720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f141-subject=Cleveland (Ohio). Mayor (1912-1915 : Baker));f141-subject%3DCleveland%20(Ohio).%20Mayor%20(1912-1915%20%3A%20Baker) Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f141-subject=Cleveland (Ohio). Mayor (1912-1915 : Baker) Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Baker, Newton Diehl (1871-1937), 1932-1976. Cleveland Plain Dealer (Firm), The Cleveland press., New York Times (Firm), Cleveland News Company. Miscellaneous materials relating to Newton D. Baker, including: 1. various newspaper clippings from the Cleveland Press, Cleveland Plain Dealer, NY Times, Baltimore & Ohio Magazine, and Cleveland News, 2. patent for a "suction cleaner tool" (Apr. 7, 1936), 3. copy of the speech "American Ideals Advanced by the League to Enforce Peace" made by Newton D. Baker, 4. pamphlets for the election and re-election of Newton D. Baker as mayor of Cleveland, 5. programs for a memorial service for Newton D. Baker (Jan. 30, 1938), and 6. copy of the speech "Democracy and Peace Movements" made by Newton D. Baker (Mar. 28, 1932) Fri, 01 Jan 1932 12:00:00 GMT