720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f131-subject=Wade family -- Periodicals.);f131-subject%3DWade%20family%20--%20Periodicals. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f131-subject=Wade family -- Periodicals. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Randall Palmer Wade Travel Journals. Wade, Randall Palmer Randall Palmer Wade (1835-1876) was the son of Jeptha Homer Wade (1811-1890). He worked in the Cleveland, Ohio, office of the family telegraph company. He and his wife, Anna R. McGraw, had two children, Jeptha Homer, Jr. and Alice L. The collection consists of three handwritten journals describing the experiences of the Wade family during a fourteen month European trip, June 1870 to September 1871. Topics covered include architecture, landscape, social classes and customs, and the Franco-Prussian war. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Wade Family Papers. Wade Family Benjamin F. Wade, an Ashtabula County, Ohio, lawyer and zealous abolitionist, was one of the foremost Radical Republican United States Senators of the American Civil War. Wade demanded that Lincoln make the war a crusade to free the slaves, and he led the charge to keep control of Reconstruction in the hands of Congress. His family, descended from Jonathan Wade, a 1632 immigrant to Massachusetts, was one of the most prominent families of Ashtabula County during the 19th century. The first of the family to settle in Ashtabula County was James Wade, father of Benjamin, who arrived there in the 1820s. The collection consists of correspondence, wedding invitations, genealogy notes, newspaper clippings, and a freight receipt. The collection pertains to the views of Radical Republicans during the early stages of the Civil War. Caroline Wade's letter strongly expresses her (and probably her husband's) negative views of President Abraham Lincoln and General George B. McClellan. The genealogical material is also us... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jeptha Homer Wade Family Papers. Wade, Jeptha Homer Family The Wade family was a prominent nineteenth and early twentieth century Cleveland, Ohio, family with business interests in the telegraph and railroad industries, mining, manufacturing, and banking. Jeptha Homer Wade spent his early life as an apprentice to a tanner and as a carpenter. He next turned his interest to the emerging telegraph industry. In 1849, he organized the Cleveland and Cincinnati Telegraph Company. In 1857, Wade moved to Cleveland as the Western Union Telegraph Company's first general agent. His business interests were extensive in Cleveland, including the Cleveland Rolling Mill Company and the Citizens Savings and Loan Association. Randall Palmer Wade worked with his father in the telegraph business, moving with him to Cleveland in 1857. His business interests included the Cuyahoga Mining Company; the Citizens Savings and Loan Association; the Cleveland Banking Company; the American Sheet and Boiler Plate Company, and the Chicago and Atchison Bridge Company. Jeptha Homer Wade II also worked ... Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Donald McBride Family Papers. McBride, Donald Family Donald McBride was a lawyer and businessman and son of John Harris McBride, owner of Root & McBride Company, a leading wholesale dry goods establishment in Cleveland, Ohio. Donald's brothers, Malcolm and Herbert, were officers in Root & McBride Company. His sister Grace was married to Dr. George Crile, and his sister Edith was married to Henry S. Sherman, chairman of Society for Savings, 1903-1936. Donald's wife, Mary Helen Harman McBride, was daughter of industrialist Ralph A. Harman, who ran Cleveland Forge and Iron Company, was a founder of Cleveland Trust Company, and a director of Cleveland Electric Railway Company. Mary Helen's sister Grace was married to Samuel Livingston Mather, and her sister Sue was married to diplomat John Pelenyi. Her great aunt, Grace Harman Wade, was married to Jeptha H. Wade. The collection consists of Harman and McBride family correspondence, genealogies, coats of arms, reminiscences, memorials, school reports, scrapbooks, ledgers, journals, diaries, newspaper clippings, obit... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT