720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f225-subject=City Club of Cleveland.);f225-subject%3DCity%20Club%20of%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f225-subject=City Club of Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT City Club of Cleveland Records. City Club of Cleveland The City Club of Cleveland is a men's club formed in 1912 to provide a platform for the discussion of issues of contemporary interest in Cleveland, Ohio. Women were admitted in 1972. A number of noted individuals have addressed the Club's forum. The collection consists of constitutions, articles of incorporation, minutes, correspondence, addresses, opinion polls, financial records, publications, newspaper clippings and scrapbooks. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT City Club of Cleveland Records, Series II. City Club of Cleveland The City Club of Cleveland is a men's club formed in 1912 to provide a platform for the discussion of issues of contemporary interest in Cleveland, Ohio. Women were admitted in 1972. A number of noted individuals have addressed the Club's forum. The collection consists of constitutions, articles of incorporation, minutes, correspondence, addresses, financial records, publications, newspaper clippings, and scrapbooks. A number of items relate to prominent political and social leaders who have spoken before the club. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Carl D. Friebolin Papers. Friebolin, Carl D. Carl D. Friebolin (1878-1967) was a United States bankruptcy referee, 1916-1967, and one of the leading civic leaders of Cleveland, Ohio. A supporter of the reforms of the progressive era, Friebolin served as state representative (1911-1913) and senator (1913-1914), and as judge of Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. Friebolin was president of the City Club of Cleveland, the City Club Forum Foundation, and the Cleveland Law Library, as well as a trustee of Western Reserve University, where he taught bankruptcy law from 1934-1959. He was perhaps best known in Cleveland as the author of the Anvil Revue, a satiric look at the Cleveland scene put on yearly by the City Club of Cleveland. The collection consists of personal and official correspondence; speeches re: bankruptcy, citizenship, politics, education, political and civic leaders (e.g. Newton D. Baker); docketed bankruptcy decisions and orders, including related decisions, affidavits, evidence, expert opinions, debtor's petitions, and related bankruptcy... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Seth and Frances Taft Papers. Taft, Seth and Frances Seth Chase Taft (December 31, 1922-April 14, 2013) was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Charles P. and Eleanor Chase Taft. He is the grandson of American president William Howard Taft. He married Frances Prindle (December 12, 1921-May 14, 2017) on June 19, 1943 and they had four children: Frederick I. (Rick) (b. June 26, 1945), Thomas P. (b. July 19, 1948), Cynthia B. (b. May 24, 1950), and Seth Tucker (Tucker) (b. March 4, 1953). They were active members of the greater Cleveland, Ohio, cultural, civic, and political community. The collection consists of 31 scrapbooks which include agendas, birth announcements, birthday cards, brochures, building permits, campaign literature, certificates, children's artwork and letters, Christmas cards and newsletters, contracts, correspondence, currency, flyers, greeting cards, interviews, invitations, itineraries, journal articles, lecture paperwork, legal briefs, licenses, lists, magazine articles, maps, memoranda, menus, newsletters, newspaper articles, newspaper clippings... Sun, 01 Jan 2017 12:00:00 GMT Thomas F. Campbell Papers. Campbell, Thomas F. Thomas Campbell was an author, community leader, and professor and university administrator who co-founded the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University and served as its director. Campbell served as president of the City Club of Cleveland, and was instrumental in opening its doors to women. He directed the Cleveland Heritage Program for Cleveland Public Library. He ran for mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1977. He founded the Irish American Archives Society and was deeply involved in the Irish American community of Cleveland, as well as numerous other groups in the Cleveland, Ohio area. The collection consists of agendas, awards, biographical data, correspondence, diaries, a dissertation, examination papers, flyers, invitations, magazine articles, memberships, minutes, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, plays, poems, programs, recipes, reports, resumes, speeches, workshops and writings. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT