720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f163-subject=Geauga County (Ohio) -- History -- Sources.);f163-subject%3DGeauga%20County%20(Ohio)%20--%20History%20--%20Sources. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f163-subject=Geauga County (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Lemuel Punderson Papers, Series II. Punderson, Lemuel Lemuel Punderson was a prominent Geauga County, Ohio, pioneer. He was the first permanent settler in Newbury Township in 1808, operated a grist mill and distillery in association with Eleazer Hickox, maintained a farm and saw mill, and served as a land agent in the area. The collection consists of an account book of Punderson's various activities, 1808-1826. The collection pertains to pioneer life in Geauga County, Ohio and is interesting for those researching Punderson's career or any of the facets of early Geauga County life in which he was involved. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Bond Family Papers. Bond Family Eli Bond, his father Thomas Bond, and brother Moses Bond were early settlers in Geauga County, Ohio. They owned land in Bondstown, now Hambden Township, and Eli opened the first store in Painesville and served as Geauga County sheriff, 1815-1818. William L. Perkins acted as the family's agent in land transactions. The collection consists of correspondence between family members, deeds and receipts. The collection primarily concerns the everyday activities of the family members, land speculation and the early settlement of Geauga County, Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT