720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f176-subject=Shawnee Indians.);f176-subject%3DShawnee%20Indians. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f176-subject=Shawnee Indians. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Joseph Badger Papers. Badger, Joseph Joseph Badger (1757-1846) was the first missionary to settle in the Western Reserve (Ohio). The collection consists of copies of the sermons (1825-1841) delivered by the Rev. Badger, mostly in Gustavus, Trumbull County, Ohio, and several pages from his diary concerning the building of a schoolhouse (1823) and a trip through Shawnee Indian country to Wapakoneta, Ohio, with observations on Indian customs. Includes four sermons delivered by Rev. Isaac Van Tassel (1831-1848). Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Sosman Family Papers. Sosman Family George A. Sosman was a farmer in Chillicothe, Ohio. John F. Sosman served in the 73rd Ohio Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. Frank A. Sosman was a clerk and bookkeeper in Chillicothe. The collection consists of letters to George and Lucretia Browning Sosman (1835-1845) from Wesley and Phebe Browning, concerning religious conferences in the Midwest and manual-labor schools among the Shawnee and Choctaw Indians; diaries of George Sosman (1853-1859), with comments on his farming activities; letters of John F. Sosman from Virginia during the Civil War; and diaries of Frank S. Sosman (1867-1869). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT