720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f156-subject=Architects and builders -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f156-subject%3DArchitects%20and%20builders%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f156-subject=Architects and builders -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Ratner Family Papers. Ratner Family The Ratner (formerly Ratowczer) family has been prominent in the Cleveland, Ohio, area since the mid-twentieth century. The family immigrated to the United States in 1920 and settled in Cleveland in 1921. Leonard Ratner began his business career by opening two creameries in the Glenville neighborhood. He then formed the Buckeye Material Company in 1924, later merging it with his brother Charlie's business, Forest City Material Company, in 1929, to form the B & F Building Company, a major builder of prefabricated homes in the east side suburbs. The family consolidated their business interests into Forest City Enterprises, Inc. in 1960. Leonard Ratner married Lillian Bernstein in 1924 and had two children: Ruth Ratner Miller and Albert B. Ratner. Leonard Ratner held many important positions on community boards during his lifetime, including the positions of honorary life trustee at the Jewish Welfare Federation, the Jewish Community Federation, and Mount Sinai Hospital. His children were also heavily involved i... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT