720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f156-subject=Deeds -- Ohio.);f156-subject%3DDeeds%20--%20Ohio. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f156-subject=Deeds -- Ohio. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Irad Kelley Papers. Kelley, Irad Irad Kelley )1791-1875) was a merchant, postmaster, real estate investor, and politician, of Cleveland, Ohio. He and his brother, Datus, owned Kelley's Island in Lake Erie. The collection consists of correspondence, land deeds and leases, financial accounts and receipts, business papers, insurance policies, and newspaper clippings. Includes postmaster's record book (1818-1829), cashbook (1831-1874), and scrapbook (1860s). Correspondents include: John W. Allen, Elisha Whittlesey, Millard Fillmore, and Alfred, Datus and Edwin Kelley. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Oviatt Family Papers. Oviatt Family Benjamin Oviatt, from Litchfield, Connecticut, was one of the original settlers of Hudson, Ohio. His brother, Heman, dealt in land in Cuyahoga, Medina, Portage, and Summit counties while a resident of Hudson, Richfield, and Cleveland, Ohio. Schuyler R. Oviatt was Treasurer of Summit County in the 1870s. The collection consists of deeds, agreements, financial papers, and certificates of Benjamin, Heman, Elizabeth, Orson, Marvin, Nathaniel, and Schuyler R. Oviatt. Includes a report of the Summit County Treasurer (1876), a catalogue of books in the Richfield Sunday School (1835), the constitution of the Academic Institution of Richfield and a list of subscribers (1847), papers relating to the Congregational Church of Richfield (1835-1858), and notes on the history of Richfield. Also includes several letters from the abolitionist, John Brown. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Nathan Starr Papers. Starr, Nathan Nathan Starr (1784-1852) was a sword and gun manufacturer, of Middletown, Connecticut, after whom the village of Western Star, in Summit County, Ohio, was named. The collection consists of correspondence relating to shipment of gun stocks from the Port of Black River in 1827, and the construction of Western Starr Seminary near Wadsworth, Ohio; and, deeds and lists of lands in Cuyahoga, Medina, and Summit Counties, Ohio, released or sold by Starr. Correspondents include John W. Allen, Dudley Griswold, and Alfred Kelley. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jonathan Trumbull Papers. Trumbull, Jonathan Jonathan Trumbull (1740-1809) was a Revolutionary soldier, governor of Connecticut, United States congressman and senator. The collection consists of correspondence, land deeds and agreements, powers of attorney, and other papers, chiefly relating to the Ohio Company. Correspondents include Samuel H. Parsons, Jonas Prentiss, Rufus Putnam, and Nathaniel Williams. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Simon Perkins Papers. Perkins, Simon Simon Perkins (1771-1844) was a surveyor, soldier, and banker, of Ohio. The collection consists of correspondence, land agreements, promissory notes, powers of attorney, deeds, field books, surveys, financial accounts, receipts, ledgers, daybooks, and other papers, relating to Perkins' career as surveyor and land agent for the Erie Land Company. Includes account books and business papers of Henry B., Jacob, Jacob B., and Joseph Perkins. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Daniel Kerr Family Papers. Kerr, Daniel Family Daniel Kerr was an early settler and Justice of the Peace of Mentor Township, Ohio. His son, Levi, was a trustee and incorporator of the Case School of Applied Sciences in Cleveland, and a cousin of its founder, Leonard Case, Jr. The collection consists of correspondence, court documents, financial materials, land agreements, a notebook, and miscellany. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Peter M. and Horace P. Weddell Papers. Weddell, Peter M. and Horace P. Peter M. Weddell (1788-1847) was a merchant and and Horace P. Weddell (1823-1914) was a banker of Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of land deeds and agreements, financial notes and accounts, and other papers relating to business interests of Weddell and his son, Horace Perry Weddell, including the merchandising firm of P.M. Weddell & Company, the Cleveland hotel Weddell House, and land interests in Cleveland and Newark, Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT