720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f170-subject=Euclid Avenue (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photographs.);f170-subject%3DEuclid%20Avenue%20(Cleveland,%20Ohio)%20--%20Photographs. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f170-subject=Euclid Avenue (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photographs. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Euclid Avenue Photographs. Unknown Euclid Avenue is a street in Cleveland, Ohio, that was known as "Millionaires' Row" in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The collection consists of mounted and unmounted photographs depicting early homes, exterior and interior views, of Cleveland, Ohio's, Euclid Avenue. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Otis-Sanders Mansion Photograph Album. Otis-Sanders Family The Otis-Sanders Mansion was located at 3133 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. It was built by Charles Augustus Otis, Sr., with construction beginning in 1868. The mansion was occupied continuously by the Otis and Sanders families until the death of Mr. Otis' daughter, Annie Otis Sanders, in 1933. At one time, the John Huntington Polytechnic Institute was located at the mansion. Like most of the homes on "Millionaires' Row," the Otis-Sanders Mansion was torn down. The collection consists of one photograph album containing interior and exterior views of the Otis- Sanders Mansion on Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. Most of the photographs were taken in 1933, after the death of Annie Otis Sanders. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Bole Family Photographs. Bole Family The Bole Family traces its ancestry to Robert Bole (1818-1891) and Euphemia Bole (Kirkpatrick, birth and death dates unknown). They had five children: Joseph Kirkpatrick (1848-1894), John Clark, Mary (Mame), Allen, and Robert. The donors of the collection are descendents of Joseph Kirkpatrick Bole and Melinda Eliza Bole (Patterson, 1850-1918). Joseph and Melinda had seven children. The majority of the material is related to their second son, Joseph "Joe" Kirkpatrick Bole (1876-1952), and his wife's, Winifred Ely Bole (Ely, 1881-1976), line of descendents. Joe Bole attended Cornell University and was an avid golfer and fisherman. The collection consists of candid photos, professional portraits, and wedding photos. The collection contains 506 photos with three in color and 503 in black and white. The media types included in the photo group are albumens, cabinet cards, glass negatives, negatives, postcards, and tintypes. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT