Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f225-subject=Broad family);f225-subject%3DBroad%20family
Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f225-subject=Broad familyThu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMTNow in our fourth century, some American families: a documentary and pictorial history of more than tweny families who were well settled in the American colonies before the year 1700, and of many of their ancestors, kin, and descendants, or, Som ancestors and descendants of American families of Alexander, Bradshaw, Broad, Brown, Bush, Carner (Koerner, etc.), Cody, Cole, Conatser (Knertzer, etc.), Dehaven (In den Hoffen, etc.), Dimmit (Demmit, etc.), Drake, Freeburn, Fridley, Griffith (Griffen, etc.), Hines, Hunt, Keiter (Kidder, etc.), Kistler, Kitchen (Kinchen, etc.), Mansperger, Martin, Matheny (Metheney, etc.), Meachum, Midlam, Parker, Reagan (Regan), Roberts, Rugg, Shaeffer (Schaeffer, etc.), Sherwood, Smith, Southwick, Snyder (Schneider, etc.), Trask, and Wright : with more than sixty associated lines. Drake, Paul, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT