720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f234-format=Vertical File);f234-format%3DVertical%20File Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f234-format=Vertical File Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Adult Education Association (Cleveland College), 1931. The Adult Education Association affiliated with Cleveland College of Western Reserve University. Miscellaneous materials relating to Adult Education Association (Cleveland College), including: a program guide from 1931 describing the organization and advertising events hosted by the organization (4 pages). Thu, 01 Jan 1931 12:00:00 GMT Adamic, Louis (1899-1951), 1941-1943. Adamic, Louis, 1899-1951. Miscellaneous materials relating to Louis Adamic, including: "A statement by Louis Adamic" (Nov. 1941) and an issue of War and Post-War (Oct. 1943) containing "A Bulletin Issues by Louis Adamic" Wed, 01 Jan 1941 12:00:00 GMT Association for Great Lakes Maritime History, 1984. Association for Great Lakes Maritime History Miscellaneous materials relating to Association for Great Lakes Maritime History, including: newsletter for fall 1984 Vol.2 No.1 Sun, 01 Jan 1984 12:00:00 GMT Association for Preservation Technology, 1977. Association for Preservation Technology. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Association for Preservation Technology, including: program for the 1977 Annual Meeting at the Cleveland Plaza Hotel Wed, 28 Sep 1977 12:00:00 GMT Association for the Crippled & Disabled (Cleveland, Ohio), 1918. The Association for the Crippled and Disabled (Cleveland, OH) Miscellaneous materials relating to the Association for the Crippled and Disabled, including: handout from November 1918 providing information about the Association for the Crippled and Disabled including financial statements for the year and a listing of the board of trustees, officers, and committee chairment Tue, 01 Jan 1918 12:00:00 GMT Association of Historical Societies of Ohio, 1960-1961. Ohio Historical Society. Local History Office. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Association of Historical Societies of Ohio, including: Constitution and Bylaws of the Association of Historical Societies of Ohio adopted Oct. 8, 1960 and Amended Jan. 1961 Fri, 01 Jan 1960 12:00:00 GMT Association of Polish Women in the U.S., 1962-1971. Association of Polish Women of the United States. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Association of Polish Women in the U.S., including: 1. souvenir program of the "Golden Jubilee" of the Association of Polish Women in the U.S. (Oct. 7, 1962), and 2. program of the "60 Years Diamond Jubilee Banquet" (Aug. 13-15, 1971) Mon, 01 Jan 1962 12:00:00 GMT Atkins, Harvey Bryan, 1974. The Hampton Bulletin. Miscellaneous materials relating to Harvey Bryan Atkins, including: Alumni Issue of the Hampton Bulletin Vol. 102 No.3 (June-July 1974) featuring a biographical article about Harvey Bryan Atkins. Tue, 01 Jan 1974 12:00:00 GMT Atlas Heater Company (Cleveland, Ohio). Atlas Heater Company. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Atlas Heater Company, including: advertisement for the "Atlas Automatic" water heater Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Atwater (Ohio). Miscellaneous materials relating to Atwater, OH, including: 1. clipping from the Portage County Democrat titled "Home Reminiscences" which details the history and founding of Atwater, and 2. book excerpt titled "Pioneer Women of Atwater" which details the history and founding of Atwater Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Anti-Saloon League of America. Anti-saloon League of America. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Anti-Saloon League of America, including: announcement titled "The Second Campaign" detailing the benefits of prohibition and soliciting donations Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Artists -- Cleveland (Ohio), 1877-1917. Miscellaneous materials relating to Artists (Cleveland, OH), including: 1. program for the Bohemian Art Club's Fifth Annual Exhibition (Oct. 24-29, 1904), 2. catalogue for the Fourth Annual Exhibition of Cleveland Artists under the auspices of the Maternity House (1903), 3. program for An Exhibition by Cleveland Artists at Studio Hall (Feb. 16, 1917), and 4. catalogue for the Cleveland Academy of Fine Arts Exhibition (1877) Mon, 01 Jan 1877 12:00:00 GMT Adena (Chillicothe, Ohio). Ohio Historical Society. Miscellaneous materials relating to Adena, including: Fold out pamphlets with information and illustrated maps of the Adena Estate built by Thomas Worthington Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT State Association of Officers of Children's Homes, 1887. State Association of Officers of Children's Homes. Miscellaneous materials relating to the State Association of Officers of Children's Homes, including: program from the Sixth Annual Convention of the Trustees and Officers of Children's Homes of Ohio (Sept. 20, 1887) Sat, 01 Jan 1887 12:00:00 GMT Auburn (Ohio), 1967. Miscellaneous materials relating to Auburn OH, including: 1. book excerpt titled "Pioneer Women of Auburn" (8 pages), and 2. photocopies of an issue of the Chagrin Valley Herald (July 13, 1967) titled the "Auburn Sesquicentennial Souvenir Edition" Sun, 01 Jan 1967 12:00:00 GMT Auglaize Baptist Association, 1945. Auglaize Baptist Association. Miscellaneous materials relating to Auglaize Baptist Association, including: program for the 100th Anniversary of the Auglaize Baptist Association Tue, 14 Aug 1945 12:00:00 GMT Auglaize County (Ohio) -- Court House. Miscellaneous materials relating to Auglaize County Court House, including: handout with the floor plan of the Auglaize County Court House and historical information about the building and Auglaize County Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Aurora (Ohio), 1848-1976. Miscellaneous materials relating to Aurora, Ohio, including: 1. book excerpt titled "Pioneer Women of Aurora" (14 pages), 2. program for the Washington Ball (Feb. 22, 1848) in the Hall of W.C. Baker in Aurora, 3. program for the Bi-Centennial Celebration and 133rd Founding of Aurora, Ohio, and 4. newspaper clipping from the Portage County Democrat titled "Home Reminiscences from the Unpublished History of the Western Reserve" (Mar. 19, 1856) Sat, 01 Jan 1848 12:00:00 GMT Aurora Historical Society (Aurora, Ohio), 1992. Aurora Historical Society (Aurora, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to the Aurora Historical Society (Aurora, Ohio), including: report titled "The Aurora Historical Society 1992" which lists the history of the Aurora Historical Society, calendar of events, members, and officers Wed, 01 Jan 1992 12:00:00 GMT Austin Company (Cleveland, Ohio), 1958-1978. Austin Company (Cleveland, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to the Austin Company (Cleveland, OH), including: directories, reports, and programs from Austin Company events as well as other miscellaneous works including "Austin Profile of Capabilities" and "Diary of Samuel Austin" Wed, 01 Jan 1958 12:00:00 GMT Austin & Denly (Cleveland, Ohio). Austin & Denly (Cleveland, OH) Miscellaneous materials relating to Austin & Denly, including: advertisement for a "Fits-All Window Refrigerator" by Austin & Denly Manufacturers Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Austinburg (Ohio), 1875-1936. First Congregational Church (Austinburg, Ohio), Grand River Institute (Austinburg, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to Austinburg, OH, including: 1. programs for Cold Springs Camp for Girls (Ninth Season, 1929 & Sixteenth Season, 1936), 2. Order of Exercises for the Three-Quarter Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of Austinburg (June 5, 1875), 3. "Notes on Sycamore Hall" (2 copies, 2 pages each), 4. souvenir program for Auld Lang Syne, a joint celebration by the First Congregational Church and Grand River Institute (Oct. 19-24, 1926), and 5. book excerpt titled "Pioneer Women of Austinburg" (6 pages) Fri, 01 Jan 1875 12:00:00 GMT Authors -- Cleveland (Ohio), 1913-1936. Cleveland Plain Dealer (Firm) Miscellaneous materials relating to Authors -- Cleveland, Ohio, including: newspaper clippings from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, one titled "How to Write A Book" (Dec. 20, 1936) and the other titled "Two Local Verse Makers" (Feb. 4, 1913) Wed, 01 Jan 1913 12:00:00 GMT Administrative Management Society, 1965-1966. Administrative Management Society Miscellaneous materials relating to Administrative Management Society, including: Administrative Management Society Membership Roster Cleveland Chapter 1965-1966 Fri, 01 Jan 1965 12:00:00 GMT Avery, Elroy McKendree, 1844-1935, 1881-1904. Avery, Elroy McKendree, 1844-1935. Miscellaneous materials relating to Elroy McKendree Avery, including: 1. maps, illustrations, and other excerpts from the book "A History of the United States and Its People" by Elroy McKendree Avery published by the Burrows Brothers Company, Cleveland, OH, 2. "Words Correctly Spoken" a paper read before the North-Eastern Ohio Teachers' Association by Elroy M. Avery, and 3. various newspaper clippings mentioning Elroy M. Avery Sat, 01 Jan 1881 12:00:00 GMT Avon (Ohio). Miscellaneous materials relating to Avon (Ohio), including: book excerpt titled "Pioneer Women of Avon" (6 pages) Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Avondale Church, 1941. Avondale Presbyterian Church. Miscellaneous materials relating to Avondale Church, including: church service souvenir from Sunday, March 30, 1941 Sun, 30 Mar 1941 12:00:00 GMT BP America, Inc., 1987-1988. BP America (Firm) Miscellaneous materials relating to BP America Inc., including: 1. issue of BP America Journal (Vol.1 No.4, Dec. 1987), and 2. report titled "Partnerships in Four Cities" detailing corporate contributions to Cleveland, Lima, Anchorage, and Niagara Falls (1988) Thu, 01 Jan 1987 12:00:00 GMT Baackes Wire Nail Company (Cleveland, Ohio). Baackes Wire Nail Company (Cleveland, OH) Miscellaneous materials relating to Baackes Wire Nail Company, including: "Prospectus" for Baackes Wire Nail Company (3 pages) Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Badgley, Sidney Rose, 1859-1917, 1898-1980. Miscellaneous materials relating to Sidney Rose Badgley, including: various newspaper clippings and notes extracted from books (3 pages) Sat, 01 Jan 1898 12:00:00 GMT Baehr, Herman C., 1866-1942. Miscellaneous materials relating to Herman C. Baehr, including: campaign ad for Herman C. Baehr's political run for mayor of Cleveland Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Bailey Meter Company (Cleveland, Ohio), 1950. Bailey Meter Company. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Bailey Meter Company, including: issue of the Bailey Meter Record (March, 1950) published quarterly for the employees of Bailey Meter Company Sun, 01 Jan 1950 12:00:00 GMT Bainbridge (Geauga County, Ohio). Miscellaneous materials relating to Bainbridge (Geauga County, OH), including: book excerpt titled "Pioneer Women of Bainbridge" (4 pages) Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Baker, Newton Diehl (1871-1937), 1932-1976. Cleveland Plain Dealer (Firm), The Cleveland press., New York Times (Firm), Cleveland News Company. Miscellaneous materials relating to Newton D. Baker, including: 1. various newspaper clippings from the Cleveland Press, Cleveland Plain Dealer, NY Times, Baltimore & Ohio Magazine, and Cleveland News, 2. patent for a "suction cleaner tool" (Apr. 7, 1936), 3. copy of the speech "American Ideals Advanced by the League to Enforce Peace" made by Newton D. Baker, 4. pamphlets for the election and re-election of Newton D. Baker as mayor of Cleveland, 5. programs for a memorial service for Newton D. Baker (Jan. 30, 1938), and 6. copy of the speech "Democracy and Peace Movements" made by Newton D. Baker (Mar. 28, 1932) Fri, 01 Jan 1932 12:00:00 GMT Adoption Network Cleveland, 1993-1998. Adoption Network Cleveland. Miscellaneous materials relating to Adoption Network Cleveland, including: 1993 annual report, 1995 annual report, 1997 annual report, and 1988-1998 10 year report. Fri, 01 Jan 1993 12:00:00 GMT Balch Institute, 1972-1976. Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Balch Institute, including: 1. series of letters between John Grabowski (WRHS) and Philip Mooney (Balch Institute), 2. historical reading lists compiled by the Balch Institute (No.1-12, 14-16, 18-19, 22-24), and 3. the Philadelphia Inquirer Bicentennial Journal (April 26, 1976) Sat, 01 Jan 1972 12:00:00 GMT Baldwin, Arthur Douglas (1876-1954), 1949. The Cleveland press. Miscellaneous materials relating to Arthur Douglas Baldwin, including: editorial from the Cleveland Press titled "A Small Man With a Big Heart" (Nov. 23, 1949) Wed, 23 Nov 1949 12:00:00 GMT Baldwin, Samuel Prentiss (1868-1938), 1938. Western Reserve Historical Society Miscellaneous materials relating to Samuel Prentiss Baldwin, including: a biographical sketch prepared by the Western Reserve Historical Society upon his death in 1938 Sat, 01 Jan 1938 12:00:00 GMT Baldwin Bird Research Laboratory (Cleveland, Ohio), 1936. Baldwin Bird Research Laboratory. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Baldwin Bird Research Laboratory, including: a list of contributions issued on Aug. 1, 1936 Sat, 01 Aug 1936 12:00:00 GMT Baldwin-Wallace College (Berea, Ohio), 1876-1974. Baldwin-Wallace College. Miscellaneous materials relating to Baldwin-Wallace College, including: 1. Early Berea Historical Series #19", 2. Baldwin-Wallace College Founders' Day Program (Oct. 17, 1974), and 3. photocopy of a section titled "Katalog des Deutfdyen Wallace Kollegiums" from a book written in German Sat, 01 Jan 1876 12:00:00 GMT Ball, Webb C. (1847-1922), 1992. National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. Bulletin. Miscellaneous materials relating to Webb C. Ball, including: article from NAWCC Bulletin titled "The Kipton Disaster and Webb C. Ball" Wed, 01 Jan 1992 12:00:00 GMT Banater Maennerchors (Cleveland, Ohio), 1958. Banater Maennerchors. Miscellaneous materials relating to Banater Maennerchors, including: program for the 50th anniversary (1958) Wed, 01 Jan 1958 12:00:00 GMT Bancroft, Hubert Howe (1832-1918). Nevins, Allan, 1890-1971,, Caughey, John Walton, 1902-1995., University of California, Berkeley. Miscellaneous materials relating to Hubert Howe Bancroft, including: 1. photocopied pages offering a biography of Hubert Howe Bancroft, 2. "Hubert Howe Bancroft : Historian of Western America" by John Walton Caughey, 3. Hubert Howe Bancroft and His History of California" by Allan Nevins, and 4. handout detailing the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley campus Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Banks and Banking (Cleveland, Ohio), 1891-1965. Bank of Commerce National Association., Bank of Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio)., National City Bank of Cleveland Miscellaneous materials relating to the Banks and Banking, including: 1. "Condensed Statement of the Condition of the Bank of Commerce, National Association, at the close of business, September 7th, 1899", 2. "Two Estates Before and After : Effective Estate Planning" by the National City Bank of Cleveland, 3. "Statement of Condition" by the Bank of Cleveland (Dec. 11, 1965), 4. "Financial Review of the City of Cleveland : Official Returns of the National Banks, Savings Banks, and Banking Companies" by Charles H. Potter & Co., and 5. photocopied list of Cleveland banks Thu, 01 Jan 1891 12:00:00 GMT Baptist Home of Northern Ohio (Cleveland, Ohio), 1907-1931. Baptist Home of Northern Ohio., Cleveland Plain Dealer (Firm) Miscellaneous materials relating to Baptist Home of Northern Ohio, including: 1. clippings from Plain Dealer titled "Seek Aid of All but Rockefeller" and "Baptists Buy Home For Aged", 2. The Home Record, Vol.1 No.1 (Mar., 1909), 3. Annual Reports and Bulletin of the Baptist Home of Northern Ohio (Sep., 1914), 4. Annual Bulletin of the Baptist Home of Northern Ohio (1931), 5. handbill for the Annual Ingathering and Industrial Exposition Open House (Nov. 21, 1913), and 6. programs (x2) for the Harvest Ingathering (Nov. 18, 1915) Tue, 01 Jan 1907 12:00:00 GMT African Methodist Episcopal Church -- Conferences -- North Ohio, 1971. African Methodist Episcopal Church. Miscellaneous materials relating to African Methodist Episcopal Church -- Conferences -- North Ohio, including: bound program for 91st Session North Ohio Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, October 19-24, 1971. Fri, 01 Jan 1971 12:00:00 GMT Baptist Home of Ohio (Cleveland Heights, Ohio), 1944-1952. Baptist Home of Ohio. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Baptist Home of Ohio, including: 1. Code of regulations and by-laws (Mar., 1944), 2. various invitations to the Annual Ingatherings, and 3. "Baptist Home Tidings" newsletter (x2) Sat, 01 Jan 1944 12:00:00 GMT Baptist Young People's Union of America, 1908. Baptist Young People's Union of America. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Baptist Young People's Union of America, including: program for the 17th international convention at the Hippodrome in Cleveland, Ohio July 8-12, 1908 Wed, 08 Jul 1908 12:00:00 GMT Baptist Young People's Union of Ohio, 1907. Baptist Young People's Union of Ohio. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Baptist Young People's Union of Ohio, including: Annual report of the Baptist Young People's Union of Ohio Tue, 01 Jan 1907 12:00:00 GMT Barberton (Ohio), 1925. Akron Sunday Times. Miscellaneous materials relating to Barberton, including: newspaper clippings from the Akron Sunday Times (May 17, Jun. 7, and Jun. 14, 1925) Thu, 01 Jan 1925 12:00:00 GMT Barnesville (Ohio), 1889. Miscellaneous materials relating to Barnesville, including: Manual of the public schools of Barnesville, Ohio (August, 1889) Tue, 01 Jan 1889 12:00:00 GMT Barnett, James (1821-1911), 1903-1912. Children's Fresh Air Camp and Hospital of Cleveland., Cleveland Humane Society., Cleveland Plain Dealer (Firm), First National Bank (Cleveland Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to James Barnett, including: 1. photocopy of an article from the Cleveland Plain Dealer (Jan. 14, 1911), 2. statement from the Cleveland Human Society regarding the passing of James Barnett, 3. certificate to James Barnett on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Children's Fresh Air Camp (1903), and 4. statements from the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the First National Bank retarding the passing of James Barnett (Feb. 4, 1911) Thu, 01 Jan 1903 12:00:00 GMT Baseball, 1870-1994. Cleveland Ball Club Co., Cleveland Indians Baseball Company., The Cleveland press. Miscellaneous materials relating to Baseball, including: 1. various newspaper clippings related to baseball, 2. photograph of baseball team (1870), 3. seating plan of the Cleveland Stadium compliments of the Cleveland Baseball Co., 4. schedule and score record of the Cleveland Baseball Club (1917), 5. seating plan and schedule of the Cleveland Indians during the 1994 inaugural year, 6. issue of Indian News Vol.2 No.3 (May, 1948), 7. photocopy of "League Park Pointers" (1914), 8. photocopy of essay titled "Saga of Cleveland Baseball", and 9. photocopy of the Cleveland Press 1908 Official Score Card Sat, 01 Jan 1870 12:00:00 GMT Bath (Ohio), 1970. Cleveland Plain Dealer (Firm) Miscellaneous materials relating to Bath, including: 1. clipping from the Cleveland Plain Dealer titled "CWRU Team Unearths Old Kent Glass Factory", and 2. section titled "Pioneer Women of Bath" from a book Sun, 25 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Bay Village (Ohio), 1927-1928. First Methodist Episcopal Church (Bay Village, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to Bay Village, including: 1. Centennial Anniversary Program of First Methodist Episcopal Church (1927), and 2. various newspaper clippings Sat, 01 Jan 1927 12:00:00 GMT Bay Village Historical Society, 1990. Bay Village Historical Society. Miscellaneous materials relating to Bay Village Historical Society, including: newsletter from the Bay Village Historical Society (1990) Mon, 01 Jan 1990 12:00:00 GMT Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. Cleveland Chapter, 1990. Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. Cleveland Chapter. Miscellaneous materials relating to Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society. Cleveland Chapter, including: Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society Cleveland Chapter Newsletter, Volume 1 Number 2, Summer 1990 (3 copies) Mon, 01 Jan 1990 12:00:00 GMT Beaumont School for Girls (Cleveland, Ohio), 1978-1979. Beaumont School for Girls (Cleveland, OH) Miscellaneous materials relating to the Beaumont School for Girls, including: "Nexus" newsletters from Summer 1978 and Spring 1979 Sun, 01 Jan 1978 12:00:00 GMT Bedford (Ohio), 1849-1967. Miscellaneous materials relating to Bedford, including: 1. various newspaper clippings from the Bedford Times, 2. survey of land owned by the Bedford Glens Co. (1902), 3. excerpt titled "Pioneer Women of Bedford" from a book, 4. program for the Bedford Lecture Association Closing Entertainment (Mar. 20, 1883), 5. invitation to a Christmas Ball in Bedford (1849), and 6. the Bedford Ladies' Musical Club Year-Book 1909-1910 Mon, 01 Jan 1849 12:00:00 GMT Bedford High School (Bedford, Ohio), 1894-1904. Miscellaneous materials relating to Bedford High School, including: commencement programs (1894, 1904) Mon, 01 Jan 1894 12:00:00 GMT Bedford Historical Society (Bedford, Ohio), 1964-2007. Bedford Historical Society (Bedford, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to the Bedford Historical Society, including: 1. postcard of the Bedford Museum, 2. Bedford Historical Society 1984-1985 programs, 3. Bedford Memorial Record (July 1964), 4. program for Bedford Historical Society 5th Annual Meeting (Feb. 10, 1966), 5. handout for the Bedford Historical Society Museum and Library, and 6. pamphlet by the Bedford Historical Society called "Historic Bedford Ohio" Wed, 01 Jan 1964 12:00:00 GMT Beebe family, 1989. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Beebe family, including: various issues of the "Beebe Connection", a family quarterly publication (Feb., May, and Aug., 1989) Sun, 01 Jan 1989 12:00:00 GMT Beech Brook (Cleveland, Ohio), 1958. Saint Ann Foundation (Cleveland, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to Beech Brook, including: 1. informational handouts for Beech Brook, 2. Beech Brook Handbook, 3. informational handout for Beech Brook by the Saint Ann Foundation, and 4. Outline for Referral to Beech Brook Wed, 01 Jan 1958 12:00:00 GMT Beidler, Jacob A. (1852-1912), 1902. Miscellaneous materials relating to Jacob Beidler, including: election material supporting Jacob Beidler as an Ohio congressman Wed, 01 Jan 1902 12:00:00 GMT Bee Culture, 1876-1880. Miscellaneous materials relating to Bee Culture, including: 1. Moon's Bee World, a monthly periodical devoted to bee culture Vol.3 No.11 (Oct. 1876), 2. the American Bee Journal, devoted exclusively to bee culture and the production of pure comb and extracted honey Vol.14 No.12 (Dec. 1878), and 3. Doolittle's Bee-Keepers Club List (1880) Sat, 01 Jan 1876 12:00:00 GMT Beiswenger, Hoch, Arnold and Associates. Beiswenger, Hoch, Arnold and Associates. Miscellaneous materials relating to Beiswenger, Hoch, Arnold and Associates, including: portfolio of the company and their work as consulting engineers Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Bellamy Club of Cleveland. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Bellamy Club of Cleveland, including: pamphlet titled "What the Bellamy Clubs are doing about our Economic Trouble" Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Agricultural Machinery, 1848-1883. Brown & VanArsdale Manufacturing Company., Gibbs & Sterrett Manufacturing Company. Miscellaneous materials relating to Agricultural Machinery, including: Woolridge patent adjustable roller by Brown & VanArsdale Manufacturing Co. advertisement handbill, Underground gas machine advertisement handbill, Woolridge patent adjustable land roller by Brown & VanArsdale Manufacturing Co. advertisement handbill, Elevator Ditching Machine advertisement handbill, Hog Ringers advertisement handbill, Gibbs & Sterrett Manufacturing Company advertisement handbill, Gatchel's double acting bills advertisement handbill, and Gatchel's hydraulic rams advertisement poster. Sat, 01 Jan 1848 12:00:00 GMT Bellefaire Jewish Children's Home (Shaker Heights, Ohio), 1958-1979. Bellefaire Jewish Children's Home (Shaker Heights, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to Bellefaire, including: 1. program for confirmation at the Bellefaire Sabbath School (May 17, 1964), 2. informational handout about Bellefaire from the 90th anniversary (1958; 14 pages), 3. informational pamphlet about Bellefaire, 4. bound catalog of services for Bellefaire, 5. informational handout about Bellefaire (1979, 14 pages), 6. "Bellefaire 25 Years" a summary of some of the highlights and more significant changes and developments at Bellefaire as seen by Leon H. Richman during his 25 years as its executive director (10 pages), and 7. "Summary of Bellefaire Research Project Based on the Study Made by Dr. Ruth Lehrer" (8 pages) Wed, 01 Jan 1958 12:00:00 GMT Bellefontaine (Ohio). Miscellaneous materials relating to Bellefontaine, including: 1. photocopied newspaper clipping of a sinkhole at Round Prairie, and 2. clipping of a biographical sketch of John Brough, Governor of Ohio and President of the Bellefontaine Railway Line Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Ben Franklin Club of Cleveland, 1913. Ben Franklin Club of Cleveland. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Ben Franklin Club of Cleveland, including: issue of the Ben Franklin News (July 31, 1913) Thu, 31 Jul 1913 12:00:00 GMT Bender, George H., 1936-1955. Miscellaneous materials relating to George H. Bender, including: 1. "The Forgotten Man Still Forgotten" address of former senator George H. Bender, president of the Ohio Federation of Republican Clubs (1936), and 2. "Yea and Nay Votes of George H. Bender, United States Senator from Ohio" (1955) Wed, 01 Jan 1936 12:00:00 GMT Benedictine High School (Cleveland, Ohio), 1950-1986. Benedictine High School (Cleveland, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to Benedictine High School, including: 1. program for class of 1950 commencement exercises, 2. Benedictine Bulletin (Jan. 1983), 3. programs for OHSAA Regional Football Tournament (1985 & 1986), and 4. "the Bengal's Roar" football yearbook (1986) Sun, 01 Jan 1950 12:00:00 GMT Benedictine Order of Cleveland, 1985-1986. Benedictine Order of Cleveland Miscellaneous materials relating to the Benedictine Order of Cleveland, including: 1. program for the ordination to the priesthood of Brother Bede Kotlinski for the Benedictine Order of Cleveland (May 17, 1985), and 2. informational booklets regarding the Benedictine Order of Cleveland (1986; x3) Tue, 01 Jan 1985 12:00:00 GMT Benes House (Lakewood, Ohio). Gehring, Blythe R. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Benes House, including: copy of a typed description of the house Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff (Law firm), 1988-2006. Benesch, Friendlander, Coplan & Aronoff (Law firm) Miscellaneous materials relating to Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff, including: 1. fifty-year retrospective report (1988), and 2. annual review (2006) Fri, 01 Jan 1988 12:00:00 GMT Benton, Elbert Jay (1871-1946), 1946. Miscellaneous materials relating to Elbert Jay Benton, including: various newspaper clippings reporting his death Tue, 01 Jan 1946 12:00:00 GMT Berea (Ohio), 1862-1942. Miscellaneous materials relating to Berea, including: 1. various clippings from local newspapers about Berea's history, 2. excerpt titled "Pioneer Women of Middleburg" from book, 3. "Berea Fiscal Study" report, 4. program for the second concert of the Berea Musical Union (June 9, 1880), 5. catalogs for grindstones by F.M. Stearns & Co. (1862; x2), and 6. program for "Temple of Fame" (Feb. 17-18, 1893) Wed, 01 Jan 1862 12:00:00 GMT Agricultural Student Union of Ohio, 1903. Agricultural Student Union of Ohio Miscellaneous materials relating to Agricultural Student Union of Ohio, including: Circular for 1903, Circular No. 8 Concerning Work for the Season of 1903, and Text No. 7 Alfalfa Instructions. Thu, 01 Jan 1903 12:00:00 GMT Bookplates, 1972-1978. Cleveland Public Library, The Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland., American Bookplate Society. Miscellaneous materials relating to bookplates, including: 1. articles for the American Bookplate Society, 2. program for an exhibit at the Cleveland Public Library called "The Bookplate : An Historical Review" (1972), and 3. bibliography of books relating to bookplates in the history of the Western Reserve Historical Society (1978) Sat, 01 Jan 1972 12:00:00 GMT Brooks Oil Company. Brooks Oil Company. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Brooks Oil Company of Cleveland, Ohio, including: Two company blotters, one with the portrait of Col. Drake, both badly worn. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Bugatti automobile. Wilkinson, Stephan. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Bugatti automobile, including : The Myths vs. the machine, by Stephan Wilkinson. (From Connoisseur, Feb. 1991, p. 82-90) Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Cardington (Ohio), 1942-1943. Miscellaneous materials relating to Cardington, Ohio. Including: Yearbook of the Current Topics Club, Cardington, Ohio, 1942-1943. Thu, 01 Jan 1942 12:00:00 GMT Chanel High School (Bedford, Ohio), 1958. Chanel High School (Bedford, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to Chanel High School, including: program for a 'Solemn Dedication' (Oct. 5, 1958) Sun, 05 Oct 1958 12:00:00 GMT Cincinnati Historical Society. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Cincinnati Historical Society. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Center on Alcoholism, 1964. Cleveland Center on Alcoholism. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Cleveland Center on Alcoholism, including: 1. newsletter from November-December 1964 (Vol.6 No.3), and 2. handbill titled "Problem Drinkers : What they are, Who they are, How they can be helped" Wed, 01 Jan 1964 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Orchestra. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Cleveland Orchestra. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Physical Education Association. Cleveland Physical Education Association. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Cleveland Physical Education Association, including: a post card soliciting memberships to the Cleveland Physical Education Association Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Congregation Shomre Shaboth (Cleveland Heights, Ohio). Miscellaneous materials relating to Congregation Shomre Shaboth, including: 1. A spiritual stronghold looks to the future : the new Shomre Shaboth Synagogue, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. [19--?] (23p. : ill.,ports ; 22x28 cm.) Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Agriculture -- Ohio, 1885-1915. Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station., Ohio State Board of Agriculture. Miscellaneous materials relating to Agriculture -- Ohio, including: 1. cover page of the Press Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (number 361-September 29, 1915), and 2. Rules for the Organization and Management of County and District Societies as discussed in Annual Convention and Revised and Adopted by the Ohio State Board of Agriculture at its meeting January 15th, 1885. Thu, 01 Jan 1885 12:00:00 GMT Coterie (Alliance, Ohio), 1896-1925. Coterie (Alliance, OH) Miscellaneous materials relating to Coterie (Alliance, OH), including: 1. copy of the Coterie's constitution and by-laws (1896-1922), and 2. yearbook of the Coterie (Oct. 2, 1924-May 28, 1925) Wed, 01 Jan 1896 12:00:00 GMT Cuyahoga Valley Photographic Society. Cuyahoga Valley Photographic Society. Miscellaneous materials relating to the Cuyahoga Valley Photographic Society. Includes: Calendar of events, 1996-1999. Mon, 01 Jan 1996 12:00:00 GMT Dali Museum (Beachwood, Ohio). Miscellaneous materials relating to the Dali Museum, including: handouts advertising the museum Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Dental Museum, Bainbridge (Ross County, Ohio). Harris Dental Museum (Bainbridge, OH) Miscellaneous materials relating to the Dental Museum, Bainbridge (Ross County, OH), including: 1. collage of clippings and photographs of the Dental Museum, and 2. postcard of the Dental Museum Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Enterprise Electric Company (Cleveland, Ohio). Miscellaneous materials relating to Enterprise Electric Company, including: 1. Enterprise electric lighting fixtures. [19--?] (10p., ill.,some col., 24cm.) Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT First Baptist Church (Bedford, OH), 1968. First Baptist Church (Bedford, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to the First Baptist Church, including: program for services of dedication (May 19-26, 1968) Sun, 19 May 1968 12:00:00 GMT Haines House (Alliance, Ohio). Haines House (Alliance, Ohio) Miscellaneous materials relating to Haines House (Alliance, OH), including: a handout containing the history, architecture, and renovation of the Haines House. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT J. L. Hudson Company (Cleveland, Ohio), 1885. Miscellaneous materials relating to the J.L. Hudson Company, Excelsior Clothier, including: 1. J.L. Hudson, Excelsior Clothier, 201 to 211 Superior Street, Cleveland. [1885?] ([6] p., map, view of "The Great viaduct at Cleveland, O." on cover) Thu, 01 Jan 1885 12:00:00 GMT Juvenile delinquency. Miscellaneous materials relating to juvenile delinquency. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Leetonia (Ohio), 1993. Miscellaneous materials relating to Leetonia (Columbiana County), Ohio. Including: Xerox copies of articles from the Salem News, 1993 regarding the Cherry Valley Coke Ovens and the coke industry of Leetonia, Ohio. Fri, 01 Jan 1993 12:00:00 GMT