);f26-subject%3DGem%20photographs. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f26-subject=Gem photographs. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT George Warren Wilson Gem Tintype Album and Unidentified Gem Tintype Album. Wilson, George Warren The collection consists of two gem tintype albums. The first contains mostly identified tintype portraits, and belonged to George Warren Wilson. The second album is unidentified, with ownership unknown. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Irwin Family Album. Irwin Family The collection consists of one carte de visite photograph album containing portraits of members of the Irwin family. Includes 14 gem tintype photographs. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Lane and Wheller Family Photographs. Lane and Wheller Family Warren Lane was a Berea, Ohio farmer and storekeeper. His son, Charles F., was Mayor of Berea (1900-02) and an Ohio state representative (1904-05). In 1878 Charles married Delia, the daughter of James Wheller, a shoemaker in Cuyahoga and Lorain counties. The collection consists of one carte de visite album and four loose photographs relating to members of the Lane and Wheller families. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Matthew Guhl Photographs. Guhl, Matthew Matthew Guhl (b. 1826) was the Pastor of the Friedens Kirche Evangelical Church in Cleveland, Ohio (later the East 75th Street Evangelical Church). The collection consists of two carte de visite albums, one cabinet card album, and loose photographs relating to Reverend Matthew Guhl's work, associates, and family in Sacramento, California and Cleveland, Ohio. Includes 4 gem tintypes. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Anna Wing Family Photographs. Wing, Anna Family Anna Wing (ca. 1837-?), born in Ohio, was married to Cyrus Fernando Wing (d. 1865) in Sandusky County, Ohio, in 1859. Cyrus Fernando Wing died during the American Civil War while serving with the 72nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Their daughter, Anna E. Wing Mowry (ca. 1860-?) was married to Richard E. Mowry (1858-1904) of Sandusky County, Ohio. The collection consists of individual portraits of identified and unidentified family members and friends of the Anna Wing family of Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Walton-Jennings Family Photographs. Walton-Jennings Family John Whittlesey Walton was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist. The nephew of Charles Whittlesey, Walton started a ship chandlery business and co-founded the Upson-Walton Company in 1893. In 1867, Walton was one of the men responsible for the revival of the YMCA in Cleveland. From 1874-1926, Walton was actively involved in charity, serving during this period as treasurer of the Bethel Associated Charities. Throughout his life, Walton was keenly interested in the field of sociology and in the emerging scientific approach to social work. His daughter, Gladys Walton, was involved in numerous dramatic and musical events. She married Lamson Jennings in 1919. The collection consists of 5 photograph albums and 9 color stereo transparencies. Four albums contain portraits of family members and friends of the Walton-Jennings families. Those pictured include members of the Lamson, Calhoun, Clark, Sturdevant, Curtis, Judd, Kinney, North, and Hart families. Some identified photographs are missing ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT