720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f183-subject=Camp Wise (Euclid, Ohio) -- Photograph collections.);f183-subject%3DCamp%20Wise%20(Euclid,%20Ohio)%20--%20Photograph%20collections. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f183-subject=Camp Wise (Euclid, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Center of Cleveland Photographs. Jewish Community Center of Cleveland The Jewish Community Center of Cleveland was formed in 1948 by the merger of the Council Educational Alliance (est. 1899), Camp Wise (est. 1907), the Jewish Young Adult Bureau (est. 1939), and the Cultural Department of the Jewish Community Council (est. 1945), for the purpose of providing recreational social and cultural programs to Cleveland's Jewish community. By 1959 the center moved from Cleveland to the suburb of Cleveland Heights. The collection consists of photographs, negatives, and glass slides relating to the various functions, activities, and facilities of the Jewish Community Center of Cleveland, Ohio, and its members. Included are indoor events, such as dances, parties, and plays; outdoor activities including camp houses, recreation houses, and other buildings; photographs of the 50th anniversary party of the Jewish Community Center; and photographs of people, activities, and facilities at Camp Wise. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Albert M. Brown Photographs. Brown, Albert M. Albert M. Brown (1901-1994) was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants. Brown became involved in social work in the Cleveland Jewish community, working at the Kinsman branch of the Council Educational Alliance from 1923-1929. After working at a New York City settlement house from 1930-1938, he returned to Cleveland and worked at the National Youth Administration and Bellefaire. In 1942, he became director of the Toledo Jewish Community Center. After returning to Cleveland in 1955, he served as executive director of the Community Temple (Beth Am) until 1963, when he was appointed the founding director of Council Gardens in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, a senior adult housing community. During his retirement, he worked part-time as the social director of his own residence, the Concord Apartments in Cleveland Heights. Brown wrote and produced many one-act plays. He was also authored The Camp Wise Story: 1907-1988, published in 1989. The collection consists of individual portraits of Albert M. ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Bellefaire Photographs. Bellefaire Bellefaire was organized in 1868 in Cleveland, Ohio, as the Jewish Orphan Asylum. By 1942 it changed its name to Bellefaire and began specializing in the treatment of emotionally disturbed children. The collection consists of individual portraits, including staff and superintendents; and group portraits, including general outdoor recreation; swimming activities; baseball, football, and basketball; fairs and circuses; reunions; plays, music, and art activities; interior and exterior views of the Jewish Orphan Asylum and Bellefaire buildings; and Cherry Farm and Camp Wise. Tintypes, carte de visite, and cabinet card photographs are included. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Center of Cleveland Photographs, Series II. Jewish Community Center of Cleveland The Jewish Community Center of Cleveland was formed in 1948 by the merger of the Council Educational Alliance (established 1899), Camp Wise (established 1907), the Jewish Young Adult Bureau (established 1939), and the Cultural Department of the Jewish Community Council (established 1945), for the purpose of providing recreational social and cultural programs to the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio. By 1959 the center moved from Cleveland to the suburb of Cleveland Heights. The collection consists of individual portraits, including Myron Guren, the first president of the Jewish Community Center (JCC), and Herman Eigen, its executive director. Group portraits include a Council Educational Alliance women's group. Photographic views reflect JCC's activities in several areas, including the resettlement of Jews from the former Soviet Union in the 1970s; the Jewish Youth Council, a politically active high school group; and the cultural arts programs of the JCC, including folk dancing, dances, exhibits, holidays... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT