720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f166-subject=Green, Ann Maria Stockwell, 1840-1904.);f166-subject%3DGreen,%20Ann%20Maria%20Stockwell,%201840-1904. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f166-subject=Green, Ann Maria Stockwell, 1840-1904. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Ann Maria Stockwell Green Journals. Green, Ann Maria Stockwell Ann Maria Stockwell (1840-1904) was a Boston, Massachusetts resident (her home was in the Roxbury section of Boston), and wife of George Green. She was born in West Acton, Massachusetts on March 28, 1840. Her first husband, David Hapgood, died during the American Civil War. Her second husband, George Green, was a stationer who died in 1899. The collection consists of three bound, handwritten notebooks containing an account of an extended trip to Europe. Includes descriptions of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Oxford, London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Cologne, Strasbourg, Bern, Geneva, Paris, Rome, and other cities in Italy. Mrs. Green was in Rome at the time of the deaths of Victor Emmanuel II and Pius IX, in 1878. She also attended a London church service and sermon given by the Nonconformist divine, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, at his church, The Tabernacle. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT