720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f248-subject=Real estate business -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f248-subject%3DReal%20estate%20business%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f248-subject=Real estate business -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Maxon-Murray Company Records. Maxon-Murray Company The Maxon-Murray Company was a Cleveland, Ohio, real estate business incorporated in 1925 by Hamilton B. Maxon, John C. Murray, and three other men. The collection consists of bylaws, incorporation records, minutes, ledger and cash books, contracts, stock certificates, and tax records. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Buckeye Realty Company of Cleveland Records. Buckeye Realty Company of Cleveland The Buckeye Realty Company of Cleveland was founded in 1919 in Cleveland, Ohio, by A.J. Vilcsek, Steve Szalai, and Ignatius Korponay to serve the Hungarian community in Cleveland's Buckeye-Woodland area. It went out of business in 1929. The collection consists of correspondence between Buckeye Realty Company and home buyers concerning mortgage payments, land and warranty deed copies, a list of homes sold through Buckeye Realty, newspaper clippings, and three ledger books. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Simon Nickman Papers. Nickman, Simon Simon Nickman (1879-1928) was a Polish Jew who immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, and began a plumbing supply business. He married Dora Rivitz (1887-1968) in 1908, became a realtor in 1917, and died in 1928. Dora Nickman supported herself and their three children by underwriting insurance and operating a dress shop. The collection consists of correspondence relating to business and family matters, including his sisters' immigration and relatives in the armed forces during World War I; legal documents relating to the business partnership between Nickman and Hiram S. Rivitz and to the Nickman's property on Eddington Road; financial records from Howard-Granger Realty Company, H.S. Rivitz & Company, North Realty Company, and Rex Talking Machine Company; receipts, invoices, and other miscellany relating to business and personal finances; and newspapers clippings and miscellany. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Steve Szalai Family Papers. Szalai, Steve Family Steve Szalai was a Newburgh, Ohio, insurance agent and early founder of the Buckeye Realty Company (f. 1919) of Cleveland, Ohio. Szalai was instrumental in the development of the Buckeye-Woodland Hungarian American community on Cleveland's east side. This "Little Hungary" at one time had the largest concentration of Hungarian Americans in the U.S., peaking at over 40,000 in 1940. The collection consists of certificates and licenses for Szalai's real estate firm and community activities, clippings, correspondence, educational records for Szalai's daughters Dorothy and Jean, and publications concerning the real estate business. The collection also contains copies and clippings of Hungarian newspapers published in Cleveland. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Fair Housing Inc. Records. Fair Housing Inc. Fair Housing, Inc., was organized in 1962 in Cleveland, Ohio, as an equal opportunity real estate company. It was dissolved in 1972 and succeeded by Stuart E. Wallace & Company. The collection consists of minutes, financial reports, correspondence, newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous materials. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Fair Housing Inc. Records, Series II. Fair Housing Inc. Fair Housing Inc. was a Cleveland, Ohio, licensed real estate brokerage firm incorporated in 1962 as a for-profit business venture. Its primary aim was to establish the principle of non-discrimination in the Greater Cleveland housing market. It assisted persons who had historically been denied housing because of race, religion, or national origin by offering affordable housing; promoting good community relations as a way to stabilize emerging mixed neighborhoods; and encouraging the dissolution of segregation patterns based on race, ethnicity, or religious background. The founding officers included Karl F. Bruch Jr., Dr. Winston Richie, and Russell Adrine. By 1971, federal and state governments had passed open housing legislation, and Fair Housing Inc. was dissolved. The collection consists of board of directors' and stockholders' records, including articles of incorporation, corporate dissolution records, financial records, agendas, correspondence, directors' information forms, committee rosters, memos, pro... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Stanley Olstyn Papers. Olstyn, Stanley Stanley Olstyn was (1889-1972) was a Cleveland, Ohio, resident who worked for his father at the Olstyn Carriage Company, 1908-1917, organized the Washington Savings Bank in 1920 (which was later merged into the Guardian Trust Company) and became a realtor in 1941. Olstyn founded the Home Owners Protective League in 1937 as a lobby group for efficient government and lower taxes and became very vocal in the battle against higher taxes and increased welfare spending. He was also active in many Polish-American groups, including the Cleveland Society of Poles, the Harmonia Chopin Polish Singing Society, and Marymount Hospital. The collection consists of a time and payroll book for the Olstyn Carriage Company, 1910-1914, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous printed materials. The clippings highlight Olstyn's real estate career and his battles with city government over taxes. Printed materials include a reprint of a speech given by Olstyn before a congressional committee investigating rent controls, and materials... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Alva Bradley Family Papers. Bradley, Alva Family The Alva Bradley Family was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, family active in shipbuilding and the real estate business. Alva Bradley was a partner in the shipbuilding company of Bradley & Cobb, which eventually became Bradley Transportation Company, a prominent member of the Lake Carriers' Association. Alva's son, M.A. (Morris A.) and grandson Alva were part of the company. In 1910, they started the Bradley Realty Company which became the largest holder of real estate in downtown Cleveland. The collection consists of accounting journals, ledgers, letter copy books, and other volumes documenting the financial interests of the Bradley family and their business concerns, especially the Bradley Realty Company. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT David K. Ford Family Papers. Ford, David K. Family The Ford family were prominent lawyers, philanthropists, and businessmen of Cleveland, Ohio, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The collection consists of genealogies, biographical sketches, correspondence, diaries, journals, account books, appointment books, ledgers, stock certificates, minutes, leases, articles of incorporation, wills, deeds, corporate inventories, maps, newspaper and magazine clippings, tax assessments and returns, diplomas, certificates, military orders, and discharge papers. Material is included on several banking institutions, including Garfield Savings Bank, The Western Reserve Trust Company, Metropolitan National Savings Bank, and the East End Savings and Trust Company. Material on Ford family involvement in the construction and management of the Williamson Building is included, as is family involvement in other real estate enterprises, including The New Amsterdam Company, One Euclid Company, and the Ford McCaslin Company. Involvement in various legal firms by H. Clark, H... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT