720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f2-subject=Jewish refugees -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f2-subject%3DJewish%20refugees%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f2-subject=Jewish refugees -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Jacob Dannhauser Family Papers. Dannhauser, Jacob Family Born in Germany, Jacob (Jack) Dannhauser (1922-1998) emigrated to the United States in 1939, eventually settling in Cleveland, Ohio. He was active as a volunteer in the Jewish community and a member of Shaarey Tikvah Congregation (Gates of Hope). The collection consists of a bulletin, bylaws, correspondence, and lists related to Dannhauser's involvement in the congregations of Mayfield Hillcrest Synagogue and the Gates of Hope Congregation, known today as Shaarey Tikvah. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Nora and Solomon Simon Papers. Simon, Nora and Solomon Nora Katz Simon (1903-1996), a German-born Jewish woman, immigrated from the German Reich to the United States in the late 1930s. While living in New York City, she met Solomon Simon (1901-1988), a fellow German-born Jew, who had recently fled the German Reich as well. After moving from New York City to Cleveland, Ohio, they married in 1940. From the United States they sent financial support to Nora's family, especially her uncle, Leopold Katz, who was able to flee Nazi Germany and escape to the Netherlands in 1938, from where he eventually made his way to Palestine. In Palestine, Leopold witnessed the founding of the state of Israel, where he remained together with Nora's father and their families. Both of them kept in close contact with Nora and Solomon, documented by the correspondence present in this collection. Nora survived her husband, who died in 1988, by nine years. The collection consists of certificates, correspondence, an obituary, and a will. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Shaarey Tikvah Congregation Records, Series II. Shaarey Tikvah Congregation Shaarey Tikvah Congregation was founded in 1940 in Cleveland, Ohio, by a group of German Jewish refugees. In its first ten years, the congregation met in four different buildings in Cleveland. In 1950, the congregation purchased the Heights Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and changed its name to Mayfield Temple. In 1970, the congregation merged with Hillcrest Synagogue B'nai Israel and moved to its building in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. The merged congregation was called Mayfield Hillcrest Synagogue, and had the Hebrew name Shaarey Tikvah - B'nai Israel. In 1986, the congregation moved to Beachwood, Ohio. It became the first conservative congregation in Beachwood and changed its name back to Shaarey Tikvah, which means "gates of hope." Shaarey Tikvah associated with the Conservative movement in 1957. Rabbis who served the congregation were Hans Zucker, 1940-1942; Manfred Strauss, 1942-1946; Enoch H. Kronheim, 1946-1957; Jacob Shtull, 1958-1994; Gary Robuck, 1994-2003; and Edward C. Bernstein, 200... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism Records. Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism The Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism was a Cleveland, Ohio, organization founded in 1963, by three NASA scientists, to help Soviet Jews to emigrate and to monitor anti-semitism in the USSR. The movement spread to other cities in North America and led to the formation of the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews to coordinate the local groups. The collection consists of administrative files, correspondence, documents, subject and program files and publications of the Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism, and correspondence, subject and program files and publications of the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism Records, Series II. Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism The Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism is a Cleveland, Ohio, organization founded in 1963, by three NASA scientists, to help Soviet Jews to emigrate and to monitor anti-semitism in the USSR. The movement spread to other cities in North America and led to the formation of the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews to coordinate the local groups. The collection consists of appeals, correspondence, minutes, letters to the editor, flyers, booklets, pamphlets, and press releases. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT