720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f135-subject=Ohio -- Description and travel.);f135-subject%3DOhio%20--%20Description%20and%20travel. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f135-subject=Ohio -- Description and travel. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Jervis Cutler Notebook. Cutler, Jervis The collection consists of one notebook of descriptions by Jervis Cutler (1768-1844) of the Louisiana bayou country, including Indian life, the rivers, and the settlements; of the state of Ohio and its early settlements; and of other regions along the Mississippi River Valley. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Amelia Converse Papers. Converse, Amelia Amelia Converse was a resident of Parkman, Ohio, and daughter of John Phelps Converse. The collection consists of personal letters to Miss Converse from friends and relatives, and diaries (1839-1869), containing descriptions of travels in Ohio and conditions in asylums there. Correspondents include Martha Converse, Mary M. Farwell, and Francis Parkman. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Christopher Cowan Papers. Cowan, Christopher Christopher Cowan (1780-1835) was a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, industrialist who built the city's first rolling mill. He was the son-in-law of Major Abraham Kirkpatrick, Revolutionary War soldier and one of Pittsburgh's early pioneers. The collection consists of correspondence, agreements, powers of attorney, and other papers, concerning the estate of Abraham Kirkpatrick and the disposal of land in Ohio's Virginia Military District. Includes an unsigned letter to Col. John Neville, Woodville, Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania 1784, containing entries made while the writer traveled through the area of southern Ohio, with a sketch showing rivers, names of settlements, and Indian camps. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Bartholomew Brown Notebook. Brown, Bartholomew Bartholomew Brown's (1772-1854) family records consist of an account of Brown's visit to his daughter, Harriett, and his travels through the Western Reserve, including visits to Cleveland, Chagrin Falls, Warren, and Ravenna, Ohio, undated; and copies of sermons delivered by Rev. James Flint in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, 1820-1821. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Diary. Anonymous The collection consists of a diary of an anonymous resident of Edinburgh, Portage County, Ohio, who spent much time in Canfield. Contains mostly meteorological data, with mentions of trips from Cleveland to the Ohio River (1823-25), to Newcastle, Pennsylvania (1826), and to Columbus, Ohio (1831 and 1832). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT James Patterson Henderson Papers. Henderson, James Patterson James Patterson Henderson was a Newville, Ohio, physician who studied at Jefferson College (now Washington and Jefferson) in Washington, Pennsylvania. The collection consists of correspondence, school papers and essays, speeches, financial receipts, and other writings including a journal of a trip around Ohio in 1835. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Travel Journal. Anonymous The collection consists of a travel journal detailing a trip made by an anonymous young man from Boston, Massachusetts, to Zanesville, Ohio, September 1-29, 1829. The traveler stopped for commencement at Brown University, then proceeded through New York state, visiting prisons at Sing Sing and Auburn, staying with Cyrus Howard, a farmer in Morrisville, New York, and visiting Niagra Falls. He continued on to visit Cleveland, Canton, Zoar and Zanesville, Ohio, providing a detailed description of the communal settlement at Zoar. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder Diaries. Heckewelder, John gottlieb Ernestus John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder (1743-1823) was a Moravian missionary who worked to Christianize Indians in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Heckewelder, David Zeisberger, and Christian Delaware Indians migrated from Pennsylvania to the Ohio territory and laid out Schoenbrunn ("Beautiful Spring") in 1772 along the Tuscarawas River. They also founded Gnadenhutten ("Tents of Grace") further downstream, where nearly 100 Christian Indians were murdered by whites in 1782. The collection consists of a diary kept while journeying with Sarah and Anna Heckewelder from the "Cayahoga river" to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, October 5-Nov.ember 15, 1786; diary kept while journeying with Abraham Steiner from Bethlehem to Pettiquotting near the Huron River and Lake Erie, and back to Bethlehem, April 17-June 20, 1789; and a church history of the Moravians, undated. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Henry Newberry Notebooks. Newberry, Henry The collection consists of a detailed account of a trip made by Henry Newberry from Windsor, Connecticut, to the Western Reserve. Includes a list of lands laid out to various persons in Windsor, Connecticut, in 1733. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Asa Emerson Family Papers. Emerson, Asa Family In 1821 Asa Emerson and his family settled in the area that is now Parma Heights, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. Family members have included a post master, a President of Cleveland City Council, and many teachers, ministers, and businessmen. The collection consists of correspondence (1831-1939), genealogies and histories of the Emerson and Gale families, clippings on early Cleveland history, a travel diary of Leslie Emerson, and miscellaneous documents. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Grace Goulder Izant Papers. Izant, Grace Goulder Grace Goulder Izant (d. 1984) was a Cleveland, Ohio, journalist, writer and local historian. Izant's series, "Ohio scenes and citizens", appeared weekly in the Sunday Plain Dealer, 1944-1969, and led to her book of the same title. She also wrote "This is Ohio", a collection of anecdotes for each of Ohio's counties, "John D. Rockefeller: the Cleveland years", and "Hudson's heritage", a history of Hudson, Ohio. The collection consists of research files used in her writings, including correspondence, pamphlets, and clippings relating to places, people and events in Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Joseph Badger Papers. Badger, Joseph Joseph Badger (1757-1846) was the first missionary to settle in the Western Reserve (Ohio). The collection consists of copies of the sermons (1825-1841) delivered by the Rev. Badger, mostly in Gustavus, Trumbull County, Ohio, and several pages from his diary concerning the building of a schoolhouse (1823) and a trip through Shawnee Indian country to Wapakoneta, Ohio, with observations on Indian customs. Includes four sermons delivered by Rev. Isaac Van Tassel (1831-1848). Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Ohio Story Scripts. Ohio Story The Ohio Story was a series of brief radio and television programs sponsored by Ohio Bell Telephone Company focusing on various aspects of Ohio history and culture. The collection consists of 76 scripts highlighting Ohio's history, biography, education, entertainment, pioneer life, and many other aspects of Ohio life. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jonathan Law Diary. Law, Jonathan Jonathan Law was a resident of Cheshire, Connecticut, and the son of William Law, an early owner of land in the Western Reserve. The collection consists of a diary kept on a trip through the Western Reserve, including visits to Burton, Cleveland, Chillicothe, Painesville, Poland, and Warren, Ohio, and other cities between the Reserve and his home in Cheshire, Connecticut. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Hudson Family Papers. Hudson Family David Hudson, Sr. (1761-1836) was the founder of Hudson, Ohio and a member of the party which came from Litchfield, Connecticut to survey and organize Hudson in 1799. He returned in 1800 with a colonizing party which included his family. David Jr. and Anner Mary were two of his children. The collection consists of David Hudson, Sr.'s journal and account book (1799-1801), which describes the surveying party's trip from Connecticut to Hudson, Ohio and Hudson's return trip; ten of David Hudson, Jr.'s journals (1820-1836) describing farm life in early Hudson, Ohio; and Anner Mary Hudson Baldwin's recipe book (1830). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ethelinda Griswold Rice Free Family Papers. Free, Ethelinda Griswold Rice Family Ethelinda Griswold Rice Free, daughter of Joseph and Juliet Boalt Rice of Ohio, spent most of her life gathering materials related to her family's history. She was descended from prominent families in the Western Reserve and New England. The collection consists of correspondence between members of the Free, Rice, Hulburt, Boalt and Griswold families, diaries, journals, financial and legal materials, genealogical materials, memorabilia, published and unpublished writings, newspaper clippings and materials from relatives in the Butler, Caldwell, Fisk, Hall, Hubbard, Lane, Moss and Warner families. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT