720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f139-subject=Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f139-subject%3DOrthodox%20Judaism%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f139-subject=Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Beth Hamedrosh Anshe Galicia Congregation Records. Beth Hamedrosh Anshe Galicia Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Anshe Galicia Congregation was established in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1899 as the Erster Galizianer Unterstutzungs Verein (First Galician Aid Society). It was incorporated in 1924 as Beth Hamedrosh Anshe Galicia. The name was changed to Sinai Synagogue in 1956. The collection consists of minute books of meetings, minute books of the Galician Sisterhood and the Gmiles Chesed, a notebook of the Society of Prayer, a memorial record book, financial and dues record books, a cemetery record book, and membership lists. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Shomrei Hadath Congregation Records. Shomrei Hadath Congregation Shomrei Hadath Congregation was the last Orthodox synagogue within Cleveland, Ohio, city limits. It was founded by Hungarian Jews in 1923. It merged with Young Israel Congregation in 1973. The collection consists of minutes, financial records, a constitution, Burial Society (Chevra Kadisha) records, legal papers, publications, and newspaper clippings. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Sherith Israel Congregation Records. Sherith Israel Congregation The Sherith Israel Congregation was organized in 1922 in Cleveland, Ohio. It merged with Sherith Jacob Congregation of Cleveland Heights in 1962 to form Sherith Jacob Israel. In 1970 it was merged into Warrensville Center Synagogue. The collection consists of minute books, income and expense ledgers, and membership and dues records books. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Tetiever Ahavath Achim Anshe Sfard Congregation Records. Tetiever Ahavath Achim Anshe Sfard Congregation Tetiever Ahavath Achim Anshe Sfard Congregation was an Orthodox Jewish congregation founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1910 by immigrants from Tetiev, Russia. It merged into the Warrensville Center Synagogue in 1959. The collection consists of a minute book, two yahrzeit (memorial) record books, and a 35th anniversary program book. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Kneseth Israel Records. Kneseth Israel Kneseth Israel was an Orthodox Jewish congregation founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1887. It merged into the Taylor Road Synagogue in Cleveland Heights in 1955. The collection consists of minutes of the congregation and of its burial society, and various financial papers. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Taylor Road Synagogue Records. Taylor Road Synagogue Taylor Road Synagogue is the largest Orthodox congregation in Cleveland, Ohio, and is also known as Oheb Zedek Congregation. It was formed in the early 1950s by the merger of Oheb Zedek, Chibas Jerusalem, Agudas Bʻnai Israel, Agudas Achim, Shaaray Torah and Knesseth Israel congregations. The collection consists of ledgers and account books of Shaaray Torah Congregation (1919-1959), a membership ledger of Chibas Jerusalem Congregation (1930-1932), and financial statements, a general fund ledger and journal, invoices for paid bills, and receipts for dues and donations of Taylor Road Synagogue (1946-1968). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Green Road Synagogue Records. Green Road Synagogue The Anshe Marmarosher Congregation was founded in 1910 by Orthodox Jews from Marmaresh Sziget, Hungary who emigrated to Cleveland, Ohio. It later changed its name to the Marmarosher Jewish Center. The Heights Jewish Center, also Orthodox, was organized in 1923. The two congregations merged in 1971 and took the name Green Road Synagogue. The collection consists of a constitution, Board minutes, membership records, religious school records, social and fundraising materials, and financial records of the Marmarosher Jewish Center and the Green Road Synagogue, and files of the Heights Jewish Center, including constitutions and material relating to the merger with the Marmarosher Jewish Center. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Yeshivath Adath B'nai Israel Records. Yeshivath Adath B'nai Israel Yeshivath Adath B'nai Israel was incorporated in 1917 as an Orthodox afternoon Hebrew school in Cleveland, Ohio. It later merged with the Oheb Zedek School (1948), the Torah Institute of the Telshe Yeshivath (1949), and the Kinsman, Marmarosher, and Heights Jewish Centers in 1951, 1956 and 1958 respectively. The collection consists of minutes, reports, correspondence, constitution, articles of incorporation, teacher and student records, budgets, tax and payroll records, ledgers, insurance and membership records, yearbooks, and records of other Hebrew schools, Yeshivath Adath B'nai Israel branches, and institutions associated with Yeshivath Adath B'nai Israel, such as the Bureau of Jewish Education and the Jewish Community Federation. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Rabbi Israel Porath Papers. Porath, Israel Israel Porath was an Orthodox rabbi who served the Cleveland, Ohio, congregations of Oheb Zedek, Neveh Zedek and Heights Jewish Center. He compiled an eight volume study of the Talmud entitled, Mevo ha-Talmud. The collection consists of personal, professional and business correspondence, handwritten notes for talks, lectures and sermons, and published and unpublished articles by and about Israel Porath. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Sinai Synagogue Records. Sinai Synagogue Sinai Synagogue is an Orthodox Jewish congregation founded in 1899 in Cleveland, Ohio, as the First Galician Aid Society to provide support to Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Galicia, Poland. The society was replaced in 1924 by Beth Hamedrosh Anshe Galicia congregation, and in 1956 was renamed Sinai Synagogue. The collection consists of bulletins, minutes, applications, certificates, correspondence, ledgers, lists, prayers, and programs. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Taylor Road Synagogue Records and Photographs, Series II. Taylor Road Synagogue Oheb Zedek Congregation (Taylor Road Synagogue) was founded in 1904. The congregation incorporated five other small to medium-sized Orthodox congregations in the early 1950s. The congregation was founded by Hungarian Jews who in 1905 purchased property at E. 38th and Scovill and began building a synagogue which was completed in September of that year. By 1915 the congregation operated a branch in Glenville near 107th and Superior for those members who had moved. A new synagogue was dedicated at Parkwood and Morison streets in Glenville in August of 1922, replacing the branch at 107th and Superior. Since approximately half the membership lived in Cleveland Heights by 1950, a branch was established there on Taylor Road. In 1952 Oheb Zedek merged with Chibas Jerusalem, located on Parkwood Drive in Glenville, to form the 500-member Taylor Road Synagogue. In 1953 the Parkwood property was sold and in 1955 the synagogue on Taylor Road was dedicated. During that two-year period from 1953 to 1955, Taylor... Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT Shubert Spero Papers. Spero, Shubert Shubert Spero (b. 1923) was the Rabbi of Young Israel of Cleveland, Ohio, Co-Chairman of the Orthodox Rabbinical Council of Cleveland, and trustee of the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland. He and his wife, Iris, emigrated to Israel in 1983. The collection consists of correspondence, subject files, minutes, reports, publications, a scrapbook, and newsletters from Young Israel of Cleveland, the Rabbi's Record from Berkowitz-Kumin Funeral Home, and records from the Orthodox Rabbinical Council of Cleveland, its Rabbinical Court (Beth Din), and the Jewish Community Federation's Kashruth Board. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Sherith Jacob Congregation Records. Sherith Jacob Congregation Sherith Jacob Congregation is an Orthodox Jewish congregation founded by Hungarian immigrants in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1899. Served by Rabbi Julius Klein from its founding until 1917, Sherith Jacob was without a rabbi until 1922, when Ormond Klein served the congregation until 1926. In 1928, Hugo H. Klein, whose maternal grandfather was Rabbi Julius Klein, became rabbi. The congregation was located at various sites in Cleveland until 1944, when it moved into a new building at Eddy Rd. and Arlington Ave. By the early 1960s, the congregation sold the Eddy Rd. building and rented facilities in the Cleveland Heights-South Euclid area. In 1962 it merged with Sherith Israel to become Sherith Jacob Israel. In 1970, it was absorbed into Kehillat Yaakov, Warrensville Center Synagogue. The collection consists of congregational correspondence, a constitution, legal documents, minutes of congregational meetings, financial statements, publications, and correspondence of Rabbi Hugo Klein. Of particular note are letters docu... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT West Side Jewish Center. West Side Jewish Center The West Side Jewish Center was organized in Cleveland, Ohio, as B'nai Israel by ten Orthodox Jewish families in 1910, the second Jewish congregation founded on the west side of Cleveland. A small house was purchased at 1794 West 30th Street in 1912. In 1918, a former church building at West 25th Street and Bridge Avenue was acquired. In 1926, a new synagogue was constructed at 1791 West 57th Street, but was lost through foreclosure about 1937. Services were held in various rented quarters until 1940, when a small house was purchased at 4101 John Avenue. During the 1940s and 1950s membership averaged 55 families. A new building was occupied at 14308 Triskett Road in 1957, when the Center was merged with Beth Israel-The West Temple. By 1919, the congregation had become Conservative. With the 1957 merger with Beth Israel, the Center became part of the Reform movement. A school was also operated by the Center until 1944. The collection consists of board of trustee minutes, bulletins, newspaper clippings, interv... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Rabbi Israel Porath Papers, Series II. Porath, Israel Rabbi Israel Porath was a leader among Cleveland, Ohio's Orthodox Jewish rabbis for nearly five decades. He served as rabbi of Oheb Zedek congregation for fourteen years. He next served six years as rabbi of another Cleveland congregation, Nvai Zedek. In 1945 he accepted the position of dean of the Salanter Yeshiva in New York City, but returned with a year to Cleveland to become rabbi of the Heights Jewish Center, where he remained until his retirement in 1972. Porath was the founder and chairman of the Orthodox Rabbinical Council and served on the boards of the Bureau of Jewish Education, the Jewish Welfare Federation, the Jewish Community Council, and the B'nai B'rith. His major scholarly contribution was Mavo Ha-Talmud (Outline of the Talmud), published in seven volumes from 1941-1960. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, personal records such as a naturalization application and a Brazilian visa, talks and sermons, as well as copyrights and notes for Mavo Ha-Talmud. The collect... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Heights Jewish Center Records. Heights Jewish Ceneter The Heights Jewish Center, founded in 1923, was the first synagogue to be established in the Cleveland, Ohio eastern suburbs. Israel Porath served as rabbi from 1946 to 1972. During his tenure, the congregation merged with several other Orthodox synagogues. The collection consists of legal records presumably collected by its onetime president and legal counsel, Charles C. Goldman. It includes merger proposals and agreements with Beth Hakneseth Anshe Grodno Gubernium Shome Shaboth, Shaarey Torah Congregation, and Oheb Zedek Congregation, as well as legal documents created when its various buildings were purchased, sold and remodeled. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Fuchs Mizrachi School Records. Fuchs Mizrachi School Fuchs Mizrachi School is an Orthodox Jewish day school, preschool through grade 12, located in University Heights, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. The school, founded in 1983 as Bet Sefer Mizrachi of Cleveland, was renamed Fuchs Bet Sefer Mizrachi in 1994 in honor of benefactors Susan and Leonard Fuchs; in 1999 it was renamed Fuchs Mizrachi School. It was established by a group of Zionist Orthodox Jewish friends, all with young children. Its curriculum included political and religious Zionism, Orthodox Judaism, modern Hebrew, and secular studies. After 8 years of renting space at Taylor Road Synagogue and Taylor Academy in Cleveland Heights and at Northwood Elementary School in University Heights, the school purchased the former Northwood Elementary School in 1994. The collection consists of minutes, newsletters, yearbooks, and scrapbooks. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ohab Zedek Congregation Records. Ohab Zedek Congregation Ohab Zedek Congregation was an Orthodox Jewish congregation founded ca. 1884 and located near the Harvard-Broadway area of Cleveland, Ohio, in what had been Newburgh Village, Ohio, before its annexation to Cleveland in 1873. The congregation was housed at various locations in this neighborhood until 1909, when they moved into their own building on Homestead Ave. In 1895 the congregation acquired a section of the Lansing Cemetery, located at Lansing Ave. and East 58th St. Isolated from the centers of major Jewish settlement in Cleveland, and sustained by only a small local Jewish population, Ohab Zedek struggled during the Depression to survive. In 1933, the congregation sold its synagogue. In 1976, an elderly surviving member of Ohab Zedek arranged with Heights Jewish Center to undertake custodianship of the Ohab Zedek section of the Lansing Cemetery. The collection consists of two interment record scrolls (ca. 1920s) which provide a diagram of the location of the grave sites of the section of the Lansing Ce... Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Warrensville Center Synagogue Records. Warrensville Center Synagogue The Warrensville Center Synagogue, an Orthodox Jewish congregation in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, was established in 1959 as a result of a merger between three smaller synagogues, the Tetiever Ahavath Achim Anshe Sfard Congregation, the Kinsman Jewish Center, and Congregation Nvai Zedek. In 1970, Sherith Jacob Israel, the Eddy Road Jewish Center-Memorial Synagogue joined Warrensville Center. This congregation was itself a merger of Sherith Jacob and Sherith Israel of Mount Pleasant congregations. In 1972, Shaker-Lee Congregation was absorbed by the Warrensville Center Synagogue. Shaker-Lee Congregation was the result of a previous merger of Ohel Jacob, Ohel Yavne, and Tifereth Israel (not to be confused with The Temple-Tifereth Israel, a Reform congregation) congregations. The collection consists of organizational documents, membership lists, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and program brochures. Included is the card file (1950-1989) of funerals of congregants maintained by Rabbi Jacob Muskin, leader of the K... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Congregation Oer Chodosh Anshe Sfard Records. Congregation Oer Chodosh Anshe Sfard Congregation Oer Chodosh Anshe Sfard was an Orthodox Jewish synagogue founded in 1894 in Cleveland, Ohio by a group of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants. The founding rabbi was Benjamin Gittelsohn. In 1919 the congregation split into three congregations; Oer Chodosh Anshe Sfard, Ahavath Zion, and Ohel Jacob Anshe Sfard. In 1952, Congregation Oer Chodosh Anshe Sfard built a synagogue in University Heights, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. The congregation dissolved in the late 1990s. The collection consists of cemetery records, financial ledgers and statements, membership listings, and some administrative and program files. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT