720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f158-subject=Czech Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f158-subject%3DCzech%20Americans%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f158-subject=Czech Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Joseph A. Artl Papers and Photographs, Series II. Artl, Joseph A. Joseph A. Artl (1893-1970) was a Cleveland, Ohio, judge who served in the municipal, common pleas, and appeals courts. He was also active in Cleveland's Czech community. The collection consists of biographical material, campaign posters, certificates. correspondence, legal opinions, newspaper clippings, photographs, a request for a blessing, resolutions, a scrapbook, and speech transcripts. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Joseph A. Artl Papers. Artl, Joseph A. Joseph A. Artl (1893-1970) was a Cleveland, Ohio, judge who served in the municipal, common pleas, and appeals courts. He was also active in Cleveland's Czech community. The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, transcripts, law school notes, certificates, and clippings. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Frank C. Manak Papers. Manak, Frank C. Frank C. Manak (1872-1938) was a banker and leader in the Cleveland, Ohio, Czech community. His son, Frank Jr., was general counsel of U.S. Steel, an official of the Ohio Bureau of Unemployment Compensation, president of the Czech Cultural Garden Association, trustee of the Ohio Manufacturers' Association, and county Republican committeeman. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, speeches, a poster, and testimonials relating to Frank C. Manak, Sr. Includes material relating to his son, Frank C. Manak, Jr. Correspondents include Harold H. Burton, Wendell L. Willkie, Thomas E. Dewey, and Ohio government officials Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Bohemian National Hall Records. Bohemian National Hall The Bohemian National Hall was dedicated in 1897 as a community building for the use of Cleveland, Ohio, Czech societies. The Hall was purchased by the Northeastern District of the American Organization of Sokols in 1976 and placed on the National Register of Historic Places. The collection consists of minute books, account books, financial records, commemorative anniversary books, correspondence, and newspaper clippings. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Bohemian Mission Board Records. Bohemian Mission Board The Bohemian Mission Board was formed as part of the work of the Reverend Henry Albert Schauffler in the Bohemian community of Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of a bound volume containing minutes of board meetings. Correspondence and memoranda have been attached throughout the volume where they were introduced in the meetings. Attached at the end of the volume are copies of the original articles of incorporation, amendments to the articles, and a certification of name change. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Czech Freethinker School Association of Cleveland Records. Czech Freethinker School Association of Cleveland The Czech Freethinker School Association of Cleveland, Ohio, was founded in 1913. It operated a series of weekend and evening schools dedicated to the instruction of Czech-American children in rationalist philosophy. The collection consists of minutes of the governing board, minutes of the Association, financial ledgers, minutes of the teachers association, and miscellaneous clippings and correspondence. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT John F. Kratky Scrapbooks. Kratky, John F. John F. Kratky was the editor of Novy Svet, a Czech language newspaper published in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a close friend of Cleveland cartoonist J.H. Donahey. The collection consists of scrapbooks containing newspaper cartoons, biographical articles, and correspondence about J.H. "Hal" Donahey, material on Kratky's involvement in Czechoslovak affairs, and an autobiographical sketch by Kratky. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Maria Tuma Papers. Tuma, Maria Maria Tuma (born 1895) was an immigrant from Czechoslovakia who was active in many Cleveland, Ohio, Czech organizations, including the Czech-American National Alliance. She also lobbied for old age pensions and unemployment insurance. The collection consists of correspondence, membership lists, receipts, programs, pamphlets, broadsides, newspaper clippings and other materials relating to Mrs. Tuma's activities in various Czech organizations and in support of old age pensions and unemployment insurance. Also included is a composition book of her son, Charles Tuma. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Frank Joseph Bardoun Papers. Bardoun, Frank Joseph Frank Bardoun (1905-1988) was a prominent member of the Cleveland, Ohio, Czech community who was a leader in many local and national Czech organizations, including the Czechoslovak Society of America and the Workers Gymnastic Union (Delnicke Telecvicne Jednoty, or DTJ). The collection consists of the records of the Workers Gymnastic Union (DTJ) and of other Czech organizations, and personal papers of Frank Bardoun. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Frank Sindelar Papers. Sindelar, Frank Frank Sindelar (1861-1929) was a Czech immigrant to Cleveland, Ohio. During World War I he worked with the National Union of Czech Catholics in Chicago for the freedom of Czechoslovakia and corresponded with Fr. Oldrich Zlamal concerning efforts to unite Cleveland Czechs behind the movement. After the war he edited a Cleveland daily Czech paper, the American, and resumed his church work at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. The collection consists of correspondence, postcards, newspaper clippings, and publications. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Vaclav Snajdr Papers. Snajdr, Vaclav Vaclav Snajdr (1847-1920) was a Czech writer and journalist who moved to Racine, Wisconsin, in 1869 to edit the newspaper Slavie. He later moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he began his own paper, Pokrok, in 1873. When it failed in 1876 Snajdr remained in Cleveland and started a weekly, rationalist newspaper, Dennice Novoveku, in 1877. Later he also published a Sunday paper, Jednota. From 1883 to 1886 Snajdr published Osvobozenych, and from 1891 to 1896 he published Organ Bratsoi of the Cesko-Slovanska Podporyici Spolecnost. Snajdr sold his newspaper and publishing business to Svet Publishing Company in 1910 but remained active in local politics and business. He retired in 1919 and moved to California. The collection consists of correspondence, notes taken for Snajdr's newspaper Dennice Novoveku, legal papers, checks, receipts, tax forms, biographical material on the Snajdr family, a memorial booklet, notes on the Snajdr estate, and miscellaneous materials, including obituaries, a xeroxed copy of Pokrok, art... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Amiel Bolek Papers. Bolek, Amiel Amiel Bolek (b. 1890) son of Czech immigrants to Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of two articles: "The Economic Wheel of Life" (1937 -- 66 pp.) and "The Ethnic Peoples Contribution to the Life of Cleveland" (1976 -- 16 pp.). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Czechoslovak Society of America Records. Czechoslovak Society of America The Czechoslovak Society of America Records consist of financial records (1932-1936), including quarterly reports of various Cleveland, Ohio area lodges, bank statements, checks, receipts, check stubs, a copy of a constitution (1934) written in Czech and English, two copies of the CSBS Rules of Order (1898) in Czech, and a copy of a funeral address, also in Czech. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Bohemian-American Club Records. Bohemian-American Club The Bohemian-American Club was established in 1912 as a social club for people in Cleveland, Ohio, of Bohemian ancestry. The Club's purpose was the promotion of Bohemian culture in America by encouraging the use of the Bohemian language and art forms such as literature, song, and dance. The Club was an active supporter of the American Red Cross during World War I. It was dissolved in the 1930s due to declining membership. The collection consists of constitutions (1927-1928), general minutes (1912-1928), Executive Committee minutes (1929), correspondence (1927-1932 and undated), membership information (1926-1932), financial material (1930-1933), and miscellaneous documents including song lyrics and club stationery. A prominent topic of the records is World War I. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Czech-American Labor News, Incorporated Minutes and Financial Records. Czech-American Labor News, Incorporated The Bohemian Socialist Printing and Publishing Company was incorporated in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1911 and operated under that name until 1941 when it was reincorporated as the Czech-American Labor News, Inc. The collection consists of articles of incorporation of the Bohemian Socialist Printing and Publishing Company, and minutes of the boards of directors and financial and operational ledgers of both companies. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT United Czechoslovak Legion of America Minutes and Financial Records. United Czechoslovak Legion of America The United Czechoslovak Legion of America was a national organization formed by veterans who volunteered to fight with the Czechoslovak Legions during World War I. After the war, the Legion cared for its physically disabled veterans. The National Invalid Collection was a local organization affiliated with the Legion whose purpose was to care for wounded and disabled soldiers in Cleveland, Ohio. Reverend Oldrich Zlamal was a prominent member. The collection consists of minutes, special minutes from a 1929 meeting in Detroit, a volunteer ledger from the campaign of 1917, an annual report (1926), financial ledgers, cashiers books, account books, copies of the official newspaper Czechoslovensky Legionar, correspondence, and other materials. Also included are minutes and financial records of the National Invalid Collection (1923-1933). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Czech Socialist Organizations' Records. Various The collection consists of the records of several Czech socialist organizations in Cleveland, Ohio, including the Czech Socialist Organization; several branch records; the Socialist Men's Organization for wards 13, 16, 17, and 18; the Worker's Council (Delnicky Rad); the Workers' Home (Delnicky Dom); the Workers' Gymnastic Association; the Czech National Council; and the Czechoslovak Army. The collection includes minutes, membership books, and ledgers. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Harry Franklin Payer Papers. Payer, Harry Franklin Harry Franklin Payer (1875-1952) was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, trial lawyer who entered Democratic Party politics. He attained the positions of assistant city solicitor under Newton D. Baker, president of the Cuyahoga County Bar Association, and Assistant Secretary of State of the United States under President Franklin Roosevelt. He was also active in Cleveland's Czech community and in the Alumni Association of Western Reserve University. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, cards, programs, drawings, speeches, articles, lists and school records. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Anton F. Machan Family Papers. Machan, Anton F. Family Anton Machan was a Czech immigrant to Cleveland, Ohio, who became a leader in the Czech community, music director of the Hlahol, La Salle and Krivan Singing societies, and a successful proprietor of his own music school. His son Leon was a pianist with the Cleveland Orchestra and a cellist with the Bohemian and Cleveland String Quartets. His other son, Benjamin, was a pianist with the Chicago Opera and the Chautauqua Circuit. His daughters Berthe and Antoinette were music instructors. The collection consists of music written by Machan, his copy books and address book, and material relating to other family members, including handwritten manuscripts, printed music, copy books, an address book, a scrapbook, a family genealogy and correspondence. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jan Amos Komensky Hall Records. Jan Amos Komensky Hall The Jan Amos Komensky Hall was a meeting hall located at 3613 East 131st Street, in Cleveland, Ohio. It was built in 1915 to provide meeting facilities for the Czech population of the Corlett Avenue area of Cleveland, and was named after the Bohemian educator, Jan Amos Komensky. It was sold in 1976. The collection consists of minutes (1966-1976), ledgers (1921-1976), and anniversary correspondence (1965) of the Hall's Patronat (representative governing board); bylaws (1921 and 1928), minutes (1927-1941 and 1956-1968), and ledgers (1921-1962) of the Czech Freethinkers' School Association, or Sdruzeni Ceskych Svobodomyslnych Skol; and miscellaneous records (1941-1952) of the Freethinker School Parents Association, or Rodicovskeho Sdruzeni Skoly Jan Amos Komensky. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT West Side D.T.J. Club Records. West Side D.T.J. Club The West Side D.T.J. was a Cleveland, Ohio, neighborhood branch of the Workers Gymnastic Union (Delnicke Telecvicne Jednoty), a Czech socialist sokol organization established in Cleveland in 1909. The West Side Branch was created in 1926 as an English-speaking unit for second generation Czechs, evolving into a social and cultural organization before it dissolved in 1978. The collection consists of minutes, 1926-1978, and certificates and miscellaneous materials removed from the minute books. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Fern Long Papers. Long, Fern Fern Long was the Deputy Director of the Cleveland Public Library and was active in organizations for women and the elderly. Of Czech descent, Long retained a strong interest in the Cleveland, Ohio, Czech-American community. The collection consists of congratulatory messages; correspondence; International Women's Year files; book reviews; speech texts; publications; and scrapbooks. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Frank Hruby, Sr. Family Papers. Hruby Family The Hruby family was one of the most prominent musical families in Cleveland, Ohio, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In 1883 clarinetist Frank Hruby, Sr. (IV) arrived in Cleveland from Cehnice, Bohemia (now Czech Republic). Frank IV organized and played in many local musical groups, including the Great Western Band, Lakeside, Ohio, summer orchestra, and the Euclid Opera House. He and his wife Katerina had seven children who all became musicians, and who all taught at the Hruby Conservatory of Music, which was located at Broadway Avenue and East 55th Street in Cleveland. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, event programs, family history documents, financial documents, maps, scrapbooks, sheet music, tour itineraries, and travel journals. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Frank Hruby, Sr. Family Photographs. Hruby Family Frank Hruby Sr. (1856-1812) was the founder and patriarch of one of Cleveland, Ohio's leading musical families. A native of Bohemia, he traveled throughout Europe as a musician and conductor before settling in 1884 in Cleveland, where he organized the Great Western Band in 1889. His eight children all became musicians, including several who became members of the Cleveland Orchestra. In 1916, two of his children, Frank (V) and Fred, founded the Hruby Conservatory of Music in Cleveland. The collection consists of 400 mostly black and white photographs, 280 slides, 100 negatives, and 20 sound recordings (17 records, one cassette, and one reel-to-reel tape). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Anton Zverina Family Papers. Zverina, Anton Family The Anton Zverina family was established in Cleveland, Ohio, by Antonin Zverina and his wife Kristina Kletecka Zverina, who immigrated to Cleveland from Bohemia in 1874. Their son, Anton Zverina, owned a grocery store in the Broadway area and pioneered the processing of chicory root as an ingredient in coffee blends and as a coffee substitute. He built a chicory factory on Blanche Ave. in Cleveland, and later added a rye flour mill and a Bohemian rye bread bakery. The collection consists of a family history, genealogical data, writings by family members, receipts, and newspaper clippings. Also included is a detailed description of a trip around the world taken by Rosamond Zverina, daughter of Anton. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Frank Hruby, Sr. Papers. Hruby, Frank Sr. Frank Hruby Sr. (1856-1912) was the founder and patriarch of one of Cleveland, Ohio's leading musical families. A native of Bohemia, he traveled throughout Europe as a musician and conductor before settling in 1884 in Cleveland, where he organized the Great Western Band in 1889. His eight children all became musicians, including several who became members of the Cleveland Orchestra. In 1916, two of his children, Frank (V) and Fred, founded the Hruby Conservatory of Music in Cleveland. The collection consists of fifteen booklets containing handwritten and printed musical arrangements for woodwinds and percussion, including variations of a Frank Hruby (IV) arrangement of "Lifes' Journey O'er." Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT