720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f137-subject=Ford, David K., 1894-1993.);f137-subject%3DFord,%20David%20K.,%201894-1993. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f137-subject=Ford, David K., 1894-1993. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Abington Foundation Records. Abington Foundation The Abington Foundation (f. 1983) was created by David Knight Ford (1894-1993) and Elizabeth Kingsley Ford (1896-1990) to support organizations, generally in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, dedicated to promoting education, health care, economic independence, and cultural activities. The foundation's grant-making philosophy was devised by Mr. Ford and his four sons who comprised the original board of trustees. Each funding area had a particular focus. The educational focus is pre-primary through higher education, and thus the foundation has supported a vast array of educational institutions and programs such as Early Childhood Options of University City, museums (e.g. Cleveland Museum of Natural History), historical societies (e.g. Moreland Hills Historical Society, and the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad) and universities, including Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland State University Foundation, Inc. The foundation's healthcare focus is on geriatrics and nursing with grants going to the Eliza Bryant Center... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT David K. Ford Family Papers. Ford, David K. Family The Ford family were prominent lawyers, philanthropists, and businessmen of Cleveland, Ohio, during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The collection consists of genealogies, biographical sketches, correspondence, diaries, journals, account books, appointment books, ledgers, stock certificates, minutes, leases, articles of incorporation, wills, deeds, corporate inventories, maps, newspaper and magazine clippings, tax assessments and returns, diplomas, certificates, military orders, and discharge papers. Material is included on several banking institutions, including Garfield Savings Bank, The Western Reserve Trust Company, Metropolitan National Savings Bank, and the East End Savings and Trust Company. Material on Ford family involvement in the construction and management of the Williamson Building is included, as is family involvement in other real estate enterprises, including The New Amsterdam Company, One Euclid Company, and the Ford McCaslin Company. Involvement in various legal firms by H. Clark, H... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT