720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f165-subject=Congregational churches -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f165-subject%3DCongregational%20churches%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f165-subject=Congregational churches -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Euclid Avenue Congregational Church Records, Series III. Euclid Avenue Congregational Church Euclid Avenue Congregational Church was founded in 1843, in Cleveland, Ohio. Until 1853 it had a Presbyterian form of government and was called the Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland. A Hough Avenue branch of the church existed from 1890 until 1934, under the name Hough Avenue Congregational Church. In 1934 it merged with the Euclid Avenue church. The Euclid Avenue Congregational Church was destroyed by fire on March 23, 2010. The collection consists of church bulletins, administrative information, and announcements. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Pilgrim Congregational Church Records. Pilgrim Congregational Church Pilgrim Congregational Church was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1854 as University Heights Congregational Church in the Near West Side neighborhood of Tremont, then known as University Heights.To accommodate the growing congregation, the current church located at 2592 West 14th Street was built in 1893-1894 by architect S.R. Badgeley, whose unique design combined worship space with the growing need for a community center, including a library and the first kindergarten in the city of Cleveland. By 1919 the building had expanded to include a gymnasium complete with shower rooms, a boxing ring, and bowling alleys. Pilgrim Congregational Church was also the first building on the West Side of Cleveland to be fitted with electricity, operating its own power plant for several years. Pilgrim Congregational Church is now (2014) affiliated with the United Church of Christ. The collection consists of church bulletins, correspondence, financial documents, historical records, histories, invoices, ledgers, marriage lice... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Trinity Congregational Church (Pepper Pike, Ohio) Records. Trinity Congregational Church, Pepper Pike, Ohio Trinity Congregational Church was incorporated in 1894, in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1928 it moved to the suburb of Cleveland Heights. From 1946 to 1952 services were held in a school in Shaker Heights. In 1952 the congregation moved to Pepper Pike, Ohio. The collection consists of correspondence, minutes of meetings, treasurers' accounts, annual reports, and pamphlets, relating to the church and to the activities of various church-related organizations, including Christian Endeavor Society, Ladies Aid Society, Young Women's Missionary Society, Pastoral Committee, Founder's Circle, and Junior Fellowship. Includes church bulletins (1896-1909, 1918) and plans and accounts relating to construction of a new building. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Fellowship of Congregational Christian Women Records. Cleveland Fellowship of Congregational Christian Women The Cleveland Fellowship of Congregational Christian Women was founded in 1902 to unite the women of various Cleveland, Ohio, Congregational churches. Meetings were held at the participating churches. The collection consists of two bound volumes of minutes, and one folder containing programs and treasurer's reports. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Congregational Union of Cleveland Churches Records. Congregational Union of Cleveland Churches The Congregational Union of Cleveland Churches was organized in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1853, as the Cleveland Congregational Conference, to oversee the organization of new churches and the mergers of existing churches, and to provide financial assistance. In 1912 it merged with the City Missionary Society to form the Congregational Union of Cleveland. In 1963 the Union was merged into the Western Reserve Association of the United Church of Christ. The collection consists of governing board records, committee records, records of Congregational churches, and histories. Includes minutes, programs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, a scrapbook, and four unpublished works by Reverend Karl O. Thompson. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Park Congregational Church Records. Park Congregational Church Park Congregational Church was organized in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1886 through a union Sunday school held by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Roberts. After several years of meeting in a union church on the corner of Doan Street and Crawford Road, the church was adopted by the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church in 1888 and was then known as the "North Branch." By 1890 the North Branch was recognized as an independent church and a new, more centrally-located church was built on the corner of Crawford Road and Cullison Street. The collection consists of a written history of the church, a list of church officials and donors, and a manual, including a history of the church, printed in 1902. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church Records, Series II. St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church St. Paul's United Church of Christ was established in 1856 in Cleveland, Ohio, as the Second German Evangelical Church. In 1858 it changed to St. Paul's Evangelical Church. The church was located at the intersection of Scovill Avenue and Greenwood Street (East 28th Street). With the merger of the German Evangelical and German Reformed denominations the church became St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church. Since the 1961 merger with the Congregational Christian Church the denomination has been known as St. Paul's United Church of Christ. The collection consists of a bound record book that includes the church constitution, list of officers, membership records, communion records, baptism records, confirmation records, and marriage records, death records. The collection also includes one folder of miscellaneous correspondence and reports. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Euclid Avenue Congregational Church Records. Euclid Avenue Congregational Church Euclid Avenue Congregational Church was founded in 1843, in Cleveland, Ohio. Until 1853 it had a Presbyterian form of government and was called the Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland. A Hough Avenue branch of the church existed from 1890 until 1934, under the name Hough Avenue Congregational Church. In 1934 it merged with the Euclid Avenue church. The Euclid Avenue Congregational Church was destroyed by fire on March 23, 2010. The collection consists of minutes, financial records, correspondence, membership and property records, baptismal and death records, and other records of Euclid Avenue and Hough Avenue Congregational churches, including marriage records of the Hough Avenue church. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Highland United Church of Christ Records. Highland United Church of Christ The Highland United Church of Christ was a Congregational church founded in Lakewood, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, in 1891. It was originally called the Lakewood Congregational Church but in 1902 the name was changed to Highland Congregational Church. The church relocated in Cleveland in 1915 and became Highland United Church of Christ in 1957. It disbanded in 1971. The collection consists of constitutions, minutes of governing boards, social club records, merger reports and related correspondence, general correspondence, publications, membership records, legal records, and financial records. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT First Congregational Church Records. First Congregational Church The First Congregational Church was originally founded as a Presbyterian church in Brooklyn, Ohio, in 1834. In 1844 the church joined the Congregational denomination. Although it disbanded in 1954, marriages were held at the church until 1962. The collection consists of church registers, minutes, baptismal records, correspondence, memoranda, financial materials, directories, histories, and scrapbooks. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Collinwood United Church of Christ Records. Collinwood United Church of Christ The Collinwood United Church of Christ was a Congregational church founded in 1876, in Cleveland, Ohio, as Collinwood Congregational Church. In 1965 it became the Collinwood United Church of Christ. It disbanded in 1967. The collection consists of constitutions, minutes of governing boards, social club records, correspondence, membership records, financial material, and material from a church scrapbook. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Euclid Avenue Congregational Church Records, Series II. Euclid Avenue Congregational Church The Euclid Avenue Congregational Church was founded in 1843, in Cleveland, Ohio. Until 1853 it had a Presbyterian form of government and was called the Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland. A Hough Avenue branch of the church existed from 1890 until 1934, under the name Hough Avenue Congregational Church. In 1934 it merged with the Euclid Avenue church. The Euclid Avenue Congregational Church was destroyed by fire on March 23, 2010. The collection consists of executive board minutes and business meeting minutes of the Women's Association of Euclid Avenue Congregational Church. The collection is arranged chronologically by sets of board minutes. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Puritan Congregational Church Records. Puritan Congregational Church Puritan Congregational Church was located on the corner of Franklin Avenue and West 58th Street on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio, in the 1890s-1914. The congregation was an independent church that included the consolidation Franklin Avenue Congregational Church. The collection consists of certificates, correspondence, meeting notices, membership lists, memoranda, minutes, newsletters, and reports. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ella Mae Cheeks Johnson Papers. Johnson, Ella Mae Cheeks Ella Mae Cheeks Johnson was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1904. Orphaned at age four, she was raised by the Davis family. She attended Dallas Colored High School and Fisk University before applying to the School of Applied Social Sciences at Western Reserve University. Johnson graduated in 1928 with a master's degree in social work. As a social worker, Johnson was first employed by Associated Charities of Cleveland, Ohio. Later, she worked for the Cuyahoga County Department of Welfare in conjunction with the federal program Aid to Dependent Children. She retired in 1961. Johnson married Elmer Cheeks in 1929. They had two sons. Cheeks died in 1941, and Johnson married Raymond Johnson in 1957. He died in 1983. Mrs. Johnson was an active member of Mt. Zion Congregational Church, an avid reader and traveler, and a supporter of a variety of charities. At age 105, she attended the inauguration of President Barack Obama in Washington, D.C. Soon after, with the assistance of a freelance writer, she wrote her autobiograph... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT David K. Ford Family Papers. Ford, David K. Family The Ford family were prominent lawyers, philanthropists, and businessmen of Cleveland, Ohio, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The collection consists of genealogies, biographical sketches, correspondence, diaries, journals, account books, appointment books, ledgers, stock certificates, minutes, leases, articles of incorporation, wills, deeds, corporate inventories, maps, newspaper and magazine clippings, tax assessments and returns, diplomas, certificates, military orders, and discharge papers. Material is included on several banking institutions, including Garfield Savings Bank, The Western Reserve Trust Company, Metropolitan National Savings Bank, and the East End Savings and Trust Company. Material on Ford family involvement in the construction and management of the Williamson Building is included, as is family involvement in other real estate enterprises, including The New Amsterdam Company, One Euclid Company, and the Ford McCaslin Company. Involvement in various legal firms by H. Clark, H... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT