720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f14-subject=Indians of North America -- Northwest, Old);f14-subject%3DIndians%20of%20North%20America%20--%20Northwest,%20Old Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f14-subject=Indians of North America -- Northwest, Old Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Indian tribes of the upper Mississippi Valley and region of the Great Lakes as described by Nicolas Perrot, French commandant in the Northwest; Bacquevile de la Potherie, French royal commissioner to Canada; Morrell Marston, American Army officer; and Thomas Forsyth, United States agent at Fort Armstrong. Blair, Emma Helen, d. 1911, Perrot, Nicolas, 1644-1718, Bacqueville de La Potherie, (Claude-Charles Le Roy)M. de, 1668-1738, Marston, Morrell, 1785-1831, Forsyth, Thomas, 1771-1833, Radin, Paul, 1883-1959, Robertson, Gertrude M. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT George Croghan's journal of his trip to Detroit in 1767: with his correspondence relating thereto ; now published for the first time from the papers of General Thomas Gage in the William L. Clements Library. Croghan, George, d. 1782, Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787, Peckham, Howard Henry, 1910-, William L. Clements Library Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Letter book of the Indian agency at Fort Wayne, 1809-1815. United States Bureau of Indian Affairs. Fort Wayne Agency., Thornbrough, Gayle, Johnston, John, 1775-1861, Stickney, Benjamin Franklin, 1775-1857 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT A discourse on the aborigines of the Ohio Valley: in which the opinions of its conquest in the seventeenth century, by the Iroquois or Six Nations, supported by Cadwallader Colden...Gov. Thomas Pownall...Dr. Benjamin Franklin...Hon. De Witt Clinton...and Judge John Haywood...are examined and contested; to which are prefixed some remarks on the study of history. Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Indian customs and early recollections. Baird, Elizabeth Thâeráese Fisher, 1810-1890 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Discourse delivered before the Historical Society of Michigan. Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT The location of the Indian tribes in the North-West Territory at the date of its organization. Peet, Stephen D. (Stephen Denison), 1831-1914 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Col. Bradstreet's misfortunes on Lake Erie in 1764. Whittlesey, Charles, 1808-1886, Western Reserve Historical Society publication Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Discourse delivered before the Historical Society of Michigan. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT A discourse delivered on the anniversary of the Historical Society of Michigan: June 4, 1830. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT The aborigines of the Northwest: a glance into the remote past. Terry, Frank Taylor. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Defence of General Cass: Speech of Hon. R. McClelland, of Michigan, in the House of Representatives, Staturday, July 1, 1848, on the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill. McClelland, Rober, 1807-1880 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Life and letters of Samuel Holden Parsons: major-general in the Continental Army and chief judge of the Northwestern Territory, 1737-1789. Hall, Charles S. (Charles Samuel), b. 1827 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT A discourse on the aborigines of the valley of the Ohio: in which the opinions of the conquest of that valley by the Iroquois, or Six nations, in the seventeenth century, supported by Cadwallader Colden, Governor Pownal, Dr. Franklin, the Hon. De Witt Clinton and Judge Haywood, are examined and contested ; to which are prefixed some remarks on the study of history. Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Lieut. James Gorrell's journal: Commencing at Detroit, September 8th, 1761, and ending at Montreal, August 13th, 1763, containing an account of several councils held with the Indians;--also, showing the villainy used by the Canadians to corrupt the Indians, and excite them against the English, with a brief account of the number and strength of the Indians, and their commerce in that quarter. Gorrell, James. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Narrative of the journey of Col. Thomas Proctor, to the Indians of the North-west. 1791. Proctor, Thomas, 1739-1806 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Sketches of Indian chiefs and pioneers of the North-west. Shaw, John, 1783-1871 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Warrior of peace: a sketch of the principal events in the life of Tarhe, the Crane, chief of the Wyandot Indians of Ohio, and Grand Sachem of all the tribes north of the Ohio River : prepared for the completion of an independent studies project in history at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Frain, Roger D. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Committee consisting of Mr. Pettit, Mr. Lee, Mr. Pinckney, Mr. Henry and Mr. Smith, to whom was referred the letter from the War Office with the papers enclosed containing intelligence of the hostile intentions of the Indians in the Western coun[try] having reported. United States Continental Congress., United States Laws, etc. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT The discovery and conquests of the Northwest: including the early history of Chicago, Detroit, Vincennes, St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, Prairie du Chien, Marietta, Cincinnati, Cleveland, etc., etc., and incidents of pioneer life in the region of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley. Blanchard, Rufus, 1821-1904, Haines, Elijah M. (Elijah Middlebrook), 1822-1889 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT History of Fort Wayne, from the earliest known accounts of this point, to the present period: embracing an extended view of the aboriginal tribes of the Northwest, including, more especially, the Miamies ... with a sketch of the life of General Anthony Wayne ; including also a lengthy biography of the late Hon. Samuel Hanna together with short sketches of the early pioneer settlers of Fort Wayne ; also an account of the manufacturing, mercantile, and railroad interests of Fort Wayne and vicinity. Brice, Wallace A. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Tour of the American lakes, and among the Indians of the North-west territory, in 1830: disclosing the character and prospects of the Indian race. Colton, Calvin, 1789-1857 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Life among the Indians; or, Personal reminiscences and historical incidents illustrative of Indian life and character. Finley, James B. (James Bradley), 1781-1856, Clark, David Wasgatt, 1812-1871 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Life among the Indians, or, Personal reminiscences and historical incidents illustrative of Indian life and character. Finley, James B. (James Bradley), 1781-1856, Clark, D. W. (Davis Wasgatt), 1812-1871 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Life among the Indians: or, Personal reminiscences and historical incidents illustrative of Indian life and character. Finley, James B. (James Bradley), 1781-1856 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT A narrative of an embassy to the western Indians: from the original manuscript of Hendrick Aupaumut, with prefatory remarks by Dr. B.H. Coates. Aupaumut, HendrickStockbridge Indian Chief, 1757?-1830, Coates, Benjamin Hornor, 1797-1881 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Historical and scientific sketches of Michigan. Historical Society of Michigan (1828) Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of passing events, facts, and opinions, A.D. 1812 to A.D. 1842. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Ohio country between the years 1783 and 1815: including military operations that twice saved to the United States the country west of the Alleghany Mountains after the revolutionary war. Slocum, Charles Elihu, 1841-1915 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT History of the state of Ohio. Taylor, James W. (James Wickes), 1819-1893 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Native Americans and early settlers: the meeting of cultures, 1780's-1980's. Shriver, Phillip R. (Phillip Raymond), 1922-, Mercer County Historical Society Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Ohio annals: historic events in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum valleys, and in other portions of the state of Ohio : adventures of Post, Heckewelder and Zeisberger : legends and traditions of the Kophs, Mound builders, red and white men : adventures of Putnam and Heckewelder, founders of the state : local history, growth of Ohio in population, political power, wealth and intelligence. Mitchener, C. H. (Charles Hallowell), Tuscarawas Co. Genealogical Society Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT The Ohio gateway. Crouse, David E. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Miscellanies, by an officer: (Colonel Arent Schuyler De Peyster, B. A.), 1774-1813, part I. With an appendix, explanatory notes, &c., &c., &c. Original letters of Col. De Peyster, Brig. Gen. Sir John Johnson, bart: Col. Guy Johnson, and others from 1776 to 1813, never before published. Also discovery of De Peyster Iislands in the Pacific Ocean; part II. Biographical sketches and historical memoirs, especially public and military, of the De Peyster, Watts, and affiliated families, since their settlement in the present United States. De Peyster, Arent Schuyler, 1736-1822, De Peyster, J. Watts (John Watts), 1821-1907, De La Vergne, Earl W. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT A short biography of John Leith: with a brief account of his life among the Indians. Leeth, John, 1755-1832, Butterfield, Consul Willshire, 1824-1899 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT A short biography of John Leeth: with an account of his life among the Indians. Leeth, John, 1755-1832, Jeffries, Ewel., Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 1853-1913 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Ohio annals: Historic events in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum Valleys, and in other portions of the state of Ohio ; Adventures of Post, Heckewelder and Zeisberger ; legends and traditions of the Kophs, Mound builders, red and white men ; Adventures of Putnam and Heckewelder, founders of the state ; Local history, growth of Ohio in population, political power, wealth and intelligence. Mitchener, C. H. (Charles Hallowell) Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Harrison-Tarhe peace conference. Taylor, Edward Livingston, 1839-1910 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT Harrison-Tarhe peace conference. Taylor, Edward Livingston, 1839-1910 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT