720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f135-subject=Women -- Alcohol use -- Prevention.);f135-subject%3DWomen%20--%20Alcohol%20use%20--%20Prevention. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f135-subject=Women -- Alcohol use -- Prevention. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT WomenSpace Records. WomenSpace WomenSpace was an organization designed to bring together existing women's organizations in the Cleveland, Ohio area to promote women's advocacy and to allay duplication of services and events. Founded in the mid-1970s, WomenSpace opened its first center in the Cleveland Metro Y.W.C.A. under the leadership of President Roberta Steinbacher and Executive Director Jane Campbell. WomenSpace promoted and held numerous events, including the Women at Work Exposition, Women in Skilled Employment program, Women and Alcohol Project, and Domestic Violence Outreach Project. A drop in membership and decreased funding resulted in WomenSpace closing its doors on April 26, 1995. The collection consists of agendas, annual reports, balance sheets, brochures, budgets, by-laws, contact records, contracts, correspondence, financial statements, grant proposals, lists, magazine articles, manuals, memoranda, minutes, newsletters, newspaper clippings, notes, press releases, publicity material, reports, research, resource material,... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT