720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f255-subject=Nowak family);f255-subject%3DNowak%20family Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f255-subject=Nowak family Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Koryta-Kundmueller and Related Families Photographs. Koryta and Kundmueller Families The Koryta-Kundmueller and Related Families is an extended family group which grew out of one Bavarian family from 19th Century Germany, which settled in Cleveland, Ohio. Intermarriage with other Germans from Silesia and eventual marriages with neighbors from Bohemia part of the present day Czech Republic, produced five major lines of this family. Frank Koryta, the son of Czech immigrants Josef and Barbara (Poskocil) Koryta, married Clara Stipek, descendant of Czech immigrant George Stipek. These families had settled in Cleveland, Ohio in the 1870s. Several children of George John and Katherine (Wichert) Kundemueller married into these Czech American families. The Kundemueller family had come to Cleveland, Ohio from Bavaria in 1857 and the Wichert family had come from Silesia in 1873. The collection consists of more than 700 images in color and black and white, depicting the events in family life over the span of more than one hundred fifty years. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT