720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f166-subject=Buckeye Brass and Manufacturing Company.);f166-subject%3DBuckeye%20Brass%20and%20Manufacturing%20Company. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f166-subject=Buckeye Brass and Manufacturing Company. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Buckeye Brass and Manufacturing Company Records. Buckeye Brass and Manufacturing Company Buckeye Brass and Manufacturing was founded in 1900 as Buckeye Brass and Pattern Company in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1912 it incorporated as Buckeye Brass and Manufacturing Company. It moved to the plant located at 6410 Hawthorne on Cleveland's west side in 1917, and in 1921 a foundry was built. It manufactured brass and bronze castings, tools, parts, and fittings. Buckeye was one of the three top brass and bronze companies in the U.S. when it was sold to Don Shook, owner of competitor, Markey Bronze, in 1952. Shook sold out to Eagle-Picher Company in 1967. After 1952, Buckeye Brass operated at various times as Buckeye Brass, Buckeye-Markey, Masten-Buckeye, and as a division of Masten-Bunting. Eagle consolidated all brass and bronze operations in the Toledo Bunting plant in 1982, and the Buckeye Cleveland plant was closed. The collection consists of articles of incorporation, stock certification, minutes for board of directors and stockholder meetings, corporate history, financial records, personnel records, plan... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT