720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f170-subject=Adult education -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f170-subject%3DAdult%20education%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f170-subject=Adult education -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Adult Education Association (Cleveland College), 1931. The Adult Education Association affiliated with Cleveland College of Western Reserve University. Miscellaneous materials relating to Adult Education Association (Cleveland College), including: a program guide from 1931 describing the organization and advertising events hosted by the organization (4 pages). Thu, 01 Jan 1931 12:00:00 GMT Nili Adler Papers. Adler, Nili Nili Adler (1942-2014), a Hebrew teacher and educator, worked as head of the Hebrew Department for the Cleveland College of Jewish Studies (after 2002, Siegal College of Judaic Studies). She also led Akiva High School, a supplementary educational program for Jewish high school students offering courses in Hebrew language and Jewish cultural programming. The collection consists of agendas, booklets, contributions acknowledgments, correspondence, course listings, curriculum guidelines, evaluations, flyers, graduation programs, handbooks, lesson plans, lists, manuals, memoranda, minutes, newspaper clippings, notes, a photograph, proficiency tests, program descriptions and evaluations, proposals, reports, speeches, and syllabi. Fri, 01 Jan 2016 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Conference for Educational Cooperation Records. Cleveland Conference for Educational Cooperation The Cleveland Conference for Educational Cooperation sought to stimulate educational activities in Cleveland, Ohio, primarily by encouraging inter-institutional exchanges of service among its member organizations, including Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland Public Schools, Cleveland School of Art, and Western Reserve Historical Society. The collection consists of minutes of executive committee and annual meetings, committee reports, and notices of events sponsored by the Conference. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Samuel V. Perry Papers. Perry, Samuel V. Samuel V. Perry (1895-1968) was a Cleveland, Ohio, parole officer, City Streets Department clerk, and information consultant who was involved in safety education and the legal affairs of the African American community. The collection consist of correspondence, material relating to the court case Haring v. Gist, papers on the American legal system and African Americans, an outline for a teacher's textbook on safety education, and plans for an adult education program. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Friends of Aaron Garber Library Records. Friends of the Aaron Garber Library The primary mission of the Friends of the Aaron Garber Library was to promote and support the Aaron Garber Library of the Siegal College of Judaic Studies and continuing education in Jewish learning through programming, volunteer service, and fundraising. The secondary mission of the organization was to provide funds to the Mandel Jewish Community Center. The organization was active from the early 1960s through 2016. The collection consists of academic calendars, agendas, announcements, annual reports, budgets, bulletins, bylaws, calendars, catalogs, certificates, correspondence, flyers, forms, information packets, invitations, marketing materials, minutes, newsletters, newspaper clippings, notes, outlines, color and black and white photographs (31), press releases, programs, proposals, rosters, scrapbooks, and workbooks. Mon, 01 Jan 2018 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland College of Jewish Studies Records. Cleveland College of Jewish Studies The Cleveland College of Jewish Studies is a non-denominational institution of higher Jewish learning supported by the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio. Accredited by the state of Ohio, degree programs in Judaic studies are offered, as are lifelong learning programs on Jewish topics for adults. In 1947, two Cleveland institutions founded in the 1920s, the Jewish Teachers Institute and the Beth Midrash L'Morim (Hebrew Teacher Training School), merged to form the Cleveland Institute of Jewish Studies, under the auspices of the Bureau of Jewish Education. In 1952, the Cleveland Institute of Jewish Studies became an independent agency. Through the initiative of Rebecca Aronson Brickner, the institute became known as the Cleveland College of Jewish Studies in 1963. It shared space with the Bureau of Jewish Education in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, before occupying its own building in Beachwood, Ohio. The collection consists of record books of the Cleveland Institute of Jewish Studies; yearbooks, newsletters, cour... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Laura and Alvin Siegal College of Judaic Studies Records and Photographs, Series II. Laura and Alvin Siegal College of Judaic Studies The Laura and Alvin Siegal College of Judaic Studies was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1952 as the Cleveland Institute of Jewish Studies which later became the Cleveland College of Jewish Studies. In 2012 Siegal College and Case Western Reserve University announced that they had combined their adult education programs into a new initiative, the Laura and Alvin Siegal Lifelong Learning Program at Case Western Reserve University. This announcement marked the closure of the College. The collection consists of agendas, agreements, announcements, annual reports, applications, brochures, budgets, calendars, certificates, contracts, correspondence, course catalogs, curricula, evaluations, forms, handbooks, invitations, lists, manuals, minutes, monographs, notes, photographs, policies, press releases, programs, proposals, reports, rosters, scrapbooks, strategic plan, student papers, surveys, syllabi, and theses. Mon, 01 Jan 2018 12:00:00 GMT Laura and Alvin Siegal College of Judaic Studies Records. Laura and Alvin Siegal College of Judaic Studies The Cleveland College of Jewish Studies was a non-denominational institution of higher Jewish learning supported by the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio. Accredited by the state of Ohio, degree programs in Judaic studies are offered, as are lifelong learning programs on Jewish topics for adults. In 1947, two Cleveland institutions founded in the 1920s, the Jewish Teachers Institute and the Beth Midrash L'Morim (Hebrew Teacher Training School), merged to form the Cleveland Institute of Jewish Studies, under the auspices of the Bureau of Jewish Education. In 1952, the Cleveland Institute of Jewish Studies became an independent agency. Through the initiative of Rebecca Aronson Brickner, the institute became known as the Cleveland College of Jewish Studies in 1963. It shared space with the Bureau of Jewish Education in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, before occupying its own building in Beachwood, Ohio. In 2002, the Cleveland College of Jewish Studies underwent another name change. To honor benefactors Laura and Al... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT